Show that the following is equivalent to foldR.
foldRose ∷ (α → List β → β) → Rose α → β
foldRose f (Node a ts) = f a (mapL (foldRose f) ts)
(a) We define foldRose in terms of foldR/foldF.
We can use the universal property from the next exercise to state:
foldRose h = foldR f g
foldRose h (Node x ts) = f x (foldF f g ts)
where t = Node a ts is any rose tree.
Using the definition of foldRose, this gives us the equation
h x (mapL (foldRose h) ts) = f x (foldF f g ts)
≡ { foldR universal property }
h x (mapL (foldR f g) ts) = f x (foldF f g ts)
≡ { foldF.1 }
h x (foldF f g ts) = f x (foldF f g ts)
≡ { generalizing (foldF f g ts) to xs, η-equivalence }
h = f
Considering the type signature of foldR, we now have f ∷ α → List β → β, so γ = List β and g ∷ List β → List β. So let's consider the following equation, which we can extract from the previous use of the foldR universal property:
foldF f g ts = mapL (foldRose f) ts
≡ { foldF.1 }
g (mapL (foldR f g) ts) = mapL (foldRose f) ts
≡ { foldR universal property }
g (mapL (foldR f g) ts) = mapL (foldR f g) ts
≡ { generalizing (mapL (foldR f g) ts) to xs }
g xs = xs
so we can define g = id.
This gives us the definition:
foldRose f = foldR f id