From 4a34306c76855f90a5e75191d7720a4585d44e17 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Mansur Besleney Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2025 15:23:00 +0300 Subject: [PATCH 1/2] added user clean up page and its permissions localization values --- .../Admin/Localization/Resources/en.json | 1340 +++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 671 insertions(+), 669 deletions(-) diff --git a/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Admin/Localization/Resources/en.json b/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Admin/Localization/Resources/en.json index ea150de47e..0f6b724ee3 100644 --- a/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Admin/Localization/Resources/en.json +++ b/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Admin/Localization/Resources/en.json @@ -1,672 +1,674 @@ { "culture": "en", - "texts": { - "Permission:Organizations": "Organizations", - "Permission:Manage": "Manage Organizations", - "Permission:DiscountRequests": "Discount Requests", - "Permission:DiscountManage": "Manage Discount Requests", - "Permission:Disable": "Disable", - "Permission:Enable": "Enable", - "Permission:EnableSendEmail": "Enable Send Email", - "Permission:SendEmail": "Send Email", - "Permission:NpmPackages": "NPM Packages", - "Permission:NugetPackages": "Nuget Packages", - "Permission:Maintenance": "Maintenance", - "Permission:Maintain": "Maintain", - "Permission:ClearCaches": "Clear caches", - "Permission:Modules": "Modules", - "Permission:Packages": "Packages", - "Permission:Edit": "Edit", - "Permission:Delete": "Delete", - "Permission:Create": "Create", - "Permission:Accounting": "Accounting", - "Permission:Accounting:Quotation": "Quotation", - "Permission:Accounting:Invoice": "Invoice", - "Permission:Export" : "Export", - "Menu:Organizations": "Organizations", - "Menu:Accounting": "Accounting", - "Menu:Packages": "Packages", - "Menu:DiscountRequests": "Discount Requests", - "NpmPackageDeletionWarningMessage": "This NPM Package will be deleted. Do you confirm that?", - "NugetPackageDeletionWarningMessage": "This Nuget Package will be deleted. Do you confirm that?", - "NuGetPackages": "NuGet Packages", - "ModuleDeletionWarningMessage": "This Module will be deleted. Do you confirm that?", - "Name": "Name", - "DisplayName": "Display name", - "ShortDescription": "Short description", - "LongDescription": "Long description", - "NameFilter": "Name", - "CreationTime": "Creation time", - "IsPro": "Pro package", - "IsFreeToActiveLicenseOwners": "Free to license owners", - "ShowOnModuleList": "Show on module list", - "EfCoreConfigureMethodName": "Configure method name", - "IsProFilter": "Pro package", - "ShowOnModuleFilter": "Show on module list", - "ShowOnModuleListFilter": "Show on module list", - "ApplicationType": "Application type", - "Target": "Target", - "TargetFilter": "Target", - "ModuleClass": "Module class", - "NugetPackageTarget.DomainShared": "Domain Shared", - "NugetPackageTarget.Domain": "Domain", - "NugetPackageTarget.Application": "Application", - "NugetPackageTarget.ApplicationContracts": "Application Contracts", - "NugetPackageTarget.HttpApi": "Http Api", - "NugetPackageTarget.HttpApiClient": "Http Api Client", - "NugetPackageTarget.Web": "Web", - "NugetPackageTarget.EntityFrameworkCore": "DeleteAllEntityFramework Core", - "NugetPackageTarget.MongoDB": "MongoDB", - "Edit": "Edit", - "Delete": "Delete", - "Refresh": "Refresh", - "NpmPackages": "NPM Packages", - "NugetPackages": "Nuget Packages", - "NpmPackageCount": "NPM Package Count", - "NugetPackageCount": "Nuget Package Count", - "NuGetPackageCount": "NuGet Package Count", - "Module": "Modules", - "ModuleInfo": "Module info", - "CreateANpmPackage": "Create a NPM package", - "CreateAModule": "Create a module", - "CreateANugetPackage": "Create a Nuget package", - "AddNew": "Add new", - "PackageAlreadyExist{0}": "\"{0}\" package is already added.", - "ModuleAlreadyExist{0}": "\"{0}\" module is already added.", - "ClearCache": "Clear cache", - "SuccessfullyCleared": "Successfully cleared", - "Menu:NpmPackages": "NPM Packages", - "Menu:Modules": "Modules", - "Menu:Maintenance": "Maintenance", - "Menu:NugetPackages": "NuGet Packages", - "CreateAnOrganization": "Create an organization", - "Organizations": "Organizations", - "LongName": "Long name", - "LicenseType": "License type", - "MissingLicenseTypeField": "The license type field is required!", - "LicenseStartTime": "License start time", - "LicenseEndTime": "License end time", - "AllowedDeveloperCount": "Allowed developer count", - "UserNameOrEmailAddress": "Username or email address", - "AddOwner": "Add owner", - "UserName": "Username", - "Email": "Email", - "Developers": "Developers", - "AddDeveloper": "Add developer", - "Create": "Create", - "UserNotFound": "User not found", - "{0}WillBeRemovedFromDevelopers": "{0} Will be removed from developers, do you confirm?", - "{0}WillBeRemovedFromOwners": "{0} Will be removed from owners, do you confirm?", - "{0}WillBeRemovedFromMembers": "{0} Will be removed from members, do you confirm?", - "Computers": "Computers", - "UniqueComputerId": "Unique computer id", - "LastSeenDate": "Last seen date", - "{0}Computer{1}WillBeRemovedFromRecords": "Computer of {0} ({1}) will be removed from records", - "OrganizationDeletionWarningMessage": "Organization will be deleted", - "DeletingLastOwnerWarningMessage": "An organization must have at least one owner! Therefore you cannot remove this owner", - "This{0}AlreadyExistInThisOrganization": "This {0} already exist in this organization", - "AreYouSureYouWantToDeleteAllComputers": "Are you sure you want to delete all computers?", - "DeleteAll": "Delete all", - "DoYouWantToCreateNewUser": "Do you want to create new user?", - "MasterModules": "Master Modules", - "OrganizationName": "Organization name", - "CreationDate": "Creation date", - "LicenseStartDate": "License start date", - "LicenseEndDate": "License end date", - "OrganizationNamePlaceholder": "Organization name...", - "TotalQuestionCountPlaceholder": "Total question count...", - "RemainingQuestionCountPlaceholder": "Remaining question count...", - "LicenseTypePlaceholder": "License type...", - "CreationDatePlaceholder": "Creation date...", - "LicenseStartDatePlaceholder": "License start date...", - "LicenseEndDatePlaceholder": "License end date...", - "UsernameOrEmail": "Username or email", - "UsernameOrEmailPlaceholder": "Username or email...", - "Member": "Member", - "PurchaseOrderNo": "Purchase order no", - "QuotationDate": "Quotation date", - "CompanyName": "Company name", - "DownloadType": "Download type", - "UserDownloads": "User Downloads", - "AcceptNewsletter": "Accept newsletter", - "CompanyAddress": "Company address", - "Price": "Price", - "Unknown": "Unknown", - "DddEBook": "Ddd EBook", - "MasteringAbpFrameworkEBook": "Mastering AbpFramework EBook", - "MicroserviceEBook": "Microservice EBook", - "DiscountText": "Discount text", - "DiscountQuantity": "Discount quantity", - "DiscountPrice": "Discount price", - "Quotation": "Quotation", - "ExtraText": "Extra Text", - "ExtraAmount": "Extra Amount", - "DownloadQuotation": "Download Quotation", - "Invoice": "Invoice", - "TaxNumber": "Tax Number", - "InvoiceNumber": "Invoice Number", - "InvoiceDate": "Invoice Date", - "InvoiceNote": "Invoice Note", - "Quantity": "Quantity", - "AddProduct": "Add Product", - "AddProductWarning": "You need to add product!", - "TotalPrice": "Total Price", - "Generate": "Generate", - "MissingQuantityField": "The quantity field is required!", - "MissingPriceField": "The Price field is required!", - "CodeUsageStatus": "Status", - "Country": "Country", - "DeveloperCount": "Developer Count", - "RequestCode": "Request Code", - "WebSite": "Web Site", - "GithubUsername": "Github Username", - "PhoneNumber": "Phone Number", - "ProjectDescription": "Project Description", - "Referrer": "Referrer", - "DiscountRequests": "Discount Request", - "Copylink": "Copy Link", - "Disable": "Disable", - "Enable": "Enable", - "EnableSendEmail": "Enable Send Email", - "SendEmail": "Send Email", - "SuccessfullyDisabled": "Successfully Disabled", - "SuccessfullyEnabled": "Successfully Enabled", - "EmailSent": "Email Sent", - "SuccessfullySent": "Successfully Sent", - "SuccessfullyDeleted": "Successfully Deleted", - "DiscountRequestDeletionWarningMessage": "Discount request will be deleted", - "BusinessType": "Business Type", - "TotalQuestionCount": "Total question count", - "RemainingQuestionCount": "Remaining question count", - "TotalQuestionMustBeGreaterWarningMessage": "TotalQuestionCount must be greater than RemainingQuestionCount !", - "QuestionCountsMustBeGreaterThanZero": "TotalQuestionCount and RemainingQuestionCount must be zero or greater than zero !", - "UnlimitedQuestionCount": "Unlimited question count", - "Notes": "Notes", - "Menu:Community": "Community", - "Menu:Posts": "Posts", - "Wait": "Wait", - "Approve": "Approve", - "Reject": "Reject", - "Details": "Details", - "Url": "Url", - "Title": "Title", - "ContentSource": "Content source", - "Status": "Status", - "ReadPost": "Read post", - "PostHasBeenWaiting": "Post has been waiting", - "PostHasBeenApproved": "Post has been approved", - "PostHasBeenRejected": "Post has been rejected", - "Permission:Community": "Community", - "Permission:CommunityPost": "Post", - "Link": "Link", - "Enum:ContentSource:0": "Github", - "Enum:ContentSource:1": "External", - "Enum:Status:0": "Waiting", - "Enum:Status:1": "Rejected", - "Enum:Status:2": "Approved", - "Summary": "Summary", - "AuthorName": "Author name", - "CoverImage": "Cover Image", - "RemoveCacheConfirmationMessage": "Are you sure you remove the cache for \"{0}\" post?", - "SuccessfullyRemoved": "Successfully cleared", - "RemoveCache": "Remove Cache", - "Language": "Language", - "Optional": "Optional", - "CreatePostLanguageInfo": "The language in which the post is written", - "Enum:ContentSource:2": "Video Post", - "VideoPreview": "Video Preview", - "VideoPreviewErrorMessage": "Given video url couldn't retrieve from Youtube. This can be caused by either video is private or the given URL is not available.", - "DeleteCoverImage": "Delete Cover Image", - "DeleteCoverImageConfirmationMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete the cover image for \"{0}\"?", - "DeleteCoverImageSuccessMessage": "Cover image successfully deleted", - "PaymentsOf": "Payments of", - "ShowPaymentsOfOrganization": "Payments", - "Date": "Date", - "Products": "Products", - "TotalAmount": "Total amount", - "Currency": "Currency", - "Gateway": "Gateway", - "State": "State", - "FailReason": "Fail reason", - "ReIndexAllPosts": "Reindex All Posts", - "ReIndexAllPostsConfirmationMessage": "Are you sure you want to reindex all posts?", - "SuccessfullyReIndexAllPosts": "All posts have been successfully reindexed.", - "Permission:FullSearch": "Full text search", - "Menu:CliAnalytics": "CLI Analytics", - "Menu:Reports": "Dynamic Reports", - "TemplateName": "Template name", - "TemplateVersion": "Template version", - "DatabaseProvider": "Database provider", - "IsTiered": "Is Tiered", - "ProjectName": "Project name", - "Username": "User name", - "Tool": "Tool", - "Command": "Command", - "UiFramework": "Ui framework", - "Options": "Options", - "CliAnalytics": "Cli Analytics", - "Reports": "Dynamic Reports", - "Permission:CliAnalyticses": "Cli Analyticses", - "Permission:CliAnalytics": "Cli Analytics", - "Permission:Reports": "Reports", - "Search": "Search", - "ClearFilter": "Clear filter", - "LicensePrivateKey": "License private key", - "LicensePublicKey": "License public key", - "ApiKey": "NuGet API key", - "ShowInvoiceRequestsOfOrganization": "Invoice requests", - "ShowQuestionsOfOrganization": "Questions", - "Question": "Question", - "Open": "Open", - "Questions": "Questions", - "InvoiceRequests": "Invoice Requests", - "Address": "Address", - "TaxNo": "Tax No", - "Permission:InvoiceRequest": "Invoice Request", - "Permission:Question": "Question", - "AddNoteSuccessMessage": "Note successfully added", - "NameSurname": "Name Surname", - "Note": "Note", - "Add": "Add", - "ProjectDownloads": "Project Downloads", - "ShowProjectDownloadsOfOrganization": "Project Downloads", - "ShowAuditLogsOfOrganization": "Audit Logs", - "Enum:EntityChangeType:0": "Created", - "Enum:EntityChangeType:1": "Updated", - "Enum:EntityChangeType:2": "Deleted", - "TenantId": "Tenant ID", - "ChangeTime": "Change time", - "EntityTypeFullName": "Entity type full name", - "AuditLogsFor{0}Organization": "Audit logs for \"{0}\" organization", - "Permission:EntityChange": "Entity Change", - "Permission:ProjectDownload": "Project Download", - "Permission:PaymentRequest": "Payment Request", - "CreatorEmailAddress": "Creator email address", - "EmailSendDate": "Email send date", - "PaymentRequestsFor{0}Organization": "Payment requests for \"{0}\" organization", - "PaymentDetails": "Payment