This section lists the functions and properties common to all types of GUI control. Each individual control type (Button, ListBox, etc) also has its own specific section.
(Formerly known as GetGUIObjectAt
, which is now obsolete)
static GUIControl* GUIControl.GetAtScreenXY(int x, int y)
Checks whether there is a GUI control at screen co-ordinates (X,Y). Returns the control object if there is, or null if there is not. You probably want to use this in conjunction with GetGUIAtLocation.
GUIControl *theControl = GUIControl.GetAtScreenXY(mouse.x, mouse.y);
if (theControl == lstSaveGames) {
Display("The mouse is over the Save Games list box.");
else if (theControl == null) {
Display("The mouse is not over a control.");
else {
GUI *onGui = theControl.OwningGUI;
Display("The mouse is over control %d on GUI %d.", theControl.ID, onGui.ID);
will display what control the mouse is over.
See also: GUI.GetAtScreenXY
static GUIControl* GUIControl.GetByName(string scriptName)
Returns a pointer to the GUI control with the specified script name, or null if it does not exist.
Normally you do not need to use this, as there will be a automatically created global script variable for each control which got a script name. Where GetByName() function may come useful is situation in which you a) do not know exact name, b) had to store object's reference in a string for some reason. Good examples of this are saving object's name in a custom property, or a file, then reading it back.
function ReadAndUpdateGUIControl() {
File *input = File.Open("$SAVEGAMEDIR$/guicontrol_info.dat", eFileRead);
if (input == null) {
Display("Error opening file.");
String controlName = input.ReadStringBack();
int controlX = input.ReadInt();
int controlY = input.ReadInt();
GUIControl *controlToUpdate = GUIControl.GetByName(controlName);
if (controlToUpdate != null) {
controlToUpdate.SetPosition(controlX, controlY);
Display("GUI control '%s' updated.", controlName);
} else {
Display("GUI control '%s' not found.", controlName);
This is an example of a function to read the control information from a file previously created by AGS. The file contains the name of a control and it's position, the function reads it and updates the control.
Compatibility: Supported by AGS 3.6.1 and later versions.
See also: GUIControl.ScriptName
, GUIControl.SetPosition
Button* GUIControl.AsButton;
InvWindow* GUIControl.AsInvWindow;
Label* GUIControl.AsLabel;
ListBox* GUIControl.AsListBox;
Slider* GUIControl.AsSlider;
TextBox* GUIControl.AsTextBox;
Converts a generic GUIControl* pointer into a variable of the correct type, and returns it. If the control is not of the requested type, returns null.
Button *theButton = gIconbar.Controls[2].AsButton;
if (theButton == null) {
Display("Control 2 is not a button!!!!");
else {
theButton.NormalGraphic = 44;
attempts to set Button 2 on GUI ICONBAR to have NormalGraphic 44, but if that control is not a button, prints a message.
See also: GUI.Controls
Brings this control to the front of the Z-order. This allows you to rearrange the display order of controls within the GUI.
Applies To
Inherited by the Button, InvWindow, Label, ListBox, Slider and TextBox.
will move the btnBigButton button to be in front of all other controls on the GUI.
See also: GUIControl.SendToBack
bool GUIControl.Clickable
Gets/sets whether the GUI control is clickable.
This property determines whether the player can click the mouse on the control. If it is set to false, then any mouse clicks will go straight through the control onto whatever is behind it. Unlike the Enabled property though, setting Clickable to false does not alter the appearance of the control.
Note that disabling the control by setting Enabled to false overrides this setting -- that is, if Enabled is false then the control will not be clickable, regardless of the Clickable setting.
Also, bear in mind that if you set Clickable to false then any mouse clicks will go through the control onto whatever is behind. On the other hand, if Enabled is set to false then the control "absorbs" the mouse click but does not do anything with it.
Applies To
Inherited by the Button, InvWindow, Label, ListBox, Slider and TextBox.
btnSaveGame.Clickable = false;
will make the btnSaveGame button non-clickable.
