What is the universal property of ‘unfoldN’?
Presumably, it’s
h = unfoldN p f
h x = if p x
then Zero
else Succ (h (f x))
for all h ∷ α → Nat.
For the fusion law, we expect it to be similar to that for list unfold:
(unfoldN p f) ∘ g = unfoldN p' f'
With the universal property, we have
(unfoldN p f) ∘ g = unfoldN p' f'
((unfoldN p f) ∘ g) x = if p' x
then Zero
else Succ (((unfoldN p f) ∘ g) (f x))
Given p' x = True, we (try to) reason:
((unfoldN p f) ∘ g) x = Zero
≡ { application, unfoldN.1 }
if p (g x) then Zero else ... = Zero
Defining p (g x) ⇒ p' x gives us a solution here.
In the case p' x = False, we have:
((unfoldN p f) ∘ g) x = Succ (((unfoldN p f) ∘ g) (f' x))
≡ { application, unfoldN.1 }
if p (g x) then Zero else Succ (unfoldn p f (f (g x)))
= Succ (((unfoldN p f) ∘ g) (f' x))
≡ { application }
if p (g x) then Zero else Succ (unfoldN p f (f (g x)))
= Succ (unfoldN p f (g (f' x)))
≡ { define: p' x = False ⇒ p (g x) = False }
Succ (unfoldN p f (f (g x))) = Succ (unfoldN p f (g (f' x)))
≡ { unapplying Succ from both sides }
unfoldN p f (f (g x)) = unfoldN p f (g (f' x))
which gives us f ∘ g = g ∘ f'. From the constraints on p', we also define:
p' = p ∘ g
(unfoldN p f) ∘ g = unfoldN p' f'
holds if
(p' = p ∘ g) ∧ (f ∘ g = g ∘ f')
for all p, f, g, p', and f' of the appropriate types. This is quite similar to the fusion law for list unfold.