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3. Usage _ Code snippets
Zeugma440 edited this page Aug 24, 2022
43 revisions
For much more use cases and working sample code, feel free to browse the ATL.test project (home of the many unit tests that ensure each commit still works as designed)
Feel free to drop a line through the Issues form if you need to add a specific use case here
Reading an audio file (audio data & metadata)
Reading embedded pictures in a tag
Updating metadata (textual fields)
Updating metadata (embedded pictures)
Reading and writing BEXT, INFO and iXML metadata on a WAV file
Reading and writing sample metadata on a WAV file
Listing supported file formats
Receiving ATL logs in your app
Monitoring progress of writing operations
using ATL;
using ATL.AudioData;
// Adapt this to whatever your file path needs to be
string fileName = "C:/temp/MP3/test.mp3";
// Load audio file information into memory
Track theTrack = new Track(fileName);
// That's it ! Now try and display classic 'supported' fields
System.Console.WriteLine("Title : " + theTrack.Title);
System.Console.WriteLine("Artist : " + theTrack.Artist);
System.Console.WriteLine("Album : " + theTrack.Album);
System.Console.WriteLine("Recording year : " + theTrack.Year);
System.Console.WriteLine("Track number : " + theTrack.TrackNumber);
System.Console.WriteLine("Disc number : " + theTrack.DiscNumber);
System.Console.WriteLine("Genre : " + theTrack.Genre);
System.Console.WriteLine("Comment : " + theTrack.Comment);
System.Console.WriteLine("Duration (s) : " + theTrack.Duration);
System.Console.WriteLine("Bitrate (KBps) : " + theTrack.Bitrate);
System.Console.WriteLine("Number of channels : " + theTrack.ChannelsArrangement.NbChannels);
System.Console.WriteLine("Channels arrangement : " + theTrack.ChannelsArrangement.Description);
System.Console.WriteLine("Has variable bitrate audio : " + (theTrack.IsVBR ? "yes" : "no"));
System.Console.WriteLine("Has lossless audio : " + (AudioDataIOFactory.CF_LOSSLESS == theTrack.CodecFamily ? "yes" : "no"));
// Display custom fields (e.g. TXXX values in ID3v2, or any other custom tag)
foreach (System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<string, string> field in theTrack.AdditionalFields)
System.Console.WriteLine("Custom field " + field.Key + " : value = " + field.Value);
using ATL;
using ATL.AudioData;
// Adapt this to whatever your file path needs to be
string fileName = "E:/temp/MP3/test.mp3";
// Load audio file information into memory
Track theTrack = new Track(fileName);
// Get picture list
System.Collections.Generic.IList<PictureInfo> embeddedPictures = theTrack.EmbeddedPictures;
// Transform them into .NET Image, if needed
foreach (PictureInfo pic in embeddedPictures)
System.Drawing.Image image = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(new System.IO.MemoryStream(pic.PictureData));
using ATL;
using ATL.AudioData;
// Adapt this to whatever your file path needs to be
string fileName = "C:/temp/MP3/test.mp3";
// Load audio file information into memory
Track theTrack = new Track(fileName);
// Modify metadata
theTrack.Artist = "Hey ho";
theTrack.Composer = "Oscar Wilde";
theTrack.AdditionalFields["customField"] = "fancyValue";
// Save modifications on the disc
using ATL;
using ATL.AudioData;
// Adapt this to whatever your file path needs to be
string fileName = "E:/temp/MP3/test.mp3";
// Load audio file information into memory
Track theTrack = new Track(fileName);
// Delete first embedded picture (let's say it exists)
// Add 'CD' embedded picture
PictureInfo newPicture = PictureInfo.fromBinaryData(System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(imagePath), PictureInfo.PIC_TYPE.CD);
// Save modifications on the disc
using ATL;
using ATL.AudioData;
// Note : if you target ID3v2 chapters, it is highly advised to use Settings.ID3v2_tagSubVersion = 3
// as most readers only support ID3v2.3 chapters
Track theFile = new Track(audioFilePath);
readonly string imagePath1 = "someFolder/pic1.jpeg";
readonly string imagePath2 = "someFolder/pic2.jpeg";
theFile.Chapters = new System.Collections.Generic.List<ChapterInfo>();
ChapterInfo ch = new ChapterInfo();
ch.StartTime = 0;
ch.UniqueID = ""; // Unique ID is specific to ID3v2 chapters
ch.Title = "title1";
ch.Subtitle = "subtitle1"; // Substitle is specific to ID3v2 chapters
ch.Url = new ChapterInfo.UrlInfo("somewhere", "https://some.whe.re"); // Chapter URL is specific to ID3v2 chapters
ch.Picture = PictureInfo.fromBinaryData(System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(imagePath1)); // Pictures are supported by ID3v2 and MP4/M4A
ch = new ChapterInfo(1230, "title2"); // Faster that way :-)
ch.UniqueID = "002";
ch.Subtitle = "subtitle2";
ch.Url = new ChapterInfo.UrlInfo("anywhere", "https://any.whe.re");
ch.Picture = PictureInfo.fromBinaryData(System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(imagePath2));
// Persists the chapters
// Reads the file again from sratch
theFile = new Track(audioFilePath);
IList<PictureInfo> pics = theFile.EmbeddedPictures; // Hack to load chapter pictures
// Display chapters
foreach (ChapterInfo chap in theFile.Chapters)
System.Console.WriteLine(chap.Title + "(" + chap.StartTime + ")");
using ATL;
using ATL.AudioData;
using Commons;
Track theFile = new Track(audioFilePath);
theFile.Lyrics = new LyricsInfo();
theFile.Lyrics.LanguageCode = "eng";
theFile.Lyrics.Description = "song";
// Option A : Unsynchronized lyrics
theFile.Lyrics.UnsynchronizedLyrics = "I'm the one\r\n中を";
// Option B : Synchronized lyrics
theFile.Lyrics.ContentType = LyricsInfo.LyricsType.LYRICS;
theFile.Lyrics.SynchronizedLyrics.Add(new LyricsInfo.LyricsPhrase(12000, "I'm the one")); // 12s timestamp
theFile.Lyrics.SynchronizedLyrics.Add(new LyricsInfo.LyricsPhrase("00:00:45", "中を")); // 45s timestamp
// Persists the chapters
// Reads the file again
theFile = new Track(audioFilePath);
// Display lyrics
foreach (LyricsInfo.LyricsPhrase phrase in theFile.Lyrics.SynchronizedLyrics)
System.Console.WriteLine("[" + Utils.EncodeTimecode_ms(phrase.TimestampMs) + "] " + phrase.Text);
using ATL;
using ATL.AudioData;
// Load audio file information into memory
Track theTrack = new Track(audioFilePath);
// Display BEXT, LIST INFO and iXML data
string originator = "", engineer = "", scene = "";
if (theTrack.AdditionalFields.ContainsKey("bext.originator")) originator = theTrack.AdditionalFields["bext.originator"];
if (theTrack.AdditionalFields.ContainsKey("info.IENG")) engineer = theTrack.AdditionalFields["info.IENG"];
if (theTrack.AdditionalFields.ContainsKey("ixml.SCENE")) scene = theTrack.AdditionalFields["ixml.SCENE"];
System.Console.WriteLine("Originator : " + originator);
System.Console.WriteLine("Engineer : " + engineer);
System.Console.WriteLine("Scene : " + scene);
// Modify data
theTrack.AdditionalFields["bext.originator"] = "Dave Johnson";
theTrack.AdditionalFields["info.IENG"] = "John Jackman";
theTrack.AdditionalFields["ixml.SCENE"] = "42";
using ATL;
using ATL.AudioData;
// Load audio file information into memory
Track theTrack = new Track(audioFilePath);
// Display general data
int manufacturer = 0;
if (theTrack.AdditionalFields.ContainsKey("sample.manufacturer")) manufacturer = int.Parse(theTrack.AdditionalFields["sample.manufacturer"]);