Details", - "PaymentProduct": "Payment Product", - "ProductName": "Product Name", - "Code": "Code", - "GenerateInvoice": "Generate Invoice", - "ExportOrganizationsToExcel": "Export to Excel", - "ThisExtensionIsNotAllowed": "This extension is not allowed.", - "TheFileIsTooLarge": "The file is too large!", - "PostDeletionConfirmationMessage": "Are you sure you want to hard delete this post?", - "ChooseCoverImage": "Choose a cover image...", - "Menu:Quotation": "Quotation", - "Menu:Invoice": "Invoice", - "Menu:Quotation/Invoice": "Quotation/Invoice", - "Menu:UserDownloads": "User Downloads", - "Menu:PaymentRequests": "Payment Requests", - "Permission:PaymentRequests": "Payment Requests", - "PaymentRequests": "Payment Requests", - "Creator": "Creator", - "ExtraProperties": "Extra Properties", - "Organization": "Organization", - "Waiting": "Waiting", - "Completed": "Completed", - "Failed": "Failed", - "PaymentRequestDeletionWarningMessage": "This payment request will be deleted. Do you confirm that?", - "Payment": "Payment", - "AddPayment": "Add Payment", - "Enum:PurchaseType:1": "New License", - "Enum:PurchaseType:2": "License Extend", - "Enum:PurchaseType:3": "License Upgrade", - "Enum:PurchaseType:4": "Additional Developer", - "LicenceType": "License Type", - "PurchaseType": "Purchase Type", - "ReceiptNo": "Receipt No", - "PaymentTime": "Payment Time", - "ProductPrice": "Product Price", - "AdditionalDeveloper": "Additional developer", - "ThisPaymentHasBeenAlreadyUsed": "This payment has been already used", - "PaymentTimeCannotBeFutureTime": "Payment time cannot be a future time!", - "SaveAndDownload": "Save and Download", - "BillingInfo": "Billing Info", - "DeleteInvoice": "Delete Invoice", - "PaymentStateSetTo": "Payment state set to {0}", - "ChangeState": "Change State", - "Permission:TrialLicense": "Trial License", - "Menu:TrialLicenses": "Trial Licenses", - "TrialLicenses": "Trial Licenses", - "UserNameFilter": "Username", - "TrialLicenseStatusFilter": "Status", - "TrialLicenseStartDateFilter": "Start date", - "TrialLicenseEndDateFilter": "End date", - "FirstName": "First name", - "LastName": "Last name", - "StartDate": "Start date", - "EndDate": "End date", - "PurchasedDate": "Purchased date", - "OrganizationDetail": "Organization Detail", - "TrialLicenseStatus": "Trial license status", - "TrialLicenseDetail": "Trial License Detail", - "AcceptsMarketingCommunications": "Marketing Communications", - "PurposeOfUsage": "Purpose of usage", - "CountryName": "Country name", - "CompanySize": "Company size", - "DetailTrialLicense": "Details", - "Requested": "Requested", - "Activated": "Activated", - "PurchasedToNormalLicense": "Purchased", - "Expired": "Expired", - "TrialLicenseDeletionWarningMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete the trial license? Trial license, organization, support accounts will be deleted!", - "LicenseCategoryFilter": "License category", - "Permission:SendWelcomeEmail": "Send Welcome Email", - "SendWelcomeEmail": "Send Welcome Email", - "SendWelcomeEmailWarningMessage": "Are you sure you want to send welcome email to the organization members?", - "SendWelcomeEmailSuccessMessage": "Welcome email sent successfully!", - "Activate": "Activate", - "ActivateTrialLicenseWarningMessage": " When you activate a trial license, a welcome e-mail will be sent to the user. Do you want to activate it?", - "ActivateTrialLicenseSuccessMessage": "Activated successfully and the welcome e-mail sent to the organization members.", - "PaymentRequestId": "Payment Request Id", - "AdditionalDeveloperCount": "Additional developer count", - "LicensePrice": "License price", - "PurchaseDate": "Purchase date", - "IsAbpBookDownloaded": "Mastering ABP Book downloaded?", - "IsMasteringAbpBookDownloadEnabled": "ABP Book download enabled", - "Permission:Accounting:CustomPaymentLinkGenerator": "Custom Payment Link", - "CustomPaymentLink": "Custom Payment Link", - "Menu:CustomPaymentLink": "Custom Payment Link", - "Amount": "Amount", - "GenerateCustomPaymentLink": "Generate Custom Payment Link", - "GeneratedPaymentLink": "Generated Payment Link", - "CopyText": "Copy Text", - "Permission:CommunityEvents": "Events", - "Menu:Events": "Events", - "Events": "Events", - "EventType": "Event Type", - "Number": "Number", - "RegistrationURL": "Registration URL", - "URL": "URL", - "EventDeletionConfirmationMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete this event?", - "Enum:EventType:0": "Community Talks", - "CreateAnEvent": "Create an event", - "Permission:CommunitySpeakers": "Speakers", - "CreateASpeaker": "Create a speaker", - "Speakers": "Speakers", - "Image": "Image", - "GithubURL": "Github URL", - "SpeakerDeletionConfirmationMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete this speaker?", - "Menu:Speakers": "Speakers", - "ChooseSpeakerImage": "Choose a speaker image...", - "SpeakerImage": "Speaker image", - "AddSpeaker": "Add Speaker", - "ShowPurchaseItemsOfOrganizations": "Purchase Items", - "Enum:OrganizationPurchaseState:0": "Not delivered", - "Enum:OrganizationPurchaseState:1": "Delivered", - "PurchaseItems": "Purchase Items", - "SuccessfullyUpdated": "Successfully updated", - "SuccessfullyAdded": "Successfully added", - "PurchaseState": "Purchase status", - "ShowBetweenDayCount": "Show Between Days", - "PurchaseOrder": "Purchase Order", - "ShowCreateInvoiceOfOrganization": "Create Invoice", - "ShowCreateQuotationOfOrganization": "Create Quotation/Invoice", - "BookDiscounts": "Book Discounts", - "Permission:BookDiscount": "Book Discount", - "Menu:BookDiscounts": "Book Discounts", - "BookType": "Book Type", - "PurchasePlatform": "Purchase Platform", - "StartTime": "Start Time", - "EndTime": "End Time", - "CreateABookDiscount": "Create a book discount", - "BookDiscountDeletionConfirmationMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete this book discount?", - "CustomPaymentFlexSwitchDescription": "With license", - "AllowFeatureUpgradeOnLicenseExpire": "Allow feature upgrade on license expire", - "Deleted{0}": "[Deleted {0}]", - "Tags": "Tags", - "SetTagsInfo": "Tags should be comma-separated. Eg: CSharp, Entity Framework", - "RejectTrialLicenseWarningMessage": "Are you sure you want to reject this trial license request?", - "ExportToExcel": "Export to Excel", - "OverallTotalPrice": "Overall Total Price", - "OverallDiscountPrice": "Overall Discount Price", - "OverallDiscountText": "Overall Discount Text", - "SelectReport": "- Select Report -", - "NoDataAvailable": "No data available", - "StatisticsOfCachedContents": "Statistics of cached NuGet package contents for", - "Compact": "Compact", - "EditSettings": "Edit Settings", - "CurrentEstimatedSize": "Current Estimated Size", - "CurrentEntryCount": "Current Entry Count", - "TotalHits": "Total Hits", - "TotalMisses": "Total Misses", - "NoResponseFrom": "No response from", - "ContentCacheSlidingExpirationByDay": "Content Cache Sliding Expiration By Day", - "MaxDaysForCaching": "Max Days For Caching", - "Enabled": "Enabled", - "Menu:NugetPackagesContentCache": "NuGet Cache", - "NugetPackagesContentCache": "NuGet Content Cache", - "SlidingExpritionByDayInfo": "Gets or sets how long a cache entry can be inactive (e.g. not accessed) before it will be removed. This will not extend the entry lifetime beyond the absolute expiration.", - "MaxDaysForCachingInfo": "Gets or sets an absolute expiration time, relative to now.", - "CurrentEstimatedSizeInfo": "Indicates an estimated sum of all the NuGet packages' content size currently in the memory cache", - "CurrentEntryCountInfo": "Indicates the number of instances currently in the memory cache.", - "TotalHitsInfo": "Indicates the total number of cache misses. A cache hit occurs when a file is requested from a cache and the cache is able to fulfill that request.", - "TotalMissesInfo": "Indicates the total number of cache hits. A cache miss is when the cache does not contain the requested content.", - "Permission:VersionHistory": "Version History", - "Caches": "Caches", - "VersionHistories": "Version History", - "Version": "Version", - "PublishDate": "Publish Date", - "IsStableVersion": "Stable Version", - "IsActive": "Active", - "NewVersion": "New Version", - "VersionHistoryDeletionConfirmationMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete this version?", - "CreateAbpConsultantLogoInfo": "Maximum file size: 1MB
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Do you want to continue?", - "UnitPrice": "Unit Price", - "OverallDiscountAmount": "Overall Discount Amount", - "DiscountAmount": "Discount Amount", - "FullChangeHistory": "Full Change History", - "Permission:RefreshReleaseLogs": "Refresh Release Logs", - "ReleaseLogs": "Release Logs", - "AuthorUserName": "Author User Name", - "Type": "Type", - "TotalDiscount": "Total Discount", - "SubTotal": "Sub Total", - "TotalDue": "Total Due", - "QuotationNo": "Quotation no", - "ValidTill": "Valid till", - "QuotationNote": "Quotation note", - "QuotationTemplate.Address:": "Address:", - "QuotationTemplate.VATNo:": "VAT No:", - "QuotationTemplate.Phone:": "Phone:", - "QuotationTemplate.E-mail:": "E-mail:", - "QuotationTemplate.Quotation": "Quotation", - "QuotationTemplate.To": "To", - "QuotationTemplate.Details": "Details", - "QuotationTemplate.QuotationNo:": "Quotation #:", - "QuotationTemplate.IssueDate:": "Issue Date:", - "QuotationTemplate.ValidTill:": "Valid Till:", - "QuotationTemplate.ValidDays": "{0} Days", - 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Please remove credit card first!", - "DisplayName:DontSendEmailForLicenseExpire": "Don't Send Email For License Expire", - "DontSendEmailForLicenseExpire": "Don't Send Email For License Expire", - "SuccessfullyChanged": "Successfully changed", - "WinnerCountMustBeLessThanMaxWinnerCount": "Winner count must be less than max winner count", - "NoChangesDetected": "No changes detected", - "ProductCount": "Product Count", - "Actions": "Actions", - "CreateInvoice": "Create Invoice", - "IsVisible": "Visible", - "Menu:Testimonials": "Testimonials", - "TestimonialDeletionConfirmationMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete this testimonial ?", - "FullName": "Full name", - "TestimonialText": "Testimonial text", - "ExperienceYear": "Experience year", - "Position": "Title", - "YearsOfExperience": "Experience year", - "AllowedLicenses": "Allowed Licenses", - "AllowedModules": "Allowed Modules", - "ModuleName": "Module name", - "NonYet": "Non yet", - "Permission:Testimonials": "Testimonials", - "SelectCompanySizePlaceholder": "Company Size", - "SelectExperienceYearPlaceholder": "Experience year", - "SelectCountryPlaceholder": "Country", - "DeleteImageConfirmationMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete the image for \"{0}\"?", - "DeleteImageSuccessMessage": "Image successfully deleted", - "DeleteImage": "Delete Image", - "NetTerms": "Terms (Days)", - "Menu:DynamicReports": "Dynamic Reports", - "Menu:Others": "Others", - "Menu:Packs&Modules": "Packs & Modules", - "ReleaseCaches": "Release Cache", - "Menu:HeroSections": "Hero Sections", - "HeroSections": "Hero Sections", - "DynamicReports": "Dynamic Reports", - "Menu:ReportsMenu": "Reports", - "Permission:HeroSections": "Hero Sections", - "RedirectLink": "Redirect link", - "HeroSectionsDeletionConfirmationMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete the hero section?", - "AbpStudioName": "ABP Studio name", - "Permission:EditAttendees": "Edit Attendees", - "AttendeesCount": "Attendees Count", - "CreateQRCode": "Create QR Code", - "DrawTV": "Public draw on the TV", - "DrawModal": "Private draw on the modal", - "SetAsDrawable": "Set as drawable", - "SetAsNoDrawable": "Set as non-drawable", - "SetAsCompleted": "Set as completed", - "RemoveAllWinners": "Remove all winners", - "EditWinners": "Edit winners", - "EditAttendees": "Edit attendees", - "ExportAttendeesAsExcel": "Export attendees as Excel", - "DuplicateRaffle": "Duplicate raffle", - "Menu:RedisManagement": "Redis Management", - "RedisManagement": "Redis Management", - "Permission:RedisManagement": "Redis Management" - } + "texts": { + "Permission:Organizations": "Organizations", + "Permission:Manage": "Manage Organizations", + "Permission:DiscountRequests": "Discount Requests", + "Permission:DiscountManage": "Manage Discount Requests", + "Permission:Disable": "Disable", + "Permission:Enable": "Enable", + "Permission:EnableSendEmail": "Enable Send Email", + "Permission:SendEmail": "Send Email", + "Permission:NpmPackages": "NPM Packages", + "Permission:NugetPackages": "Nuget Packages", + "Permission:Maintenance": "Maintenance", + "Permission:Maintain": "Maintain", + "Permission:ClearCaches": "Clear caches", + "Permission:UserCleanUp": "User Clean