See also: GUIControl.Enabled
(Formerly known as SetGUIObjectEnabled
, which is now obsolete)
bool GUIControl.Enabled
Enables or disables a GUI control.
Normally, all your GUI controls (such as buttons, sliders, etc) are enabled at all times except during a cutscene, when they are disabled. This command allows you to explicitly disable a control at your script's discretion.
If you set this to true, the control will be enabled; set to false to disable it.
Whether you set it as enabled or not, it will always be disabled during a blocking cutscene, along with all the other controls.
While a control is disabled, it will not respond to mouse clicks. If it is a button, its mouseover and pushed pictures will not be shown. The control will be drawn according to the game "When GUI Disabled" settings, as usual.
Applies To
Inherited by the Button, InvWindow, Label, ListBox, Slider and TextBox.
btnSaveGame.Enabled = false;
will disable the btnSaveGame button.
See also: GUIControl.Clickable
int GUIControl.Height;
Gets/sets the height of the GUI control. This allows you to dynamically resize GUI controls while the game is running.
Applies To
Inherited by the Button, InvWindow, Label, ListBox, Slider and TextBox.
btnConfirm.Height = 20;
makes the btnConfirm button 20 pixels high.
See also: GUIControl.SetSize
readonly int GUIControl.ID
Gets the GUI control's ID number. This is the control's object number from the GUI editor, and is useful if you need to interoperate with legacy code that uses the control's number rather than object name.
Applies To
Inherited by the Button, InvWindow, Label, ListBox, Slider and TextBox.
SetGUIObjectEnabled(lstSaves.OwningGUI.ID, lstSaves.ID, 1);
lstSaves.Enabled = false;
uses the obsolete SetGUIObjectEnabled function to enable the lstSaves list box, and then uses the equivalent modern property to disable it.
See also: GUIControl.OwningGUI
readonly GUI* GUIControl.OwningGUI
Gets the GUI control's owning GUI, which is the GUI that contains the control.
Returns a GUI, which allows you to use all the usual GUI functions and properties.
Applies To
Inherited by the Button, InvWindow, Label, ListBox, Slider and TextBox.
GUI *thegui = lstSaves.OwningGUI;
thegui.Visible = false;
lstSaves.OwningGUI.Visible = true;
turns off the GUI that contains the lstSaves list box, then turns it on again using the niftier full pathing approach.
See also: GUIControl.ID
Sends this control to the back of the Z-order. This allows you to rearrange the display order of controls within the GUI.
Applies To
Inherited by the Button, InvWindow, Label, ListBox, Slider and TextBox.
will move the btnBigButton button to be behind all other controls on the GUI.
See also:
(Formerly known as SetGUIObjectPosition
, which is now obsolete)
GUIControl.SetPosition(int x, int y)
Moves the top-left corner of the GUI control to be at (X,Y). These co-ordinates are relative to the GUI which contains the control.
This allows you to dynamically move GUI controls around on the screen while the game is running, and this may well be useful in conjunction with GUI.SetSize if you want to create dynamically resizable GUIs.
Applies To
Inherited by the Button, InvWindow, Label, ListBox, Slider and TextBox.
btnConfirm.SetPosition(40, 10);
will move the btnConfirm button to be positioned at (40,10) within the GUI.
See also: GUIControl.Enabled
(Formerly known as SetGUIObjectSize
, which is now obsolete)
GUIControl.SetSize(int width, int height)
Adjusts the specified GUI control to have the new size WIDTH x HEIGHT.
This allows you to dynamically resize GUI controls on the screen while the game is running, and this may well be useful in conjunction with GUI.SetSize and GUIControl.SetPosition if you want to create dynamically resizable GUIs.
Applies To
Inherited by the Button, InvWindow, Label, ListBox, Slider and TextBox.
invMain.SetSize(160, 100);
will resize the invMain control to have a size of 160 x 100.
See also: GUIControl.Height
int GUIControl.Transparency
Gets/sets the GUIControl translucency, in percent.