int midiUnityNote = 0;
if (theTrack.AdditionalFields.ContainsKey("sample.MIDIUnityNote")) midiUnityNote = int.Parse(theTrack.AdditionalFields["sample.MIDIUnityNote"]);
System.Console.WriteLine("Manufacturer : " + manufacturer);
System.Console.WriteLine("MIDI Unity note : " + midiUnityNote);
// Display loop points data
int nbLoopPoints = 0;
if (theTrack.AdditionalFields.ContainsKey("sample.NumSampleLoops")) nbLoopPoints = int.Parse(theTrack.AdditionalFields["sample.NumSampleLoops"]);
for (int i = 0; i < nbLoopPoints; i++)
int type = 0;
if (theTrack.AdditionalFields.ContainsKey("sample.SampleLoop[" + i + "].Type")) type = int.Parse(theTrack.AdditionalFields["sample.SampleLoop[" + i + "].Type"]);
int start = 0;
if (theTrack.AdditionalFields.ContainsKey("sample.SampleLoop[" + i + "].Start")) start = int.Parse(theTrack.AdditionalFields["sample.SampleLoop[" + i + "].Start"]);
int end = 0;
if (theTrack.AdditionalFields.ContainsKey("sample.SampleLoop[" + i + "].End")) end = int.Parse(theTrack.AdditionalFields["sample.SampleLoop[" + i + "].End"]);
System.Console.WriteLine("Sample[" + i + "] : Type " + type + " : " + start + "->" + end);
// Modify data
theTrack.AdditionalFields["sample.MIDIUnityNote"] = "61";
theTrack.AdditionalFields["sample.SampleLoop[0].Start"] = "1000";
theTrack.AdditionalFields["sample.SampleLoop[0].End"] = "2000";
// Add new sample loop
theTrack.AdditionalFields["sample.SampleLoop[1].Start"] = "3000";
theTrack.AdditionalFields["sample.SampleLoop[1].End"] = "4000";
// Remove sample loop (all sub-fields after [x] should be removed)
using ATL;
using ATL.Playlist;
IPlaylistIO theReader = PlaylistIOFactory.GetInstance().GetPlaylistIO(playlistPath);
// Option A : Get file paths
foreach (string s in theReader.FilePaths)
// Option B : Get ready-to-use tracks (instances of ATL.Track)
foreach (Track t in theReader.Tracks)
using ATL;
using ATL.Playlist;
IPlaylistIO pls = PlaylistIOFactory.GetInstance().GetPlaylistIO(playlistFilePath);
// Option A : Writing file paths
IList<string> pathsToWrite = new List<string>();
pls.FilePaths = pathsToWrite;
// Option B : Writing tracks (instances of ATL.Track)
IList<Track> tracksToWrite = new List<Track>();
pls.Tracks = tracksToWrite;
using ATL;
using ATL.CatalogDataReaders;
ICatalogDataReader theReader = CatalogDataReaderFactory.GetInstance().GetCatalogDataReader(cuesheetPath);
foreach (Track t in theReader.Tracks)
System.Console.WriteLine(">" + t.Title);
using ATL;
using ATL.AudioData;
using ATL.Playlist;
System.Text.StringBuilder filter = new System.Text.StringBuilder("");
foreach (Format f in PlaylistIOFactory.GetInstance().getFormats())
if (f.Readable)
foreach (string extension in f)
// Removes the last separator
filter.Remove(filter.Length - 1, 1);
using ATL;
using ATL.Logging;
public class LoggingTest : ILogDevice
Log theLog = new Log();
System.Collections.Generic.IList<Log.LogItem> messages = new System.Collections.Generic.IList<Log.LogItem>();
public LoggingTest()
LogDelegator.SetLog(ref theLog);
public void TestSyncMessage()
LogDelegator.GetLocateDelegate()("file name");
LogDelegator.GetLogDelegate()(Log.LV_DEBUG, "test message 1");
LogDelegator.GetLogDelegate()(Log.LV_WARNING, "test message 2");
public void DoLog(Log.LogItem anItem)
private void displayProgress(float progress)
Console.WriteLine(progress * 100 + "%");
private void performWrite()
IProgress<float> progress = new Progress<float>(displayProgress);
Track t = new Track(path, progress);
t.AdditionalFields.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>("test","aaa"));