Up", + "Permission:Modules": "Modules", + "Permission:Packages": "Packages", + "Permission:Edit": "Edit", + "Permission:Delete": "Delete", + "Permission:Create": "Create", + "Permission:Accounting": "Accounting", + "Permission:Accounting:Quotation": "Quotation", + "Permission:Accounting:Invoice": "Invoice", + "Permission:Export": "Export", + "Menu:Organizations": "Organizations", + "Menu:Accounting": "Accounting", + "Menu:Packages": "Packages", + "Menu:DiscountRequests": "Discount Requests", + "NpmPackageDeletionWarningMessage": "This NPM Package will be deleted. Do you confirm that?", + "NugetPackageDeletionWarningMessage": "This Nuget Package will be deleted. Do you confirm that?", + "NuGetPackages": "NuGet Packages", + "ModuleDeletionWarningMessage": "This Module will be deleted. Do you confirm that?", + "Name": "Name", + "DisplayName": "Display name", + "ShortDescription": "Short description", + "LongDescription": "Long description", + "NameFilter": "Name", + "CreationTime": "Creation time", + "IsPro": "Pro package", + "IsFreeToActiveLicenseOwners": "Free to license owners", + "ShowOnModuleList": "Show on module list", + "EfCoreConfigureMethodName": "Configure method name", + "IsProFilter": "Pro package", + "ShowOnModuleFilter": "Show on module list", + "ShowOnModuleListFilter": "Show on module list", + "ApplicationType": "Application type", + "Target": "Target", + "TargetFilter": "Target", + "ModuleClass": "Module class", + "NugetPackageTarget.DomainShared": "Domain Shared", + "NugetPackageTarget.Domain": "Domain", + "NugetPackageTarget.Application": "Application", + "NugetPackageTarget.ApplicationContracts": "Application Contracts", + "NugetPackageTarget.HttpApi": "Http Api", + "NugetPackageTarget.HttpApiClient": "Http Api Client", + "NugetPackageTarget.Web": "Web", + "NugetPackageTarget.EntityFrameworkCore": "DeleteAllEntityFramework Core", + "NugetPackageTarget.MongoDB": "MongoDB", + "Edit": "Edit", + "Delete": "Delete", + "Refresh": "Refresh", + "NpmPackages": "NPM Packages", + "NugetPackages": "Nuget Packages", + "NpmPackageCount": "NPM Package Count", + "NugetPackageCount": "Nuget Package Count", + "NuGetPackageCount": "NuGet Package Count", + "Module": "Modules", + "ModuleInfo": "Module info", + "CreateANpmPackage": "Create a NPM package", + "CreateAModule": "Create a module", + "CreateANugetPackage": "Create a Nuget package", + "AddNew": "Add new", + "PackageAlreadyExist{0}": "\"{0}\" package is already added.", + "ModuleAlreadyExist{0}": "\"{0}\" module is already added.", + "ClearCache": "Clear cache", + "SuccessfullyCleared": "Successfully cleared", + "Menu:NpmPackages": "NPM Packages", + "Menu:Modules": "Modules", + "Menu:Maintenance": "Maintenance", + "Menu:NugetPackages": "NuGet Packages", + "CreateAnOrganization": "Create an organization", + "Organizations": "Organizations", + "LongName": "Long name", + "LicenseType": "License type", + "MissingLicenseTypeField": "The license type field is required!", + "LicenseStartTime": "License start time", + "LicenseEndTime": "License end time", + "AllowedDeveloperCount": "Allowed developer count", + "UserNameOrEmailAddress": "Username or email address", + "AddOwner": "Add owner", + "UserName": "Username", + "Email": "Email", + "Developers": "Developers", + "AddDeveloper": "Add developer", + "Create": "Create", + "UserNotFound": "User not found", + "{0}WillBeRemovedFromDevelopers": "{0} Will be removed from developers, do you confirm?", + "{0}WillBeRemovedFromOwners": "{0} Will be removed from owners, do you confirm?", + "{0}WillBeRemovedFromMembers": "{0} Will be removed from members, do you confirm?", + "Computers": "Computers", + "UniqueComputerId": "Unique computer id", + "LastSeenDate": "Last seen date", + "{0}Computer{1}WillBeRemovedFromRecords": "Computer of {0} ({1}) will be removed from records", + "OrganizationDeletionWarningMessage": "Organization will be deleted", + "DeletingLastOwnerWarningMessage": "An organization must have at least one owner! Therefore you cannot remove this owner", + "This{0}AlreadyExistInThisOrganization": "This {0} already exist in this organization", + "AreYouSureYouWantToDeleteAllComputers": "Are you sure you want to delete all computers?", + "DeleteAll": "Delete all", + "DoYouWantToCreateNewUser": "Do you want to create new user?", + "MasterModules": "Master Modules", + "OrganizationName": "Organization name", + "CreationDate": "Creation date", + "LicenseStartDate": "License start date", + "LicenseEndDate": "License end date", + "OrganizationNamePlaceholder": "Organization name...", + "TotalQuestionCountPlaceholder": "Total question count...", + "RemainingQuestionCountPlaceholder": "Remaining question count...", + "LicenseTypePlaceholder": "License type...", + "CreationDatePlaceholder": "Creation date...", + "LicenseStartDatePlaceholder": "License start date...", + "LicenseEndDatePlaceholder": "License end date...", + "UsernameOrEmail": "Username or email", + "UsernameOrEmailPlaceholder": "Username or email...", + "Member": "Member", + "PurchaseOrderNo": "Purchase order no", + "QuotationDate": "Quotation date", + "CompanyName": "Company name", + "DownloadType": "Download type", + "UserDownloads": "User Downloads", + "AcceptNewsletter": "Accept newsletter", + "CompanyAddress": "Company address", + "Price": "Price", + "Unknown": "Unknown", + "DddEBook": "Ddd EBook", + "MasteringAbpFrameworkEBook": "Mastering AbpFramework EBook", + "MicroserviceEBook": "Microservice EBook", + "DiscountText": "Discount text", + "DiscountQuantity": "Discount quantity", + "DiscountPrice": "Discount price", + "Quotation": "Quotation", + "ExtraText": "Extra Text", + "ExtraAmount": "Extra Amount", + "DownloadQuotation": "Download Quotation", + "Invoice": "Invoice", + "TaxNumber": "Tax Number", + "InvoiceNumber": "Invoice Number", + "InvoiceDate": "Invoice Date", + "InvoiceNote": "Invoice Note", + "Quantity": "Quantity", + "AddProduct": "Add Product", + "AddProductWarning": "You need to add product!", + "TotalPrice": "Total Price", + "Generate": "Generate", + "MissingQuantityField": "The quantity field is required!", + "MissingPriceField": "The Price field is required!", + "CodeUsageStatus": "Status", + "Country": "Country", + "DeveloperCount": "Developer Count", + "RequestCode": "Request Code", + "WebSite": "Web Site", + "GithubUsername": "Github Username", + "PhoneNumber": "Phone Number", + "ProjectDescription": "Project Description", + "Referrer": "Referrer", + "DiscountRequests": "Discount Request", + "Copylink": "Copy Link", + "Disable": "Disable", + "Enable": "Enable", + "EnableSendEmail": "Enable Send Email", + "SendEmail": "Send Email", + "SuccessfullyDisabled": "Successfully Disabled", + "SuccessfullyEnabled": "Successfully Enabled", + "EmailSent": "Email Sent", + "SuccessfullySent": "Successfully Sent", + "SuccessfullyDeleted": "Successfully Deleted", + "DiscountRequestDeletionWarningMessage": "Discount request will be deleted", + "BusinessType": "Business Type", + "TotalQuestionCount": "Total question count", + "RemainingQuestionCount": "Remaining question count", + "TotalQuestionMustBeGreaterWarningMessage": "TotalQuestionCount must be greater than RemainingQuestionCount !", + "QuestionCountsMustBeGreaterThanZero": "TotalQuestionCount and RemainingQuestionCount must be zero or greater than zero !", + "UnlimitedQuestionCount": "Unlimited question count", + "Notes": "Notes", + "Menu:Community": "Community", + "Menu:Posts": "Posts", + "Wait": "Wait", + "Approve": "Approve", + "Reject": "Reject", + "Details": "Details", + "Url": "Url", + "Title": "Title", + "ContentSource": "Content source", + "Status": "Status", + "ReadPost": "Read post", + "PostHasBeenWaiting": "Post has been waiting", + "PostHasBeenApproved": "Post has been approved", + "PostHasBeenRejected": "Post has been rejected", + "Permission:Community": "Community", + "Permission:CommunityPost": "Post", + "Link": "Link", + "Enum:ContentSource:0": "Github", + "Enum:ContentSource:1": "External", + "Enum:Status:0": "Waiting", + "Enum:Status:1": "Rejected", + "Enum:Status:2": "Approved", + "Summary": "Summary", + "AuthorName": "Author name", + "CoverImage": "Cover Image", + "RemoveCacheConfirmationMessage": "Are you sure you remove the cache for \"{0}\" post?", + "SuccessfullyRemoved": "Successfully cleared", + "RemoveCache": "Remove Cache", + "Language": "Language", + "Optional": "Optional", + "CreatePostLanguageInfo": "The language in which the post is written", + "Enum:ContentSource:2": "Video Post", + "VideoPreview": "Video Preview", + "VideoPreviewErrorMessage": "Given video url couldn't retrieve from Youtube. This can be caused by either video is private or the given URL is not available.", + "DeleteCoverImage": "Delete Cover Image", + "DeleteCoverImageConfirmationMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete the cover image for \"{0}\"?", + "DeleteCoverImageSuccessMessage": "Cover image successfully deleted", + "PaymentsOf": "Payments of", + "ShowPaymentsOfOrganization": "Payments", + "Date": "Date", + "Products": "Products", + "TotalAmount": "Total amount", + "Currency": "Currency", + "Gateway": "Gateway", + "State": "State", + "FailReason": "Fail reason", + "ReIndexAllPosts": "Reindex All Posts", + "ReIndexAllPostsConfirmationMessage": "Are you sure you want to reindex all posts?", + "SuccessfullyReIndexAllPosts": "All posts have been successfully reindexed.", + "Permission:FullSearch": "Full text search", + "Menu:CliAnalytics": "CLI Analytics", + "Menu:Reports": "Dynamic Reports", + "TemplateName": "Template name", + "TemplateVersion": "Template version", + "DatabaseProvider": "Database provider", + "IsTiered": "Is Tiered", + "ProjectName": "Project name", + "Username": "User name", + "Tool": "Tool", + "Command": "Command", + "UiFramework": "Ui framework", + "Options": "Options", + "CliAnalytics": "Cli Analytics", + "Reports": "Dynamic Reports", + "Permission:CliAnalyticses": "Cli Analyticses", + "Permission:CliAnalytics": "Cli Analytics", + "Permission:Reports": "Reports", + "Search": "Search", + "ClearFilter": "Clear filter", + "LicensePrivateKey": "License private key", + "LicensePublicKey": "License public key", + "ApiKey": "NuGet API key", + "ShowInvoiceRequestsOfOrganization": "Invoice requests", + "ShowQuestionsOfOrganization": "Questions", + "Question": "Question", + "Open": "Open", + "Questions": "Questions", + "InvoiceRequests": "Invoice Requests", + "Address": "Address", + "TaxNo": "Tax No", + "Permission:InvoiceRequest": "Invoice Request", + "Permission:Question": "Question", + "AddNoteSuccessMessage": "Note successfully added", + "NameSurname": "Name Surname", + "Note": "Note", + "Add": "Add", + "ProjectDownloads": "Project Downloads", + "ShowProjectDownloadsOfOrganization": "Project Downloads", + "ShowAuditLogsOfOrganization": "Audit Logs", + "Enum:EntityChangeType:0": "Created", + "Enum:EntityChangeType:1": "Updated", + "Enum:EntityChangeType:2": "Deleted", + "TenantId": "Tenant ID", + "ChangeTime": "Change time", + "EntityTypeFullName": "Entity type full name", + "AuditLogsFor{0}Organization": "Audit logs for \"{0}\" organization", + "Permission:EntityChange": "Entity Change", + "Permission:ProjectDownload": "Project Download", + "Permission:PaymentRequest": "Payment Request", + "CreatorEmailAddress": "Creator email address", + "EmailSendDate": "Email send date", + "PaymentRequestsFor{0}Organization": "Payment requests for \"{0}\" organization", + "PaymentDetails": "Payment Details", + "PaymentProduct": "Payment Product", + "ProductName": "Product Name", + "Code": "Code", + "GenerateInvoice": "Generate Invoice", + "ExportOrganizationsToExcel": "Export to Excel", + "ThisExtensionIsNotAllowed": "This extension is not allowed.", + "TheFileIsTooLarge": "The file is too large!", + "PostDeletionConfirmationMessage": "Are you sure you want to hard delete this post?", + "ChooseCoverImage": "Choose a cover image...", + "Menu:Quotation": "Quotation", + "Menu:Invoice": "Invoice", + "Menu:Quotation/Invoice": "Quotation/Invoice", + "Menu:UserDownloads": "User Downloads", + "Menu:PaymentRequests": "Payment Requests", + "Permission:PaymentRequests": "Payment Requests", + "PaymentRequests": "Payment Requests", + "Creator": "Creator", + "ExtraProperties": "Extra Properties", + "Organization": "Organization", + "Waiting": "Waiting", + "Completed": "Completed", + "Failed": "Failed", + "PaymentRequestDeletionWarningMessage": "This payment request will be deleted. Do you confirm that?", + "Payment": "Payment", + "AddPayment": "Add Payment", + "Enum:PurchaseType:1": "New License", + "Enum:PurchaseType:2": "License Extend", + "Enum:PurchaseType:3": "License Upgrade", + "Enum:PurchaseType:4": "Additional Developer", + "LicenceType": "License Type", + "PurchaseType": "Purchase Type", + "ReceiptNo": "Receipt No", + "PaymentTime": "Payment Time", + "ProductPrice": "Product Price", + "AdditionalDeveloper": "Additional developer", + "ThisPaymentHasBeenAlreadyUsed": "This payment has been already used", + "PaymentTimeCannotBeFutureTime": "Payment time cannot be a future