scontrol - administration tool, get/set configuration sinfo - reports general system information squeue - reports job and job step information srun - submit/initiate job or job step scancel - signal or cancel a job or job step
Job types
- interactive
- one-off
- embarasingly parallel
- workflow
- master/slave
Get info
- available nodes
- node attributes (cores, memory)
- my jobs (time, cpu, memory, executable)
- other people's jobs (time, cpu, memory, executable)
- find nodes by parameters
- find jobs by parameters
Control jobs
- pause
- cancel
- schedule
Job parameters
- max run time
- min/max memory
- min/max cpus
- min/max cores
- min/max nodes
- out
- err
- log
Task 1: Hello.R/.py/.sh Script Say hello and give node name, time, and specs (memory, cpus, nodes) Tasks
- submit to one node and capture output
- add error submit and caputer output
- submit to multiple nodes and capture output
- submit to run multiple times and capture output
Task2: Sleepytime.R/.py/.sh Script Pause for a number of seconds specified as command line argument Tasks
- submit to one node and capture output
- add error submit and caputer output
- submit to multiple nodes and capture output
- submit to run multiple times and capture output
- set for long run and check jobs in queue
- set for long time and cancel jobs by name, id, etc.
Task3: Central limit--embarassingly parallel & workflow Script flip coin N times and count heads. append to file Tasks
- submit multiple times and append output to file
- when done, collect stats
squeue squeue --long squeue --user=USER_ID squeue --start squeue --states=running
sacct sacct --starttime 12.04.14 sacct --allusers
scontrol scontrol show nodes
salloc vs srun