This project describes a method by which an school can identify other school that are most similar to itself using a methodology that identifies the nearest institutional neighbors based on a weighted set of factors accessed from CAASP (California State Testing) data. An alternative to linear regression, the Nearest Neighbor methodology is robust and flexible; it is easy to understand and to explain to others; and it is a healthy hybrid that integrates the complex qualitative and quantitative characteristics present in a school. Use and outcomes of the method is discussed.
- How should peer school status be determined?
- How do Ravenswood Schools compare to peer schools on statewide ELA and Math assessments?
- How do Ravenswood Schools compare to peer schools on the Summative ELPAC assessment?
- Who are our peer schools?
- Statewide Assessment Data (CAASPP) - The CAASPP website makes data publicly available through easy visualizations and through research files.Data includes average scaled scores for ELA and Math by school, grade, and student groups.
- Statewide Assessment Data (ELPAC) - The ELPAC website makes data publicly available through easy visualizations and through research files.Data includes average scaled scores for summative ELPAC by school, grade, and student groups.
- CA Department of Education - The California Department of Education (CDE) publishes a wide variety of data annually on schools that could be incorporated into this analysis. Data includes enrollment data, absenteeism, accountability, staff data, and more.