time!", + "SaveAndDownload": "Save and Download", + "BillingInfo": "Billing Info", + "DeleteInvoice": "Delete Invoice", + "PaymentStateSetTo": "Payment state set to {0}", + "ChangeState": "Change State", + "Permission:TrialLicense": "Trial License", + "Menu:TrialLicenses": "Trial Licenses", + "TrialLicenses": "Trial Licenses", + "UserNameFilter": "Username", + "TrialLicenseStatusFilter": "Status", + "TrialLicenseStartDateFilter": "Start date", + "TrialLicenseEndDateFilter": "End date", + "FirstName": "First name", + "LastName": "Last name", + "StartDate": "Start date", + "EndDate": "End date", + "PurchasedDate": "Purchased date", + "OrganizationDetail": "Organization Detail", + "TrialLicenseStatus": "Trial license status", + "TrialLicenseDetail": "Trial License Detail", + "AcceptsMarketingCommunications": "Marketing Communications", + "PurposeOfUsage": "Purpose of usage", + "CountryName": "Country name", + "CompanySize": "Company size", + "DetailTrialLicense": "Details", + "Requested": "Requested", + "Activated": "Activated", + "PurchasedToNormalLicense": "Purchased", + "Expired": "Expired", + "TrialLicenseDeletionWarningMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete the trial license? Trial license, organization, support accounts will be deleted!", + "LicenseCategoryFilter": "License category", + "Permission:SendWelcomeEmail": "Send Welcome Email", + "SendWelcomeEmail": "Send Welcome Email", + "SendWelcomeEmailWarningMessage": "Are you sure you want to send welcome email to the organization members?", + "SendWelcomeEmailSuccessMessage": "Welcome email sent successfully!", + "Activate": "Activate", + "ActivateTrialLicenseWarningMessage": " When you activate a trial license, a welcome e-mail will be sent to the user. Do you want to activate it?", + "ActivateTrialLicenseSuccessMessage": "Activated successfully and the welcome e-mail sent to the organization members.", + "PaymentRequestId": "Payment Request Id", + "AdditionalDeveloperCount": "Additional developer count", + "LicensePrice": "License price", + "PurchaseDate": "Purchase date", + "IsAbpBookDownloaded": "Mastering ABP Book downloaded?", + "IsMasteringAbpBookDownloadEnabled": "ABP Book download enabled", + "Permission:Accounting:CustomPaymentLinkGenerator": "Custom Payment Link", + "CustomPaymentLink": "Custom Payment Link", + "Menu:CustomPaymentLink": "Custom Payment Link", + "Amount": "Amount", + "GenerateCustomPaymentLink": "Generate Custom Payment Link", + "GeneratedPaymentLink": "Generated Payment Link", + "CopyText": "Copy Text", + "Permission:CommunityEvents": "Events", + "Menu:Events": "Events", + "Events": "Events", + "EventType": "Event Type", + "Number": "Number", + "RegistrationURL": "Registration URL", + "URL": "URL", + "EventDeletionConfirmationMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete this event?", + "Enum:EventType:0": "Community Talks", + "CreateAnEvent": "Create an event", + "Permission:CommunitySpeakers": "Speakers", + "CreateASpeaker": "Create a speaker", + "Speakers": "Speakers", + "Image": "Image", + "GithubURL": "Github URL", + "SpeakerDeletionConfirmationMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete this speaker?", + "Menu:Speakers": "Speakers", + "ChooseSpeakerImage": "Choose a speaker image...", + "SpeakerImage": "Speaker image", + "AddSpeaker": "Add Speaker", + "ShowPurchaseItemsOfOrganizations": "Purchase Items", + "Enum:OrganizationPurchaseState:0": "Not delivered", + "Enum:OrganizationPurchaseState:1": "Delivered", + "PurchaseItems": "Purchase Items", + "SuccessfullyUpdated": "Successfully updated", + "SuccessfullyAdded": "Successfully added", + "PurchaseState": "Purchase status", + "ShowBetweenDayCount": "Show Between Days", + "PurchaseOrder": "Purchase Order", + "ShowCreateInvoiceOfOrganization": "Create Invoice", + "ShowCreateQuotationOfOrganization": "Create Quotation/Invoice", + "BookDiscounts": "Book Discounts", + "Permission:BookDiscount": "Book Discount", + "Menu:BookDiscounts": "Book Discounts", + "BookType": "Book Type", + "PurchasePlatform": "Purchase Platform", + "StartTime": "Start Time", + "EndTime": "End Time", + "CreateABookDiscount": "Create a book discount", + "BookDiscountDeletionConfirmationMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete this book discount?", + "CustomPaymentFlexSwitchDescription": "With license", + "AllowFeatureUpgradeOnLicenseExpire": "Allow feature upgrade on license expire", + "Deleted{0}": "[Deleted {0}]", + "Tags": "Tags", + "SetTagsInfo": "Tags should be comma-separated. Eg: CSharp, Entity Framework", + "RejectTrialLicenseWarningMessage": "Are you sure you want to reject this trial license request?", + "ExportToExcel": "Export to Excel", + "OverallTotalPrice": "Overall Total Price", + "OverallDiscountPrice": "Overall Discount Price", + "OverallDiscountText": "Overall Discount Text", + "SelectReport": "- Select Report -", + "NoDataAvailable": "No data available", + "StatisticsOfCachedContents": "Statistics of cached NuGet package contents for", + "Compact": "Compact", + "EditSettings": "Edit Settings", + "CurrentEstimatedSize": "Current Estimated Size", + "CurrentEntryCount": "Current Entry Count", + "TotalHits": "Total Hits", + "TotalMisses": "Total Misses", + "NoResponseFrom": "No response from", + "ContentCacheSlidingExpirationByDay": "Content Cache Sliding Expiration By Day", + "MaxDaysForCaching": "Max Days For Caching", + "Enabled": "Enabled", + "Menu:NugetPackagesContentCache": "NuGet Cache", + "NugetPackagesContentCache": "NuGet Content Cache", + "SlidingExpritionByDayInfo": "Gets or sets how long a cache entry can be inactive (e.g. not accessed) before it will be removed. This will not extend the entry lifetime beyond the absolute expiration.", + "MaxDaysForCachingInfo": "Gets or sets an absolute expiration time, relative to now.", + "CurrentEstimatedSizeInfo": "Indicates an estimated sum of all the NuGet packages' content size currently in the memory cache", + "CurrentEntryCountInfo": "Indicates the number of instances currently in the memory cache.", + "TotalHitsInfo": "Indicates the total number of cache misses. A cache hit occurs when a file is requested from a cache and the cache is able to fulfill that request.", + "TotalMissesInfo": "Indicates the total number of cache hits. A cache miss is when the cache does not contain the requested content.", + "Permission:VersionHistory": "Version History", + "Caches": "Caches", + "VersionHistories": "Version History", + "Version": "Version", + "PublishDate": "Publish Date", + "IsStableVersion": "Stable Version", + "IsActive": "Active", + "NewVersion": "New Version", + "VersionHistoryDeletionConfirmationMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete this version?", + "CreateAbpConsultantLogoInfo": "Maximum file size: 1MB
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Do you want to continue?", + "UnitPrice": "Unit Price", + "OverallDiscountAmount": "Overall Discount Amount", + "DiscountAmount": "Discount Amount", + "FullChangeHistory": "Full Change History", + "Permission:RefreshReleaseLogs": "Refresh Release Logs", + "ReleaseLogs": "Release Logs", + "AuthorUserName": "Author User Name", + "Type": "Type", + "TotalDiscount": "Total Discount", + "SubTotal": "Sub Total", + "TotalDue": "Total Due", + "QuotationNo": "Quotation no", + "ValidTill": "Valid till", + "QuotationNote": "Quotation note", + "QuotationTemplate.Address:": "Address:", + "QuotationTemplate.VATNo:": "VAT No:", + "QuotationTemplate.Phone:": "Phone:", + "QuotationTemplate.E-mail:": "E-mail:", + "QuotationTemplate.Quotation": "Quotation", + "QuotationTemplate.To": "To", + "QuotationTemplate.Details": "Details", + "QuotationTemplate.QuotationNo:": "Quotation #:", + "QuotationTemplate.IssueDate:": "Issue Date:", + "QuotationTemplate.ValidTill:": "Valid Till:", + 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Please remove credit card first!", + "DisplayName:DontSendEmailForLicenseExpire": "Don't Send Email For License Expire", + "DontSendEmailForLicenseExpire": "Don't Send Email For License Expire", + "SuccessfullyChanged": "Successfully changed", + "WinnerCountMustBeLessThanMaxWinnerCount": "Winner count must be less than max winner count", + "NoChangesDetected": "No changes detected", + "ProductCount": "Product Count", + "Actions": "Actions", + "CreateInvoice": "Create Invoice", + "IsVisible": "Visible", + "Menu:Testimonials": "Testimonials", + "TestimonialDeletionConfirmationMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete this testimonial ?", + "FullName": "Full name", + "TestimonialText": "Testimonial text", + "ExperienceYear": "Experience year", + "Position": "Title", + "YearsOfExperience": "Experience year", + "AllowedLicenses": "Allowed Licenses", + "AllowedModules": "Allowed Modules", + "ModuleName": "Module name", + "NonYet": "Non yet", + "Permission:Testimonials": "Testimonials", + "SelectCompanySizePlaceholder": "Company Size", + "SelectExperienceYearPlaceholder": "Experience year", + "SelectCountryPlaceholder": "Country", + "DeleteImageConfirmationMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete the image for \"{0}\"?", + "DeleteImageSuccessMessage": "Image successfully deleted", + "DeleteImage": "Delete Image", + "NetTerms": "Terms (Days)", + "Menu:DynamicReports": "Dynamic Reports", + "Menu:Others": "Others", + "Menu:Packs&Modules": "Packs & Modules", + "ReleaseCaches": "Release Cache", + "Menu:HeroSections": "Hero Sections", + "HeroSections": "Hero Sections", + "DynamicReports": "Dynamic Reports", + "Menu:ReportsMenu": "Reports", + "Permission:HeroSections": "Hero Sections", + "RedirectLink": "Redirect link", + "HeroSectionsDeletionConfirmationMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete the hero section?", + "AbpStudioName": "ABP Studio name", + "Permission:EditAttendees": "Edit Attendees", + "AttendeesCount": "Attendees Count", + "CreateQRCode": "Create QR Code", + "DrawTV": "Public draw on the TV", + "DrawModal": "Private draw on the modal", + "SetAsDrawable": "Set as drawable", + "SetAsNoDrawable": "Set as non-drawable", + "SetAsCompleted": "Set as completed", + "RemoveAllWinners": "Remove all winners", + "EditWinners": "Edit winners", + "EditAttendees": "Edit attendees", + "ExportAttendeesAsExcel": "Export attendees as Excel", + "DuplicateRaffle": "Duplicate raffle", + "Menu:RedisManagement": "Redis Management", + "RedisManagement": "Redis Management", + "Permission:RedisManagement": "Redis Management", + "UserCleanUp": "User Clean Up" + } } From 84d924a3cbed3403f2809ca6b87eb24a4a8e5c5a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Mansur Besleney Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2025 15:00:09 +0300 Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Update en.json --- .../Admin/Localization/Resources/en.json | 1376 +++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 690 insertions(+), 686 deletions(-) diff --git a/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Admin/Localization/Resources/en.json b/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Admin/Localization/Resources/en.json index 2df200c8c9..77c6a31dd8 100644 --- a/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Admin/Localization/Resources/en.json +++ b/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Admin/Localization/Resources/en.json @@ -1,686 +1,690 @@ -"texts": { - "Permission:Organizations": "Organizations", - "Permission:Manage": "Manage Organizations", - "Permission:DiscountRequests": "Discount Requests", - "Permission:DiscountManage": "Manage Discount Requests", - "Permission:Disable": "Disable", - "Permission:Enable": "Enable", - "Permission:EnableSendEmail": "Enable Send Email", - "Permission:SendEmail": "Send Email", - "Permission:NpmPackages": "NPM Packages", - "Permission:NugetPackages": "Nuget Packages", - "Permission:Maintenance": "Maintenance", - "Permission:Maintain": "Maintain", - "Permission:ClearCaches": "Clear caches", - "Permission:Modules": "Modules", - "Permission:Packages": "Packages", - "Permission:Edit": "Edit", - "Permission:Delete": "Delete", - "Permission:Create": "Create", - "Permission:Accounting": "Accounting", - "Permission:Accounting:Quotation": "Quotation", - "Permission:Accounting:Invoice": "Invoice", - "Permission:Export": "Export", - "Menu:Organizations": "Organizations", - "Menu:Accounting": "Accounting", - "Menu:Packages": "Packages", - "Menu:DiscountRequests": "Discount Requests", - "NpmPackageDeletionWarningMessage": "This NPM Package will be deleted. Do you confirm that?", - "NugetPackageDeletionWarningMessage": "This Nuget Package will be deleted. Do you confirm that?", - "NuGetPackages": "NuGet Packages", - "ModuleDeletionWarningMessage": "This Module will be deleted. Do you confirm that?", - "Name": "Name", - "DisplayName": "Display name", - "ShortDescription": "Short description", - "LongDescription": "Long description", - "NameFilter": "Name", - "CreationTime": "Creation time", - "IsPro": "Pro package", - "IsFreeToActiveLicenseOwners": "Free to license owners", - "ShowOnModuleList": "Show on module list", - "EfCoreConfigureMethodName": "Configure method name", - "IsProFilter": "Pro package", - "ShowOnModuleFilter": "Show on module list", - "ShowOnModuleListFilter": "Show on module list", - "ApplicationType": "Application type", - "Target": "Target", - "TargetFilter": "Target", - "ModuleClass": "Module class", - "NugetPackageTarget.DomainShared": "Domain Shared", - "NugetPackageTarget.Domain": "Domain", - "NugetPackageTarget.Application": "Application", - "NugetPackageTarget.ApplicationContracts": "Application Contracts", - "NugetPackageTarget.HttpApi": "Http Api", - "NugetPackageTarget.HttpApiClient": "Http Api Client", - "NugetPackageTarget.Web": "Web", - "NugetPackageTarget.EntityFrameworkCore": "DeleteAllEntityFramework Core", - "NugetPackageTarget.MongoDB": "MongoDB", - "Edit": "Edit", - "Delete": "Delete", - "Refresh": "Refresh", - "NpmPackages": "NPM Packages", - "NugetPackages": "Nuget Packages", - "NpmPackageCount": "NPM Package Count", - "NugetPackageCount": "Nuget Package Count", - "NuGetPackageCount": "NuGet Package Count", - "Module": "Modules", - "ModuleInfo": "Module info", - "CreateANpmPackage": "Create a NPM package", - "CreateAModule": "Create a module", - "CreateANugetPackage": "Create a Nuget package", - "AddNew": "Add new", - "PackageAlreadyExist{0}": "\"{0}\" package is already added.", - "ModuleAlreadyExist{0}": "\"{0}\" module is already added.", - "ClearCache": "Clear cache", - "SuccessfullyCleared": "Successfully cleared", - "Menu:NpmPackages": "NPM Packages", - "Menu:Modules": "Modules", - "Menu:Maintenance": "Maintenance", - "Menu:NugetPackages": "NuGet Packages", - "CreateAnOrganization": "Create an organization", - "Organizations": "Organizations", - "LongName": "Long name", - "LicenseType": "License type", - "MissingLicenseTypeField": "The license type field is required!", - "LicenseStartTime": "License start time", - "LicenseEndTime": "License end time", - "AllowedDeveloperCount": "Allowed developer count", - "UserNameOrEmailAddress": "Username or email address", - "AddOwner": "Add owner", - "UserName": "Username", - "Email": "Email", - "Developers": "Developers", - "AddDeveloper": "Add developer", - "Create": "Create", - "UserNotFound": "User not found", - "{0}WillBeRemovedFromDevelopers": "{0} Will be removed from developers, do you confirm?", - "{0}WillBeRemovedFromOwners": "{0} Will be removed from owners, do you confirm?", - "{0}WillBeRemovedFromMembers": "{0} Will be removed from members, do you confirm?", - "Computers": "Computers", - "UniqueComputerId": "Unique computer id", - "LastSeenDate": "Last seen date", - "{0}Computer{1}WillBeRemovedFromRecords": "Computer of {0} ({1}) will be removed from records", - "OrganizationDeletionWarningMessage": "Organization will be deleted", - "DeletingLastOwnerWarningMessage": "An organization must have at least one owner! Therefore you cannot remove this owner", - "This{0}AlreadyExistInThisOrganization": "This {0} already exist in this organization", - "AreYouSureYouWantToDeleteAllComputers": "Are you sure you want to delete all computers?", - "DeleteAll": "Delete all", - "DoYouWantToCreateNewUser": "Do you want to create new user?", - "MasterModules": "Master Modules", - "OrganizationName": "Organization name", - "CreationDate": "Creation date", - "LicenseStartDate": "License start date", - "LicenseEndDate": "License end date", - "OrganizationNamePlaceholder": "Organization name...", - "TotalQuestionCountPlaceholder": "Total question count...", - "RemainingQuestionCountPlaceholder": "Remaining question count...", - "LicenseTypePlaceholder": "License type...", - "CreationDatePlaceholder": "Creation date...", - "LicenseStartDatePlaceholder": "License start date...", - "LicenseEndDatePlaceholder": "License end date...", - "UsernameOrEmail": "Username or email", - "UsernameOrEmailPlaceholder": "Username or email...", - "Member": "Member", - "PurchaseOrderNo": "Purchase order no", - "QuotationDate": "Quotation date", - "CompanyName": "Company name", - "DownloadType": "Download type", - "UserDownloads": "User Downloads", - "AcceptNewsletter": "Accept newsletter", - "CompanyAddress": "Company address", - "Price": "Price", - "Unknown": "Unknown", - "DddEBook": "Ddd EBook", - "MasteringAbpFrameworkEBook": "Mastering AbpFramework EBook", - "MicroserviceEBook": "Microservice EBook", - "DiscountText": "Discount text", - "DiscountQuantity": "Discount quantity", - "DiscountPrice": "Discount price", - "Quotation": "Quotation", - "ExtraText": "Extra Text", - "ExtraAmount": "Extra Amount", - "DownloadQuotation": "Download Quotation", - "Invoice": "Invoice", - "TaxNumber": "Tax Number", - "InvoiceNumber": "Invoice Number", - "InvoiceDate": "Invoice Date", - "InvoiceNote": "Invoice Note", - "Quantity": "Quantity", - "AddProduct": "Add Product", - "AddProductWarning": "You need to add product!", - "TotalPrice": "Total Price", - "Generate": "Generate", - "MissingQuantityField": "The quantity field is required!", - "MissingPriceField": "The Price field is required!", - "CodeUsageStatus": "Status", - "Country": "Country", - "DeveloperCount": "Developer Count", - "RequestCode": "Request Code", - "WebSite": "Web Site", - "GithubUsername": "Github Username", - "PhoneNumber": "Phone Number", - "ProjectDescription": "Project Description", - "Referrer": "Referrer", - "DiscountRequests": "Discount Request", - "Copylink": "Copy Link", - "Disable": "Disable", - "Enable": "Enable", - "EnableSendEmail": "Enable Send Email", - "SendEmail": "Send Email", - "SuccessfullyDisabled": "Successfully Disabled", - "SuccessfullyEnabled": "Successfully Enabled", - "EmailSent": "Email Sent", - "SuccessfullySent": "Successfully Sent", - "SuccessfullyDeleted": "Successfully Deleted", - "DiscountRequestDeletionWarningMessage": "Discount request will be deleted", - "BusinessType": "Business Type", - "TotalQuestionCount": "Total question count", - "RemainingQuestionCount": "Remaining question count", - "TotalQuestionMustBeGreaterWarningMessage": "TotalQuestionCount must be greater than RemainingQuestionCount !", - "QuestionCountsMustBeGreaterThanZero": "TotalQuestionCount and RemainingQuestionCount must be zero or greater than zero !", - "UnlimitedQuestionCount": "Unlimited question count", - "Notes": "Notes", - "Menu:Community": "Community", - "Menu:Posts": "Posts", - "Wait": "Wait", - "Approve": "Approve", - "Reject": "Reject", - "Details": "Details", - "Url": "Url", - "Title": "Title", - "ContentSource": "Content source", - "Status": "Status", - "ReadPost": "Read post", - "PostHasBeenWaiting": "Post has been waiting", - "PostHasBeenApproved": "Post has been approved", - "PostHasBeenRejected": "Post has been rejected", - "Permission:Community": "Community", - "Permission:CommunityPost": "Post", - "Link": "Link", - "Enum:ContentSource:0": "Github", - "Enum:ContentSource:1": "External", - "Enum:Status:0": "Waiting", - "Enum:Status:1": "Rejected", - "Enum:Status:2": "Approved", - "Summary": "Summary", - "AuthorName": "Author name", - "CoverImage": "Cover Image", - "RemoveCacheConfirmationMessage": "Are you sure you remove the cache for \"{0}\" post?", - "SuccessfullyRemoved": "Successfully cleared", - "RemoveCache": "Remove Cache", - "Language": "Language", - "Optional": "Optional", - "CreatePostLanguageInfo": "The language in which the post is written", - "Enum:ContentSource:2": "Video Post", - "VideoPreview": "Video Preview", - "VideoPreviewErrorMessage": "Given video url couldn't retrieve from Youtube. This can be caused by either video is private or the given URL is not available.", - "DeleteCoverImage": "Delete Cover Image", - "DeleteCoverImageConfirmationMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete the cover image for \"{0}\"?", - "DeleteCoverImageSuccessMessage": "Cover image successfully deleted", - "PaymentsOf": "Payments of", - "ShowPaymentsOfOrganization": "Payments", - "Date": "Date", - "Products": "Products", - "TotalAmount": "Total amount", - "Currency": "Currency", - "Gateway": "Gateway", - "State": "State", - "FailReason": "Fail reason", - "ReIndexAllPosts": "Reindex All Posts", - "ReIndexAllPostsConfirmationMessage": "Are you sure you want to reindex all posts?", - "SuccessfullyReIndexAllPosts": "All posts have been successfully reindexed.", - "Permission:FullSearch": "Full text search", - "Menu:CliAnalytics": "CLI Analytics", - "Menu:Reports": "Dynamic Reports", - "TemplateName": "Template name", - "TemplateVersion": "Template version", - "DatabaseProvider": "Database provider", - "IsTiered": "Is Tiered", - "ProjectName": "Project name", - "Username": "User name", - "Tool": "Tool", - "Command": "Command", - "UiFramework": "Ui framework", - "Options": "Options", - "CliAnalytics": "Cli Analytics", - "Reports": "Dynamic Reports", - "Permission:CliAnalyticses": "Cli Analyticses", - "Permission:CliAnalytics": "Cli Analytics", - "Permission:Reports": "Reports", - "Search": "Search", - "ClearFilter": "Clear filter", - "LicensePrivateKey": "License private key", - "LicensePublicKey": "License public key", - "ApiKey": "NuGet API key", - "ShowInvoiceRequestsOfOrganization": "Invoice requests", - "ShowQuestionsOfOrganization": "Questions", - "Question": "Question", - "Open": "Open", - "Questions": "Questions", - "InvoiceRequests": "Invoice Requests", - "Address": "Address", - "TaxNo": "Tax No", - "Permission:InvoiceRequest": "Invoice Request", - "Permission:Question": "Question", - "AddNoteSuccessMessage": "Note successfully added", - "NameSurname": "Name Surname", - "Note": "Note", - "Add": "Add", - "ProjectDownloads": "Project Downloads", - "ShowProjectDownloadsOfOrganization": "Project Downloads", - "ShowAuditLogsOfOrganization": "Audit Logs", - "Enum:EntityChangeType:0": "Created", - "Enum:EntityChangeType:1": "Updated", - "Enum:EntityChangeType:2": "Deleted", - "TenantId": "Tenant ID", - "ChangeTime": "Change time", - "EntityTypeFullName": "Entity type full name", - "AuditLogsFor{0}Organization": "Audit logs for \"{0}\" organization", - "Permission:EntityChange": "Entity Change", - "Permission:ProjectDownload": "Project Download", - "Permission:PaymentRequest": "Payment Request", - "CreatorEmailAddress": "Creator email address", - "EmailSendDate": "Email send date", - "PaymentRequestsFor{0}Organization": "Payment requests for \"{0}\" organization", - "PaymentDetails": "Payment Details", - "PaymentProduct": "Payment Product", - "ProductName": "Product Name", - "Code": "Code", - "GenerateInvoice": "Generate Invoice", - "ExportOrganizationsToExcel": "Export to Excel", - "ThisExtensionIsNotAllowed": "This extension is not allowed.", - "TheFileIsTooLarge": "The file is too large!", - "PostDeletionConfirmationMessage": "Are you sure you want to hard delete this post?", - "ChooseCoverImage": "Choose a cover image...", - "Menu:Quotation": "Quotation", - "Menu:Invoice": "Invoice", - "Menu:Quotation/Invoice": "Quotation/Invoice", - "Menu:UserDownloads": "User Downloads", - "Menu:PaymentRequests": "Payment Requests", - "Permission:PaymentRequests": "Payment Requests", - "PaymentRequests": "Payment Requests", - "Creator": "Creator", - "ExtraProperties": "Extra Properties", - "Organization": "Organization", - "Waiting": "Waiting", - "Completed": "Completed", - "Failed": "Failed", - "PaymentRequestDeletionWarningMessage": "This payment request will be deleted. Do you confirm that?", - "Payment": "Payment", - "AddPayment": "Add Payment", - "Enum:PurchaseType:1": "New License", - "Enum:PurchaseType:2": "License Extend", - "Enum:PurchaseType:3": "License Upgrade", - "Enum:PurchaseType:4": "Additional Developer", - "LicenceType": "License Type", - "PurchaseType": "Purchase Type", - "ReceiptNo": "Receipt No", - "PaymentTime": "Payment Time", - "ProductPrice": "Product Price", - "AdditionalDeveloper": "Additional developer", - "ThisPaymentHasBeenAlreadyUsed": "This payment has been already used", - "PaymentTimeCannotBeFutureTime": "Payment time cannot be a future time!", - "SaveAndDownload": "Save and Download", - "BillingInfo": "Billing Info", - "DeleteInvoice": "Delete Invoice", - "PaymentStateSetTo": "Payment state set to {0}", - "ChangeState": "Change State", - "Permission:TrialLicense": "Trial License", - "Menu:TrialLicenses": "Trial Licenses", - "TrialLicenses": "Trial Licenses", - "UserNameFilter": "Username", - "TrialLicenseStatusFilter": "Status", - "TrialLicenseStartDateFilter": "Start date", - "TrialLicenseEndDateFilter": "End date", - "FirstName": "First name", - "LastName": "Last name", - "StartDate": "Start date", - "EndDate": "End date", - "PurchasedDate": "Purchased date", - "OrganizationDetail": "Organization Detail", - "TrialLicenseStatus": "Trial license status", - "TrialLicenseDetail": "Trial License Detail", - "AcceptsMarketingCommunications": "Marketing Communications", - "PurposeOfUsage": "Purpose