diff --git a/src/Aardvark.UI.Primitives/Aardvark.UI.Primitives.fsproj b/src/Aardvark.UI.Primitives/Aardvark.UI.Primitives.fsproj
index 6c928747..d1f294b7 100644
--- a/src/Aardvark.UI.Primitives/Aardvark.UI.Primitives.fsproj
+++ b/src/Aardvark.UI.Primitives/Aardvark.UI.Primitives.fsproj
@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@
diff --git a/src/Aardvark.UI.Primitives/Primitives/SimplePrimitives.fs b/src/Aardvark.UI.Primitives/Primitives/SimplePrimitives.fs
index 0d544958..569d417c 100644
--- a/src/Aardvark.UI.Primitives/Primitives/SimplePrimitives.fs
+++ b/src/Aardvark.UI.Primitives/Primitives/SimplePrimitives.fs
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ open Aardvark.UI
open FSharp.Data.Adaptive
open Aardvark.UI.Generic
+#nowarn "44" // TODO: Remove old dropdown stuff
module SimplePrimitives =
open System
@@ -167,6 +169,223 @@ module SimplePrimitives =
module TextConfig =
let empty = { regex = None; maxLength = None }
+ // TODO: Add []
+ module Dropdown =
+ []
+ type DropdownValues<'T, 'msg> =
+ | List of alist<'T * DomNode<'msg>>
+ | Map of amap<'T, DomNode<'msg>>
+ module DropdownInternals =
+ []
+ type DropdownValueConverter() =
+ static member inline ToDropdownValues (values: DropdownValues<'T, 'msg>) = values
+ static member inline ToDropdownValues (values: alist<'T * DomNode<'msg>>) = DropdownValues.List values
+ static member inline ToDropdownValues (values: amap<'T, DomNode<'msg>>) = DropdownValues.Map values
+ static member inline ToDropdownValues (values: seq<'T * DomNode<'msg>>) = DropdownValues.List <| AList.ofSeq values
+ static member inline ToDropdownValues (values: array<'T * DomNode<'msg>>) = DropdownValues.List <| AList.ofArray values
+ static member inline ToDropdownValues (values: list<'T * DomNode<'msg>>) = DropdownValues.List <| AList.ofList values
+ let inline private toDropdownValuesAux (_: ^Converter) (values: ^Values) =
+ ((^Converter or ^Values) : (static member ToDropdownValues : ^Values -> DropdownValues<'T, 'msg>) (values))
+ let inline toDropdownValues (values: ^Values) : DropdownValues<'T, 'msg> =
+ toDropdownValuesAux Unchecked.defaultof values
+ let inline getEnumValues<'T, 'U, 'msg when 'T : enum<'U>> (toNode: Option<'T -> DomNode<'msg>>) : array<'T * DomNode<'msg>> =
+ let values = Enum.GetValues typeof<'T> |> unbox<'T[]>
+ let nodes =
+ match toNode with
+ | Some f -> values |> Array.map f
+ | _ -> Enum.GetNames typeof<'T> |> Array.map text
+ Array.zip values nodes
+ let private pickler = MBrace.FsPickler.FsPickler.CreateBinarySerializer()
+ let private dropdownImpl (update: 'T list -> 'msg) (activateOnHover: bool) (placeholder: string option) (multiSelect: bool) (icon: string option)
+ (selected: alist<'T>) (attributes: AttributeMap<'msg>) (values: DropdownValues<'T, 'msg>) =
+ let dependencies =
+ Html.semui @ [ { name = "dropdown"; url = "resources/dropdown.js"; kind = Script }]
+ let valuesWithKeys =
+ let sortedValues =
+ match values with
+ | DropdownValues.List list -> list
+ | DropdownValues.Map map ->
+ let cmp =
+ if typeof.IsAssignableFrom typeof<'T> then Unchecked.compare<'T>
+ else fun _ _ -> -1
+ map |> AMap.toASet |> ASet.sortWith (fun (a, _) (b, _) -> cmp a b)
+ sortedValues
+ |> AList.map (fun (key, node) ->
+ let hash = pickler.ComputeHash(key).Hash |> Convert.ToBase64String
+ key, hash, node
+ )
+ let lookup =
+ valuesWithKeys
+ |> AList.toAVal
+ |> AVal.map (fun values ->
+ let forward = values |> IndexList.map (fun (key, hash, _) -> struct (key, hash)) |> HashMap.ofSeqV
+ let backward = values |> IndexList.map (fun (key, hash, _) -> struct (hash, key)) |> HashMap.ofSeqV
+ forward, backward
+ )
+ let update (args : string list) =
+ try
+ let data : string = Pickler.unpickleOfJson args.Head