Setting this to 100 means the GUI is totally invisible, and lower values represent varying levels of translucency. Set it to 0 to stop the GUI being translucent.
NOTE: Transparency only works in 16-bit and 32-bit color games.
Some rounding is done internally when the transparency is stored --
therefore, if you get the transparency after setting it, the value you
get back might be one out. Therefore, using a loop with
is not recommended as it will probably end
too quickly.
Compatibility: Supported by AGS 3.6.0 and later versions.
See also: GUI.Transparency
bool GUIControl.Visible
Gets/sets whether the GUI control is visible. This is true by default, but you can set it to false in order to temporarily remove the GUI control from the GUI.
While the control is invisible, it will not be drawn on the screen, and will not register clicks or otherwise respond to any user input.
Applies To
Inherited by the Button, InvWindow, Label, ListBox, Slider and TextBox.
btnSaveGame.Visible = false;
will make the btnSaveGame button invisible.
See also: GUIControl.Enabled
int GUIControl.Width;
Gets/sets the width of the GUI control. This allows you to dynamically resize GUI controls while the game is running.
Applies To
Inherited by the Button, InvWindow, Label, ListBox, Slider and TextBox.
btnConfirm.Width = 110;
makes the btnConfirm button 110 pixels wide.
See also: GUIControl.Height
int GUIControl.X;
Gets/sets the X position of the GUI control. This specifies its left edge, and is relative to the GUI which contains the control.
This allows you to dynamically move GUI controls around on their parent GUI while the game is running.
Applies To
Inherited by the Button, InvWindow, Label, ListBox, Slider and TextBox.
btnConfirm.X = 10;
will move the btnConfirm button to be positioned 10 pixels from the left of its GUI.
See also: GUIControl.SetPosition
int GUIControl.Y;
Gets/sets the Y position of the GUI control. This specifies its top edge, and is relative to the GUI which contains the control.
This allows you to dynamically move GUI controls around on their parent GUI while the game is running.
Applies To
Inherited by the Button, InvWindow, Label, ListBox, Slider and TextBox.
btnConfirm.Y = 20;
will move the btnConfirm button to be positioned 20 pixels from the top of its GUI.
See also: GUIControl.SetPosition
readonly String GUIControl.ScriptName
Gets the script name of the GUI Control, which serves as a unique identifier, as set in the AGS Editor.
This may be useful if you have a pointer to some dialog stored in your variable, and want to know what it actually is. Normally you don't need a script name, as you have an automatic global variable for each control in the game, but sometimes you may want to save its script name as a text either to display it somewhere for testing purposes, or keep as a reference. You may later use GUIControl.GetByName function to retrieve the control by the previously saved script name.
function ActivateControl(const string controlName)
GUIControl* control = GUIControl.GetByName(controlName);
if (control != null) {
control.Visible = true;
System.Log(eLogInfo, "Activated control: %s", control.ScriptName);
Activating a control by calling ActivateControl("btnOptions")
will log its script name for debugging purposes and make it visible if it exists.
Compatibility: Supported by AGS 3.6.1 and later versions.
See also: GUIControl.GetByName
, GUIControl.Visible
int GUIControl.ZOrder;
Gets/sets the control's Z-order relative to other controls within the same owning GUI. This allows you to precisely arrange the display order of controls at runtime and to know which position the control had at certain moment in time.
For AGS GUI Z-order means the order in which controls are displayed from bottom to top. That means that control at the bottom has Z-order equal to 0, and control at the top has highest Z-order, equal to (number of controls - 1).
Setting GUIControl.ZOrder = 0;
will do same thing as calling
, and setting
GUIControl.ZOrder = GUIControl.OwningGUI.ControlCount - 1;
will do
same thing as calling GUIControl.BringToFront()
If you try to set inappropriate ZOrder, the nearest acceptable one will be applied instead. This also means that two controls cannot have equal ZOrder.
Applies To
Inherited by the Button, InvWindow, Label, ListBox, Slider and TextBox.
Compatibility: Supported by AGS 3.4.0 and later versions.
See also: