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Chuck Lorenz edited this page Apr 1, 2015 · 7 revisions

Matching is a question component bundled with the Adapt framework.
The learner chooses their answer/s from one or more drop-downs. Upon submission, feedback is provided via the tutor extension, if installed. Feedback can be provided for correct, incorrect and partially correct answers.

The matching component in action.


Matching is bundled with the Adapt authoring tool. Its installation is also a part of the typical Adapt framework installation.

If Matching has been uninstalled from the Adapt framework, it may be reinstalled. With the Adapt Command Line Interface installed, run the following from the command line:
adapt install adapt-contrib-matching

Alternatively, this component can also be installed by adding the following line of code to the adapt.json file:
"adapt-contrib-matching": "*"
Then running the command:
adapt install
(This second method will reinstall all plugins listed in adapt.json.)