+ let _fw, bw = AVal.force lookup
+ let values =
+ data
+ |> String.split ","
+ |> Array.toList
+ |> List.choose (fun k -> HashMap.tryFind k bw)
+ Seq.singleton (update values)
+ with exn ->
+ Log.warn "[Dropdown] callback failed: %s" exn.Message
+ Seq.empty
+ let selection =
+ adaptive {
+ let! selected = selected |> AList.toAVal
+ let! fw, _bw = lookup
+ return selected
+ |> IndexList.choose (fun v -> HashMap.tryFind v fw)
+ |> IndexList.toList
+ }
+ let attributes =
+ let disableClazz clazz disabled =
+ if disabled then AttributeMap.removeClass clazz
+ else id
+ let toggleClazz clazz enabled =
+ if enabled then AttributeMap.addClass clazz
+ else AttributeMap.removeClass clazz
+ let attributes =
+ attributes
+ |> toggleClazz "multiple" multiSelect
+ |> toggleClazz "selection" icon.IsNone
+ |> disableClazz "clearable" placeholder.IsNone
+ AttributeMap.ofList [
+ clazz "ui dropdown"
+ onEvent' "data-event" [] update
+ ]
+ |> AttributeMap.union attributes
+ let boot =
+ let trigger = if activateOnHover then "'hover'" else "'click'"
+ String.concat "" [
+ "const $self = $('#__ID__');"
+ $"aardvark.dropdown($self, {trigger}, channelSelection);"
+ ]
+ require dependencies (
+ onBoot' ["channelSelection", AVal.channel selection] boot (
+ Incremental.div attributes <| AList.ofList [
+ input [ attribute "type" "hidden" ]
+ match icon with
+ | Some icon ->
+ i [ clazz (sprintf "%s icon" icon)] []
+ | _ ->
+ i [ clazz "dropdown icon" ] []
+ div [ clazz "default text"] (placeholder |> Option.defaultValue "")
+ Incremental.div (AttributeMap.ofList [clazz "menu"]) <| alist {
+ for (_, hash, node) in valuesWithKeys do
+ yield div [ clazz "ui item"; attribute "data-value" hash] [node]
+ }
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ let private dropdownOptionImpl (update: 'T option -> 'msg) (activateOnHover: bool) (icon: string option) (placeholder: string)
+ (selected: aval<'T option>) (attributes: AttributeMap<'msg>) (values: DropdownValues<'T, 'msg>) =
+ let selected = selected |> AVal.map Option.toList |> AList.ofAVal
+ let update = List.tryHead >> update
+ dropdownImpl update activateOnHover (Some placeholder) false icon selected attributes values
+ let private dropdownSingleImpl (update: 'T -> 'msg) (activateOnHover: bool) (icon: string option)
+ (selected: aval<'T>) (attributes: AttributeMap<'msg>) (values: DropdownValues<'T, 'msg>) =
+ let selected = selected |> AVal.map List.singleton |> AList.ofAVal
+ let update = List.head >> update
+ dropdownImpl update activateOnHover None false icon selected attributes values
+ /// Dropdown menu for a collection of values. Multiple items can be selected at a time.
+ let dropdownMultiSelect (update: 'T list -> 'msg) (activateOnHover: bool) (placeholder: string)
+ (selected: alist<'T>) (attributes: AttributeMap<'msg>) (values: DropdownValues<'T, 'msg>) =
+ dropdownImpl update activateOnHover (Some placeholder) true None selected attributes values
+ /// Dropdown menu for a collection of values. At most a single item can be selected at a time.
+ let dropdownOption (update: 'T option -> 'msg) (activateOnHover: bool) (icon: string option) (placeholder: string)
+ (selected: aval<'T option>) (attributes: AttributeMap<'msg>) (values: DropdownValues<'T, 'msg>) =
+ dropdownOptionImpl update activateOnHover icon placeholder selected attributes values
+ /// Dropdown menu for a collection of values.
+ let dropdown (update: 'T -> 'msg) (activateOnHover: bool) (icon: string option)
+ (selected: aval<'T>) (attributes: AttributeMap<'msg>) (values: DropdownValues<'T, 'msg>) =
+ dropdownSingleImpl update activateOnHover icon selected attributes values
+ /// Dropdown menu for a collection of values. Multiple items can be selected at a time.