of usage", - "CountryName": "Country name", - "CompanySize": "Company size", - "DetailTrialLicense": "Details", - "Requested": "Requested", - "Activated": "Activated", - "PurchasedToNormalLicense": "Purchased", - "Expired": "Expired", - "TrialLicenseDeletionWarningMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete the trial license? Trial license, organization, support accounts will be deleted!", - "LicenseCategoryFilter": "License category", - "Permission:SendWelcomeEmail": "Send Welcome Email", - "SendWelcomeEmail": "Send Welcome Email", - "SendWelcomeEmailWarningMessage": "Are you sure you want to send welcome email to the organization members?", - "SendWelcomeEmailSuccessMessage": "Welcome email sent successfully!", - "Activate": "Activate", - "ActivateTrialLicenseWarningMessage": " When you activate a trial license, a welcome e-mail will be sent to the user. Do you want to activate it?", - "ActivateTrialLicenseSuccessMessage": "Activated successfully and the welcome e-mail sent to the organization members.", - "PaymentRequestId": "Payment Request Id", - "AdditionalDeveloperCount": "Additional developer count", - "LicensePrice": "License price", - "PurchaseDate": "Purchase date", - "IsAbpBookDownloaded": "Mastering ABP Book downloaded?", - "IsMasteringAbpBookDownloadEnabled": "ABP Book download enabled", - "Permission:Accounting:CustomPaymentLinkGenerator": "Custom Payment Link", - "CustomPaymentLink": "Custom Payment Link", - "Menu:CustomPaymentLink": "Custom Payment Link", - "Amount": "Amount", - "GenerateCustomPaymentLink": "Generate Custom Payment Link", - "GeneratedPaymentLink": "Generated Payment Link", - "CopyText": "Copy Text", - "Permission:CommunityEvents": "Events", - "Menu:Events": "Events", - "Events": "Events", - "EventType": "Event Type", - "Number": "Number", - "RegistrationURL": "Registration URL", - "URL": "URL", - "EventDeletionConfirmationMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete this event?", - "Enum:EventType:0": "Community Talks", - "CreateAnEvent": "Create an event", - "Permission:CommunitySpeakers": "Speakers", - "CreateASpeaker": "Create a speaker", - "Speakers": "Speakers", - "Image": "Image", - "GithubURL": "Github URL", - "SpeakerDeletionConfirmationMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete this speaker?", - "Menu:Speakers": "Speakers", - "ChooseSpeakerImage": "Choose a speaker image...", - "SpeakerImage": "Speaker image", - "AddSpeaker": "Add Speaker", - "ShowPurchaseItemsOfOrganizations": "Purchase Items", - "Enum:OrganizationPurchaseState:0": "Not delivered", - "Enum:OrganizationPurchaseState:1": "Delivered", - "PurchaseItems": "Purchase Items", - "SuccessfullyUpdated": "Successfully updated", - "SuccessfullyAdded": "Successfully added", - "PurchaseState": "Purchase status", - "ShowBetweenDayCount": "Show Between Days", - "PurchaseOrder": "Purchase Order", - "ShowCreateInvoiceOfOrganization": "Create Invoice", - "ShowCreateQuotationOfOrganization": "Create Quotation/Invoice", - "BookDiscounts": "Book Discounts", - "Permission:BookDiscount": "Book Discount", - "Menu:BookDiscounts": "Book Discounts", - "BookType": "Book Type", - "PurchasePlatform": "Purchase Platform", - "StartTime": "Start Time", - "EndTime": "End Time", - "CreateABookDiscount": "Create a book discount", - "BookDiscountDeletionConfirmationMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete this book discount?", - "CustomPaymentFlexSwitchDescription": "With license", - "AllowFeatureUpgradeOnLicenseExpire": "Allow feature upgrade on license expire", - "Deleted{0}": "[Deleted {0}]", - "Tags": "Tags", - "SetTagsInfo": "Tags should be comma-separated. Eg: CSharp, Entity Framework", - "RejectTrialLicenseWarningMessage": "Are you sure you want to reject this trial license request?", - "ExportToExcel": "Export to Excel", - "OverallTotalPrice": "Overall Total Price", - "OverallDiscountPrice": "Overall Discount Price", - "OverallDiscountText": "Overall Discount Text", - "SelectReport": "- Select Report -", - "NoDataAvailable": "No data available", - "StatisticsOfCachedContents": "Statistics of cached NuGet package contents for", - "Compact": "Compact", - "EditSettings": "Edit Settings", - "CurrentEstimatedSize": "Current Estimated Size", - "CurrentEntryCount": "Current Entry Count", - "TotalHits": "Total Hits", - "TotalMisses": "Total Misses", - "NoResponseFrom": "No response from", - "ContentCacheSlidingExpirationByDay": "Content Cache Sliding Expiration By Day", - "MaxDaysForCaching": "Max Days For Caching", - "Enabled": "Enabled", - "Menu:NugetPackagesContentCache": "NuGet Cache", - "NugetPackagesContentCache": "NuGet Content Cache", - "SlidingExpritionByDayInfo": "Gets or sets how long a cache entry can be inactive (e.g. not accessed) before it will be removed. This will not extend the entry lifetime beyond the absolute expiration.", - "MaxDaysForCachingInfo": "Gets or sets an absolute expiration time, relative to now.", - "CurrentEstimatedSizeInfo": "Indicates an estimated sum of all the NuGet packages' content size currently in the memory cache", - "CurrentEntryCountInfo": "Indicates the number of instances currently in the memory cache.", - "TotalHitsInfo": "Indicates the total number of cache misses. A cache hit occurs when a file is requested from a cache and the cache is able to fulfill that request.", - "TotalMissesInfo": "Indicates the total number of cache hits. A cache miss is when the cache does not contain the requested content.", - "Permission:VersionHistory": "Version History", - "Caches": "Caches", - "VersionHistories": "Version History", - "Version": "Version", - "PublishDate": "Publish Date", - "IsStableVersion": "Stable Version", - "IsActive": "Active", - "NewVersion": "New Version", - "VersionHistoryDeletionConfirmationMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete this version?", - "CreateAbpConsultantLogoInfo": "Maximum file size: 1MB
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Do you want to continue?", - "UnitPrice": "Unit Price", - "OverallDiscountAmount": "Overall Discount Amount", - "DiscountAmount": "Discount Amount", - "FullChangeHistory": "Full Change History", - "Permission:RefreshReleaseLogs": "Refresh Release Logs", - "ReleaseLogs": "Release Logs", - "AuthorUserName": "Author User Name", - "Type": "Type", - "TotalDiscount": "Total Discount", - "SubTotal": "Sub Total", - "TotalDue": "Total Due", - "QuotationNo": "Quotation no", - "ValidTill": "Valid till", - "QuotationNote": "Quotation note", - "QuotationTemplate.Address:": "Address:", - "QuotationTemplate.VATNo:": "VAT No:", - "QuotationTemplate.Phone:": "Phone:", - "QuotationTemplate.E-mail:": "E-mail:", - "QuotationTemplate.Quotation": "Quotation", - "QuotationTemplate.To": "To", - "QuotationTemplate.Details": "Details", - "QuotationTemplate.QuotationNo:": "Quotation #:", - "QuotationTemplate.IssueDate:": "Issue Date:", - "QuotationTemplate.ValidTill:": "Valid Till:", - "QuotationTemplate.ValidDays": "{0} Days", - 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Please remove credit card first!", - "DisplayName:DontSendEmailForLicenseExpire": "Don't Send Email For License Expire", - "DontSendEmailForLicenseExpire": "Don't Send Email For License Expire", - "SuccessfullyChanged": "Successfully changed", - "WinnerCountMustBeLessThanMaxWinnerCount": "Winner count must be less than max winner count", - "NoChangesDetected": "No changes detected", - "ProductCount": "Product Count", - "Actions": "Actions", - "CreateInvoice": "Create Invoice", - "IsVisible": "Visible", - "Menu:Testimonials": "Testimonials", - "TestimonialDeletionConfirmationMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete this testimonial ?", - "FullName": "Full name", - "TestimonialText": "Testimonial text", - "ExperienceYear": "Experience year", - "Position": "Title", - "YearsOfExperience": "Experience year", - "AllowedLicenses": "Allowed Licenses", - "AllowedModules": "Allowed Modules", - "ModuleName": "Module name", - "NonYet": "Non yet", - "Permission:Testimonials": "Testimonials", - "SelectCompanySizePlaceholder": "Company Size", - "SelectExperienceYearPlaceholder": "Experience year", - "SelectCountryPlaceholder": "Country", - "DeleteImageConfirmationMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete the image for \"{0}\"?", - "DeleteImageSuccessMessage": "Image successfully deleted", - "DeleteImage": "Delete Image", - "NetTerms": "Terms (Days)", - "Menu:DynamicReports": "Dynamic Reports", - "Menu:Others": "Others", - "Menu:Packs&Modules": "Packs & Modules", - "ReleaseCaches": "Release Cache", - "Menu:HeroSections": "Hero Sections", - "HeroSections": "Hero Sections", - "DynamicReports": "Dynamic Reports", - "Menu:ReportsMenu": "Reports", - "Permission:HeroSections": "Hero Sections", - "RedirectLink": "Redirect link", - "HeroSectionsDeletionConfirmationMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete the hero section?", - "AbpStudioName": "ABP Studio name", - "Permission:EditAttendees": "Edit Attendees", - "AttendeesCount": "Attendees Count", - "CreateQRCode": "Create QR Code", - "DrawTV": "Public draw on the TV", - "DrawModal": "Private draw on the modal", - "SetAsDrawable": "Set as drawable", - "SetAsNoDrawable": "Set as non-drawable", - "SetAsCompleted": "Set as completed", - "RemoveAllWinners": "Remove all winners", - "EditWinners": "Edit winners", - "EditAttendees": "Edit attendees", - "ExportAttendeesAsExcel": "Export attendees as Excel", - "DuplicateRaffle": "Duplicate raffle", - "LicenseMonthsOnNewPurchase": "License Months for New License", - "LicenseMonthsOnRenewPurchase": "License Months for License Renewal", - "SupportQuestionCountPerDeveloperOnRenewLicense": "Support Question Count Per Developer for License Renewal", - "SupportQuestionCountPerDeveloperOnNewLicense": "Support Question Count Per Developer for New License", - "IncludedDeveloperCount": "Included Developer Count", - "CanBuyAdditionalDevelopers": "Can Buy Additional Developers", - "HasEmailSupport": "Has Email Support", - "IsSupportPrivateQuestion": "Can Open Private Support Question", - "AdditionalDeveloperPrice": "Additional Developer Price", - "LicenseUpgradePrice": "License Upgrade Price", - "AdditionalDeveloperUpgradePrice": "Additional Developer Upgrade Price", - "EditLicense{0}": "Edit {0} License", - "CampaignNameAlreadyExists": "Campaign name already exists", - "DiscountRate": "Discount Rate", - "Menu:RedisManagement": "Redis Management", - "RedisManagement": "Redis Management", - "Permission:RedisManagement": "Redis Management" - "UserCleanUp": "User Clean Up" - "Permission:UserCleanUp": "User Clean Up", \ No newline at end of file +{ + "culture": "en", + "texts": { + "Permission:Organizations": "Organizations", + "Permission:Manage": "Manage Organizations", + "Permission:DiscountRequests": "Discount Requests", + "Permission:DiscountManage": "Manage Discount Requests", + "Permission:Disable": "Disable", + "Permission:Enable": "Enable", + "Permission:EnableSendEmail": "Enable Send Email", + "Permission:SendEmail": "Send Email", + "Permission:NpmPackages": "NPM Packages", + "Permission:NugetPackages": "Nuget Packages", + "Permission:Maintenance": "Maintenance", + "Permission:Maintain": "Maintain", + "Permission:ClearCaches": "Clear caches", + "Permission:Modules": "Modules", + "Permission:Packages": "Packages", + "Permission:Edit": "Edit", + "Permission:Delete": "Delete", + "Permission:Create": "Create", + "Permission:Accounting": "Accounting", + "Permission:Accounting:Quotation": "Quotation", + "Permission:Accounting:Invoice": "Invoice", + "Permission:Export": "Export", + "Menu:Organizations": "Organizations", + "Menu:Accounting": "Accounting", + "Menu:Packages": "Packages", + "Menu:DiscountRequests": "Discount Requests", + "NpmPackageDeletionWarningMessage": "This NPM Package will be deleted. Do you confirm that?", + "NugetPackageDeletionWarningMessage": "This Nuget Package will be deleted. Do you confirm that?", + "NuGetPackages": "NuGet Packages", + "ModuleDeletionWarningMessage": "This Module will be deleted. Do you confirm that?", + "Name": "Name", + "DisplayName": "Display name", + "ShortDescription": "Short description", + "LongDescription": "Long description", + "NameFilter": "Name", + "CreationTime": "Creation time", + "IsPro": "Pro package", + "IsFreeToActiveLicenseOwners": "Free to license owners", + "ShowOnModuleList": "Show on module list", + "EfCoreConfigureMethodName": "Configure method name", + "IsProFilter": "Pro package", + "ShowOnModuleFilter": "Show on module list", + "ShowOnModuleListFilter": "Show on module list", + "ApplicationType": "Application type", + "Target": "Target", + "TargetFilter": "Target", + "ModuleClass": "Module class", + "NugetPackageTarget.DomainShared": "Domain Shared", + "NugetPackageTarget.Domain": "Domain", + "NugetPackageTarget.Application": "Application", + "NugetPackageTarget.ApplicationContracts": "Application