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Run tgcf on Windows

Aahnik Daw edited this page Apr 23, 2021 · 10 revisions

Windows is a mess! In Linux or Mac, a terminal and python are generally pre-installed. But that's not the case with windows.

Here goes the complete guide to set up and use tgcf on a Windows machine.


  1. Open Microsoft Store


  2. Install Powershell , Windows Terminal, and Python 3.9




  3. By default windows has Notepad. Its a horrible text editor. Windows file explorer is also shitty. It appends .txt to every text file. For a better experience, Install VS Code from for easy editing of text files. When you will be writing the tgcf.config.yml VS code will automatically provide syntax highlighting and type checking. Screenshot (7)

Install tgcf

Open Powershell in Windows Terminal and run pip install tgcf


Configure and Run

  1. You should create a new folder to store tgcf configuration files. Every time you run tgcf you should run from inside this folder.

  2. Open the folder with VS Code and create the files .env and config.tgcf.yml. You will be required to login to your Telegram account only for the first time. The session files will be stored in this folder. Don't delete them, and keep them secret. , go inside it, create .env and tgcf.config.yml, run tgcf Screenshot (12) Screenshot (13) Screenshot (14) Screenshot (15) Screenshot (17)