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Web Status Configuration

Aaron W Morris edited this page Jan 25, 2024 · 8 revisions


The Web Status section can be customized using a template and python string format codes.

Information regarding python string formats may be found here:

Each line of the template is wrapped in <div></div> tags and will be rendered as HTML. HTML tags are allowed in the template.


This is the default template

Status: {status:s}
Lat: {latitude:0.1f}/Long: {longitude:0.1f}
Sidereal: {sidereal_time:s}
Mode: {mode:s}
Sun: {sun_alt:0.1f}&deg; {sun_dir:s}
Moon: {moon_alt:0.1f}&deg; {moon_dir:s}
Phase: {moon_phase_str:s} <span data-bs-toggle="tooltip" data-bs-placement="right" title="{moon_phase:0.0f}%">{moon_phase_sign:s}</span>
Smoke: {smoke_rating:s} {smoke_rating_status}
Kp-index: {kpindex:0.2f} {kpindex_rating:s} {kpindex_trend:s} {kpindex_status:s}
Aurora: {ovation_max:d}% {ovation_max_status}


Name Type Add Date Info
status str Status of indi-allsky
latitude float Latitude
longitude float Longitude
elevation int Elevation
sidereal_time str Local Sidereal time
mode str Mode (Day/Night)
sun_alt float Sun Altitude
sun_dir str Sun direction (arrow)
moon_alt float Moon Altitude
moon_dir str Moon direction (arrow)
moon_phase_str str Moon phase string (Waxing/Waning)
moon_glyph str Moon glyph HTML character
moon_phase float Moon phase (percentage)
moon_cycle_percent float Current moon cycle percentage
smoke_rating str Smoke rating
smoke_rating_status str Smoke rating data status (will indicate if data is old)
kpindex float K-P Index
kpindex_rating str K-P Index text rating (LOW/HIGH)
kpindex_trend str K-P Index trend (arrow)
kpindex_status str K-P Index data status (will indicate if data is old)
ovation_max int Aurora Ovation score for current location
ovation_max_status str Aurora Ovation data status (will indicate if data is old)
owner str Owner
location str Location name
lens_name str Lens description
alt float Lens Altitude
az float Lens Azimuth
camera_name str Camera INDI name
camera_friendly_name str Camera friendly name (configured in DB)
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