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Antoine Aubry edited this page Jan 27, 2017 · 3 revisions

Serializing an object graph

Shows how to convert an object to its YAML representation.


using System;
using Xunit.Abstractions;
using YamlDotNet.Serialization;
using YamlDotNet.Samples.Helpers;

namespace YamlDotNet.Samples
    public class SerializeObjectGraph
        private readonly ITestOutputHelper output;

        public SerializeObjectGraph(ITestOutputHelper output)
            this.output = output;

            DisplayName = "Serializing an object graph",
            Description = "Shows how to convert an object to its YAML representation."
        public void Main()
            var address = new
                street = "123 Tornado Alley\nSuite 16",
                city = "East Westville",
                state = "KS"

            var receipt = new
                receipt = "Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice",
                date = new DateTime(2007, 8, 6),
                customer = new
                    given = "Dorothy",
                    family = "Gale"
                items = new[]
                        part_no = "A4786",
                        descrip = "Water Bucket (Filled)",
                        price = 1.47M,
                        quantity = 4
                        part_no = "E1628",
                        descrip = "High Heeled \"Ruby\" Slippers",
                        price = 100.27M,
                        quantity = 1
                bill_to = address,
                ship_to = address,
                specialDelivery = "Follow the Yellow Brick\n" +
                                  "Road to the Emerald City.\n" +
                                  "Pay no attention to the\n" +
                                  "man behind the curtain."

            var serializer = new Serializer();
            var yaml = serializer.Serialize(receipt);


receipt: Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice
date: 2007-08-06T00:00:00.0000000
  given: Dorothy
  family: Gale
- part_no: A4786
  descrip: Water Bucket (Filled)
  price: 1.47
  quantity: 4
- part_no: E1628
  descrip: High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers
  price: 100.27
  quantity: 1
bill_to: &o0
  street: >-
    123 Tornado Alley

    Suite 16
  city: East Westville
  state: KS
ship_to: *o0
specialDelivery: >-
  Follow the Yellow Brick

  Road to the Emerald City.

  Pay no attention to the

  man behind the curtain.