Contracts", + "NugetPackageTarget.HttpApi": "Http Api", + "NugetPackageTarget.HttpApiClient": "Http Api Client", + "NugetPackageTarget.Web": "Web", + "NugetPackageTarget.EntityFrameworkCore": "DeleteAllEntityFramework Core", + "NugetPackageTarget.MongoDB": "MongoDB", + "Edit": "Edit", + "Delete": "Delete", + "Refresh": "Refresh", + "NpmPackages": "NPM Packages", + "NugetPackages": "Nuget Packages", + "NpmPackageCount": "NPM Package Count", + "NugetPackageCount": "Nuget Package Count", + "NuGetPackageCount": "NuGet Package Count", + "Module": "Modules", + "ModuleInfo": "Module info", + "CreateANpmPackage": "Create a NPM package", + "CreateAModule": "Create a module", + "CreateANugetPackage": "Create a Nuget package", + "AddNew": "Add new", + "PackageAlreadyExist{0}": "\"{0}\" package is already added.", + "ModuleAlreadyExist{0}": "\"{0}\" module is already added.", + "ClearCache": "Clear cache", + "SuccessfullyCleared": "Successfully cleared", + "Menu:NpmPackages": "NPM Packages", + "Menu:Modules": "Modules", + "Menu:Maintenance": "Maintenance", + "Menu:NugetPackages": "NuGet Packages", + "CreateAnOrganization": "Create an organization", + "Organizations": "Organizations", + "LongName": "Long name", + "LicenseType": "License type", + "MissingLicenseTypeField": "The license type field is required!", + "LicenseStartTime": "License start time", + "LicenseEndTime": "License end time", + "AllowedDeveloperCount": "Allowed developer count", + "UserNameOrEmailAddress": "Username or email address", + "AddOwner": "Add owner", + "UserName": "Username", + "Email": "Email", + "Developers": "Developers", + "AddDeveloper": "Add developer", + "Create": "Create", + "UserNotFound": "User not found", + "{0}WillBeRemovedFromDevelopers": "{0} Will be removed from developers, do you confirm?", + "{0}WillBeRemovedFromOwners": "{0} Will be removed from owners, do you confirm?", + "{0}WillBeRemovedFromMembers": "{0} Will be removed from members, do you confirm?", + "Computers": "Computers", + "UniqueComputerId": "Unique computer id", + "LastSeenDate": "Last seen date", + "{0}Computer{1}WillBeRemovedFromRecords": "Computer of {0} ({1}) will be removed from records", + "OrganizationDeletionWarningMessage": "Organization will be deleted", + "DeletingLastOwnerWarningMessage": "An organization must have at least one owner! Therefore you cannot remove this owner", + "This{0}AlreadyExistInThisOrganization": "This {0} already exist in this organization", + "AreYouSureYouWantToDeleteAllComputers": "Are you sure you want to delete all computers?", + "DeleteAll": "Delete all", + "DoYouWantToCreateNewUser": "Do you want to create new user?", + "MasterModules": "Master Modules", + "OrganizationName": "Organization name", + "CreationDate": "Creation date", + "LicenseStartDate": "License start date", + "LicenseEndDate": "License end date", + "OrganizationNamePlaceholder": "Organization name...", + "TotalQuestionCountPlaceholder": "Total question count...", + "RemainingQuestionCountPlaceholder": "Remaining question count...", + "LicenseTypePlaceholder": "License type...", + "CreationDatePlaceholder": "Creation date...", + "LicenseStartDatePlaceholder": "License start date...", + "LicenseEndDatePlaceholder": "License end date...", + "UsernameOrEmail": "Username or email", + "UsernameOrEmailPlaceholder": "Username or email...", + "Member": "Member", + "PurchaseOrderNo": "Purchase order no", + "QuotationDate": "Quotation date", + "CompanyName": "Company name", + "DownloadType": "Download type", + "UserDownloads": "User Downloads", + "AcceptNewsletter": "Accept newsletter", + "CompanyAddress": "Company address", + "Price": "Price", + "Unknown": "Unknown", + "DddEBook": "Ddd EBook", + "MasteringAbpFrameworkEBook": "Mastering AbpFramework EBook", + "MicroserviceEBook": "Microservice EBook", + "DiscountText": "Discount text", + "DiscountQuantity": "Discount quantity", + "DiscountPrice": "Discount price", + "Quotation": "Quotation", + "ExtraText": "Extra Text", + "ExtraAmount": "Extra Amount", + "DownloadQuotation": "Download Quotation", + "Invoice": "Invoice", + "TaxNumber": "Tax Number", + "InvoiceNumber": "Invoice Number", + "InvoiceDate": "Invoice Date", + "InvoiceNote": "Invoice Note", + "Quantity": "Quantity", + "AddProduct": "Add Product", + "AddProductWarning": "You need to add product!", + "TotalPrice": "Total Price", + "Generate": "Generate", + "MissingQuantityField": "The quantity field is required!", + "MissingPriceField": "The Price field is required!", + "CodeUsageStatus": "Status", + "Country": "Country", + "DeveloperCount": "Developer Count", + "RequestCode": "Request Code", + "WebSite": "Web Site", + "GithubUsername": "Github Username", + "PhoneNumber": "Phone Number", + "ProjectDescription": "Project Description", + "Referrer": "Referrer", + "DiscountRequests": "Discount Request", + "Copylink": "Copy Link", + "Disable": "Disable", + "Enable": "Enable", + "EnableSendEmail": "Enable Send Email", + "SendEmail": "Send Email", + "SuccessfullyDisabled": "Successfully Disabled", + "SuccessfullyEnabled": "Successfully Enabled", + "EmailSent": "Email Sent", + "SuccessfullySent": "Successfully Sent", + "SuccessfullyDeleted": "Successfully Deleted", + "DiscountRequestDeletionWarningMessage": "Discount request will be deleted", + "BusinessType": "Business Type", + "TotalQuestionCount": "Total question count", + "RemainingQuestionCount": "Remaining question count", + "TotalQuestionMustBeGreaterWarningMessage": "TotalQuestionCount must be greater than RemainingQuestionCount !", + "QuestionCountsMustBeGreaterThanZero": "TotalQuestionCount and RemainingQuestionCount must be zero or greater than zero !", + "UnlimitedQuestionCount": "Unlimited question count", + "Notes": "Notes", + "Menu:Community": "Community", + "Menu:Posts": "Posts", + "Wait": "Wait", + "Approve": "Approve", + "Reject": "Reject", + "Details": "Details", + "Url": "Url", + "Title": "Title", + "ContentSource": "Content source", + "Status": "Status", + "ReadPost": "Read post", + "PostHasBeenWaiting": "Post has been waiting", + "PostHasBeenApproved": "Post has been approved", + "PostHasBeenRejected": "Post has been rejected", + "Permission:Community": "Community", + "Permission:CommunityPost": "Post", + "Link": "Link", + "Enum:ContentSource:0": "Github", + "Enum:ContentSource:1": "External", + "Enum:Status:0": "Waiting", + "Enum:Status:1": "Rejected", + "Enum:Status:2": "Approved", + "Summary": "Summary", + "AuthorName": "Author name", + "CoverImage": "Cover Image", + "RemoveCacheConfirmationMessage": "Are you sure you remove the cache for \"{0}\" post?", + "SuccessfullyRemoved": "Successfully cleared", + "RemoveCache": "Remove Cache", + "Language": "Language", + "Optional": "Optional", + "CreatePostLanguageInfo": "The language in which the post is written", + "Enum:ContentSource:2": "Video Post", + "VideoPreview": "Video Preview", + "VideoPreviewErrorMessage": "Given video url couldn't retrieve from Youtube. This can be caused by either video is private or the given URL is not available.", + "DeleteCoverImage": "Delete Cover Image", + "DeleteCoverImageConfirmationMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete the cover image for \"{0}\"?", + "DeleteCoverImageSuccessMessage": "Cover image successfully deleted", + "PaymentsOf": "Payments of", + "ShowPaymentsOfOrganization": "Payments", + "Date": "Date", + "Products": "Products", + "TotalAmount": "Total amount", + "Currency": "Currency", + "Gateway": "Gateway", + "State": "State", + "FailReason": "Fail reason", + "ReIndexAllPosts": "Reindex All Posts", + "ReIndexAllPostsConfirmationMessage": "Are you sure you want to reindex all posts?", + "SuccessfullyReIndexAllPosts": "All posts have been successfully reindexed.", + "Permission:FullSearch": "Full text search", + "Menu:CliAnalytics": "CLI Analytics", + "Menu:Reports": "Dynamic Reports", + "TemplateName": "Template name", + "TemplateVersion": "Template version", + "DatabaseProvider": "Database provider", + "IsTiered": "Is Tiered", + "ProjectName": "Project name", + "Username": "User name", + "Tool": "Tool", + "Command": "Command", + "UiFramework": "Ui framework", + "Options": "Options", + "CliAnalytics": "Cli Analytics", + "Reports": "Dynamic Reports", + "Permission:CliAnalyticses": "Cli Analyticses", + "Permission:CliAnalytics": "Cli Analytics", + "Permission:Reports": "Reports", + "Search": "Search", + "ClearFilter": "Clear filter", + "LicensePrivateKey": "License private key", + "LicensePublicKey": "License public key", + "ApiKey": "NuGet API key", + "ShowInvoiceRequestsOfOrganization": "Invoice requests", + "ShowQuestionsOfOrganization": "Questions", + "Question": "Question", + "Open": "Open", + "Questions": "Questions", + "InvoiceRequests": "Invoice Requests", + "Address": "Address", + "TaxNo": "Tax No", + "Permission:InvoiceRequest": "Invoice Request", + "Permission:Question": "Question", + "AddNoteSuccessMessage": "Note successfully added", + "NameSurname": "Name Surname", + "Note": "Note", + "Add": "Add", + "ProjectDownloads": "Project Downloads", + "ShowProjectDownloadsOfOrganization": "Project Downloads", + "ShowAuditLogsOfOrganization": "Audit Logs", + "Enum:EntityChangeType:0": "Created", + "Enum:EntityChangeType:1": "Updated", + "Enum:EntityChangeType:2": "Deleted", + "TenantId": "Tenant ID", + "ChangeTime": "Change time", + "EntityTypeFullName": "Entity type full name", + "AuditLogsFor{0}Organization": "Audit logs for \"{0}\" organization", + "Permission:EntityChange": "Entity Change", + "Permission:ProjectDownload": "Project Download", + "Permission:PaymentRequest": "Payment Request", + "CreatorEmailAddress": "Creator email address", + "EmailSendDate": "Email send date", + "PaymentRequestsFor{0}Organization": "Payment requests for \"{0}\" organization", + "PaymentDetails": "Payment Details", + "PaymentProduct": "Payment Product", + "ProductName": "Product Name", + "Code": "Code", + "GenerateInvoice": "Generate Invoice", + "ExportOrganizationsToExcel": "Export to Excel", + "ThisExtensionIsNotAllowed": "This extension is not allowed.", + "TheFileIsTooLarge": "The file is too large!", + "PostDeletionConfirmationMessage": "Are you sure you want to hard delete this post?", + "ChooseCoverImage": "Choose a cover image...", + "Menu:Quotation": "Quotation", + "Menu:Invoice": "Invoice", + "Menu:Quotation/Invoice": "Quotation/Invoice", + "Menu:UserDownloads": "User Downloads", + "Menu:PaymentRequests": "Payment Requests", + "Permission:PaymentRequests": "Payment Requests", + "PaymentRequests": "Payment Requests", + "Creator": "Creator", + "ExtraProperties": "Extra Properties", + "Organization": "Organization", + "Waiting": "Waiting", + "Completed": "Completed", + "Failed": "Failed", + "PaymentRequestDeletionWarningMessage": "This payment request will be deleted. Do you confirm that?", + "Payment": "Payment", + "AddPayment": "Add Payment", + "Enum:PurchaseType:1": "New License", + "Enum:PurchaseType:2": "License Extend", + "Enum:PurchaseType:3": "License Upgrade", + "Enum:PurchaseType:4": "Additional Developer", + "LicenceType": "License Type", + "PurchaseType": "Purchase Type", + "ReceiptNo": "Receipt No", + "PaymentTime": "Payment Time", + "ProductPrice": "Product Price", + "AdditionalDeveloper": "Additional developer", + "ThisPaymentHasBeenAlreadyUsed": "This payment has been already used", + "PaymentTimeCannotBeFutureTime": "Payment time cannot be a future time!", + "SaveAndDownload": "Save and Download", + "BillingInfo": "Billing Info", + "DeleteInvoice": "Delete Invoice", + "PaymentStateSetTo": "Payment state set to {0}", + "ChangeState": "Change State", + "Permission:TrialLicense": "Trial License", + "Menu:TrialLicenses": "Trial Licenses", + "TrialLicenses": "Trial Licenses", + "UserNameFilter": "Username", + "TrialLicenseStatusFilter": "Status", + "TrialLicenseStartDateFilter": "Start date", + "TrialLicenseEndDateFilter": "End date", + "FirstName": "First name", + "LastName": "Last name", + "StartDate": "Start date", + "EndDate": "End date", + "PurchasedDate": "Purchased date", + "OrganizationDetail": "Organization Detail", + "TrialLicenseStatus": "Trial license status", + "TrialLicenseDetail": "Trial License Detail", + "AcceptsMarketingCommunications": "Marketing Communications", + "PurposeOfUsage": "Purpose of usage", + "CountryName": "Country name", + "CompanySize": "Company size", + "DetailTrialLicense": "Details", + "Requested": "Requested", + "Activated": "Activated", + "PurchasedToNormalLicense": "Purchased", + "Expired": "Expired", + "TrialLicenseDeletionWarningMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete the trial license? Trial license, organization, support accounts will be deleted!", + "LicenseCategoryFilter": "License category", + "Permission:SendWelcomeEmail": "Send Welcome Email", + "SendWelcomeEmail": "Send Welcome Email", + "SendWelcomeEmailWarningMessage": "Are you sure you want to