+ /// The attributes can be provided as AttributeMap, amap, alist, or sequence of (conditional) attributes.
+ /// The values can be provided as alist, amap, or sequence of keys with DOM nodes.
+ let inline dropdownMultiSelect (update: 'T list -> 'msg) (activateOnHover: bool) (placeholder: string)
+ (selected: alist<'T>) attributes values =
+ let values: DropdownValues<'T, 'msg> = DropdownInternals.toDropdownValues values
+ DropdownInternals.dropdownMultiSelect update activateOnHover placeholder selected (att attributes) values
+ /// Dropdown menu for an enumeration type. Multiple items can be selected at a time.
+ /// The attributes can be provided as AttributeMap, amap, alist, or sequence of (conditional) attributes.
+ /// The displayed values are derived from the enumeration value names, if the values argument is None.
+ let inline dropdownEnumMultiSelect (update: 'T list -> 'msg) (activateOnHover: bool) (placeholder: string)
+ (selected: alist<'T>) attributes values =
+ let values = DropdownInternals.getEnumValues<'T, _, 'msg> values |> DropdownInternals.toDropdownValues
+ dropdownMultiSelect update activateOnHover placeholder selected attributes values
+ /// Dropdown menu for a collection of values. At most a single item can be selected at a time.
+ /// The attributes can be provided as AttributeMap, amap, alist, or sequence of (conditional) attributes.
+ /// The values can be provided as alist, amap, or sequence of keys with DOM nodes.
+ let inline dropdownOption (update: 'T option -> 'msg) (activateOnHover: bool) (icon: string option) (placeholder: string)
+ (selected: aval<'T option>) attributes values =
+ let values: DropdownValues<'T, 'msg> = DropdownInternals.toDropdownValues values
+ DropdownInternals.dropdownOption update activateOnHover icon placeholder selected (att attributes) values
+ /// Dropdown menu for an enumeration type. At most a single item can be selected at a time.
+ /// The attributes can be provided as AttributeMap, amap, alist, or sequence of (conditional) attributes.
+ /// The displayed values are derived from the enumeration value names, if the values argument is None.
+ let inline dropdownEnumOption (update: 'T option -> 'msg) (activateOnHover: bool) (icon: string option) (placeholder: string)
+ (selected: aval<'T option>) attributes values =
+ let values = DropdownInternals.getEnumValues<'T, _, 'msg> values
+ dropdownOption update activateOnHover icon placeholder selected attributes values
+ /// Dropdown menu for a collection of values.
+ /// The attributes can be provided as AttributeMap, amap, alist, or sequence of (conditional) attributes.
+ /// The values can be provided as alist, amap, or sequence of keys with DOM nodes.
+ let inline dropdown (update: 'T -> 'msg) (activateOnHover: bool) (icon: string option) (selected: aval<'T>) attributes values =
+ let values: DropdownValues<'T, 'msg> = DropdownInternals.toDropdownValues values
+ DropdownInternals.dropdown update activateOnHover icon selected (att attributes) values
+ /// Dropdown menu for a an enumeration type.
+ /// The attributes can be provided as AttributeMap, amap, alist, or sequence of (conditional) attributes.
+ /// The displayed values are derived from the enumeration value names, if the values argument is None.
+ let inline dropdownEnum (update: 'T -> 'msg) (activateOnHover: bool) (icon: string option) (selected: aval<'T>) attributes values =
+ let values = DropdownInternals.getEnumValues<'T, _, 'msg> values
+ dropdown update activateOnHover icon selected attributes values
module Incremental =
@@ -354,7 +573,7 @@ module SimplePrimitives =
let textarea (cfg : TextAreaConfig) (atts : AttributeMap<'msg>) (value : aval) (update : string -> 'msg) =
let value = if value.IsConstant then AVal.custom (fun t -> value.GetValue t) else value
let update v =
@@ -381,7 +600,7 @@ module SimplePrimitives =
alist {
textarea (att [
- match cfg.placeholder with
+ match cfg.placeholder with
| Some ph when ph<>"" -> yield attribute "placeholder" ph
| _ -> ()
yield attribute "type" "text"
@@ -391,221 +610,39 @@ module SimplePrimitives =
- let private pickler = MBrace.FsPickler.FsPickler.CreateBinarySerializer()
+ []
let dropdown (cfg : DropdownConfig) (atts : AttributeMap<'msg>) (values : amap<'a, DomNode<'msg>>) (selected : aval