send welcome email to the organization members?", + "SendWelcomeEmailSuccessMessage": "Welcome email sent successfully!", + "Activate": "Activate", + "ActivateTrialLicenseWarningMessage": " When you activate a trial license, a welcome e-mail will be sent to the user. Do you want to activate it?", + "ActivateTrialLicenseSuccessMessage": "Activated successfully and the welcome e-mail sent to the organization members.", + "PaymentRequestId": "Payment Request Id", + "AdditionalDeveloperCount": "Additional developer count", + "LicensePrice": "License price", + "PurchaseDate": "Purchase date", + "IsAbpBookDownloaded": "Mastering ABP Book downloaded?", + "IsMasteringAbpBookDownloadEnabled": "ABP Book download enabled", + "Permission:Accounting:CustomPaymentLinkGenerator": "Custom Payment Link", + "CustomPaymentLink": "Custom Payment Link", + "Menu:CustomPaymentLink": "Custom Payment Link", + "Amount": "Amount", + "GenerateCustomPaymentLink": "Generate Custom Payment Link", + "GeneratedPaymentLink": "Generated Payment Link", + "CopyText": "Copy Text", + "Permission:CommunityEvents": "Events", + "Menu:Events": "Events", + "Events": "Events", + "EventType": "Event Type", + "Number": "Number", + "RegistrationURL": "Registration URL", + "URL": "URL", + "EventDeletionConfirmationMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete this event?", + "Enum:EventType:0": "Community Talks", + "CreateAnEvent": "Create an event", + "Permission:CommunitySpeakers": "Speakers", + "CreateASpeaker": "Create a speaker", + "Speakers": "Speakers", + "Image": "Image", + "GithubURL": "Github URL", + "SpeakerDeletionConfirmationMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete this speaker?", + "Menu:Speakers": "Speakers", + "ChooseSpeakerImage": "Choose a speaker image...", + "SpeakerImage": "Speaker image", + "AddSpeaker": "Add Speaker", + "ShowPurchaseItemsOfOrganizations": "Purchase Items", + "Enum:OrganizationPurchaseState:0": "Not delivered", + "Enum:OrganizationPurchaseState:1": "Delivered", + "PurchaseItems": "Purchase Items", + "SuccessfullyUpdated": "Successfully updated", + "SuccessfullyAdded": "Successfully added", + "PurchaseState": "Purchase status", + "ShowBetweenDayCount": "Show Between Days", + "PurchaseOrder": "Purchase Order", + "ShowCreateInvoiceOfOrganization": "Create Invoice", + "ShowCreateQuotationOfOrganization": "Create Quotation/Invoice", + "BookDiscounts": "Book Discounts", + "Permission:BookDiscount": "Book Discount", + "Menu:BookDiscounts": "Book Discounts", + "BookType": "Book Type", + "PurchasePlatform": "Purchase Platform", + "StartTime": "Start Time", + "EndTime": "End Time", + "CreateABookDiscount": "Create a book discount", + "BookDiscountDeletionConfirmationMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete this book discount?", + "CustomPaymentFlexSwitchDescription": "With license", + "AllowFeatureUpgradeOnLicenseExpire": "Allow feature upgrade on license expire", + "Deleted{0}": "[Deleted {0}]", + "Tags": "Tags", + "SetTagsInfo": "Tags should be comma-separated. Eg: CSharp, Entity Framework", + "RejectTrialLicenseWarningMessage": "Are you sure you want to reject this trial license request?", + "ExportToExcel": "Export to Excel", + "OverallTotalPrice": "Overall Total Price", + "OverallDiscountPrice": "Overall Discount Price", + "OverallDiscountText": "Overall Discount Text", + "SelectReport": "- Select Report -", + "NoDataAvailable": "No data available", + "StatisticsOfCachedContents": "Statistics of cached NuGet package contents for", + "Compact": "Compact", + "EditSettings": "Edit Settings", + "CurrentEstimatedSize": "Current Estimated Size", + "CurrentEntryCount": "Current Entry Count", + "TotalHits": "Total Hits", + "TotalMisses": "Total Misses", + "NoResponseFrom": "No response from", + "ContentCacheSlidingExpirationByDay": "Content Cache Sliding Expiration By Day", + "MaxDaysForCaching": "Max Days For Caching", + "Enabled": "Enabled", + "Menu:NugetPackagesContentCache": "NuGet Cache", + "NugetPackagesContentCache": "NuGet Content Cache", + "SlidingExpritionByDayInfo": "Gets or sets how long a cache entry can be inactive (e.g. not accessed) before it will be removed. This will not extend the entry lifetime beyond the absolute expiration.", + "MaxDaysForCachingInfo": "Gets or sets an absolute expiration time, relative to now.", + "CurrentEstimatedSizeInfo": "Indicates an estimated sum of all the NuGet packages' content size currently in the memory cache", + "CurrentEntryCountInfo": "Indicates the number of instances currently in the memory cache.", + "TotalHitsInfo": "Indicates the total number of cache misses. A cache hit occurs when a file is requested from a cache and the cache is able to fulfill that request.", + "TotalMissesInfo": "Indicates the total number of cache hits. A cache miss is when the cache does not contain the requested content.", + "Permission:VersionHistory": "Version History", + "Caches": "Caches", + "VersionHistories": "Version History", + "Version": "Version", + "PublishDate": "Publish Date", + "IsStableVersion": "Stable Version", + "IsActive": "Active", + "NewVersion": "New Version", + "VersionHistoryDeletionConfirmationMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete this version?", + "CreateAbpConsultantLogoInfo": "Maximum file size: 1MB
Supported file types: jpg, jpeg, png, SVG, WebP", + "UrlCode": "Url Code", + "Clear": "Clear", + "Permission:AbpConsultant": "ABP Consultant", + "Menu:AbpConsultants": "ABP Consultants", + "CreateAbpConsultant": "Create ABP Consultant", + "UrlCodeIsNotAvailable": "Url code is used by another ABP Consultant.", + "AbpConsultants": "ABP Consultants", + "AbpConsultant": "ABP Consultant", + "AbpConsultantEdit": "Edit ABP Consultant", + "AbpConsultantCreate": "Create ABP Consultant", + "WhoWeAreItem": "Who We Are Item", + "FieldIsRequired": "{0} is required.", + "FieldIsNotValid": " {0} is not valid.", + "InterestedLicenseType": "Interested License Type", + "MoveWaitList": "Move to wait list", + "CommunityLinkTitle": "Open on the community website", + "CommunityLink": "Link", + "IpAddress": "IP Address", + "ReloadFromSource": "Reload From the Source", + "ReloadFromSourceConfirmationMessage": "This post will be refreshed from \"{0}\". Do you want to continue?", + "UnitPrice": "Unit Price", + "OverallDiscountAmount": "Overall Discount Amount", + "DiscountAmount": "Discount Amount", + "FullChangeHistory": "Full Change History", + "Permission:RefreshReleaseLogs": "Refresh Release Logs", + "ReleaseLogs": "Release Logs", + "AuthorUserName": "Author User Name", + "Type": "Type", + "TotalDiscount": "Total Discount", + "SubTotal": "Sub Total", + "TotalDue": "Total Due", + "QuotationNo": "Quotation no", + "ValidTill": "Valid till", + "QuotationNote": "Quotation note", + "QuotationTemplate.Address:": "Address:", + "QuotationTemplate.VATNo:": "VAT No:", + "QuotationTemplate.Phone:": "Phone:", + "QuotationTemplate.E-mail:": "E-mail:", + "QuotationTemplate.Quotation": "Quotation", + "QuotationTemplate.To": "To", + "QuotationTemplate.Details": "Details", + "QuotationTemplate.QuotationNo:": "Quotation #:", + "QuotationTemplate.IssueDate:": "Issue Date:", + "QuotationTemplate.ValidTill:": "Valid Till:", + "QuotationTemplate.ValidDays": "{0} Days", + "QuotationTemplate.Description": "Description", + "QuotationTemplate.UnitPrice": "Unit Price", + "QuotationTemplate.Qty": "Qty", + "QuotationTemplate.Discount": "Discount", + "QuotationTemplate.Total": "Total", + "QuotationTemplate.Notes": "Notes", + "QuotationTemplate.SubTotal:": "Sub Total :", + "QuotationTemplate.Tax/VAT:": "Tax / Vat (%{0}) :", + "QuotationTemplate.TotalDiscount:": "Total Discount :", + "QuotationTemplate.TOTALDUE:": "TOTAL DUE :", + "QuotationTemplate.BankAccount": "Our bank account information can be found at {0}", + "Permission:Raffles": "Raffle", + "Permission:Draw": "Draw", + "Permission:ExportAttendeesAsExcel": "Export at attendees as Excel", + "Menu:Raffles": "Raffles", + "RaffleIsNotDrawable": "Raffle is not drawable", + "WinnerCountMustBeGreaterThanZero": "Winner count must be greater than zero", + "FullDescription": "Full Description", + "VisibilityStartDate": "Visibility Start Date", + "VisibilityEndDate": "Visibility End Date", + "RaffleDate": "Raffle Date", + "SubscriptionCode": "Subscription Code", + "GroupCode": "Group Code", + "MaxWinnerCount": "Max Winner Count", + "ReDraw": "Re-Draw", + "EditRaffle": "Edit Raffle", + "Raffles": "Raffles", + "CreateARaffle": "Create a raffle", + "Draw": "Draw", + "Enum:RaffleStatus:0": "Active", + "Enum:RaffleStatus:1": "Next", + "Enum:RaffleStatus:2": "Past", + "DrawDone": "Draw Done", + "HomePageShowType": "Home Page Show Type", + "None": "None", + "Card": "Card", + "Horizontal": "Horizontal", + "Winners": "Winners", + "StartDateMustBeLessThanEndDate": "Start date must be less than end date", + "VisibilityStartDateMustBeLessThanVisibilityEndDate": "Visibility start date must be less than visibility end date", + "StartDateMustBeGreaterThanVisibilityStartDate": "Start date must be greater than visibility start date", + "EndDateMustBeLessThanVisibilityEndDate": "End date must be less than visibility end date", + "DrawnDone": "Drawn Done", + 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Renewals", + "OrganizationHasCreditCard": "Organization has credit card. Please remove credit card first!", + "DisplayName:DontSendEmailForLicenseExpire": "Don't Send Email For License Expire", + "DontSendEmailForLicenseExpire": "Don't Send Email For License Expire", + "SuccessfullyChanged": "Successfully changed", + "WinnerCountMustBeLessThanMaxWinnerCount": "Winner count must be less than max winner count", + "NoChangesDetected": "No changes detected", + "ProductCount": "Product Count", + "Actions": "Actions", + "CreateInvoice": "Create Invoice", + "IsVisible": "Visible", + "Menu:Testimonials": "Testimonials", + "TestimonialDeletionConfirmationMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete this testimonial ?", + "FullName": "Full name", + "TestimonialText": "Testimonial text", + "ExperienceYear": "Experience year", + "Position": "Title", + "YearsOfExperience": "Experience year", + "AllowedLicenses": "Allowed Licenses", + "AllowedModules": "Allowed Modules", + "ModuleName": "Module name", + "NonYet": "Non yet", + "Permission:Testimonials": "Testimonials", + "SelectCompanySizePlaceholder": "Company Size", + "SelectExperienceYearPlaceholder": "Experience year", + "SelectCountryPlaceholder": "Country", + "DeleteImageConfirmationMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete the image for \"{0}\"?", + "DeleteImageSuccessMessage": "Image successfully deleted", + "DeleteImage": "Delete Image", + "NetTerms": "Terms (Days)", + "Menu:DynamicReports": "Dynamic Reports", + "Menu:Others": "Others", + "Menu:Packs&Modules": "Packs & Modules", + "ReleaseCaches": "Release Cache", + "Menu:HeroSections": "Hero Sections", + "HeroSections": "Hero Sections", + "DynamicReports": "Dynamic Reports", + "Menu:ReportsMenu": "Reports", + "Permission:HeroSections": "Hero Sections", + "RedirectLink": "Redirect link", + "HeroSectionsDeletionConfirmationMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete the hero section?", + "AbpStudioName": "ABP Studio name", + "Permission:EditAttendees": "Edit Attendees", + "AttendeesCount": "Attendees Count", + "CreateQRCode": "Create QR Code", + "DrawTV": "Public draw on the TV", + "DrawModal": "Private draw on the modal", + "SetAsDrawable": "Set as drawable", + "SetAsNoDrawable": "Set as non-drawable", + "SetAsCompleted": "Set as completed", + "RemoveAllWinners": "Remove all winners", + "EditWinners": "Edit winners", + "EditAttendees": "Edit attendees", + "ExportAttendeesAsExcel": "Export attendees as Excel", + "DuplicateRaffle": "Duplicate raffle", + "LicenseMonthsOnNewPurchase": "License Months for New License", + "LicenseMonthsOnRenewPurchase": "License Months for License Renewal", + "SupportQuestionCountPerDeveloperOnRenewLicense": "Support Question Count Per Developer for License Renewal", + "SupportQuestionCountPerDeveloperOnNewLicense": "Support Question Count Per Developer for New License", + "IncludedDeveloperCount": "Included Developer Count", + "CanBuyAdditionalDevelopers": "Can Buy Additional Developers", + "HasEmailSupport": "Has Email Support", + "IsSupportPrivateQuestion": "Can Open Private Support Question", + "AdditionalDeveloperPrice": "Additional Developer Price", + "LicenseUpgradePrice": "License Upgrade Price", + "AdditionalDeveloperUpgradePrice": "Additional Developer Upgrade Price", + "EditLicense{0}": "Edit {0} License", + "CampaignNameAlreadyExists": "Campaign name already exists", + "DiscountRate": "Discount Rate", + "Menu:RedisManagement": "Redis Management", + "RedisManagement": "Redis Management", + "Permission:RedisManagement": "Redis Management", + "UserCleanUp": "User Clean Up", + "Permission:UserCleanUp": "User Clean Up" + } +}