this code was intended to let only first thread to call init And others spin wait
#include <atomic>
// #include <stdatomic.h>
struct OutputAccessOrInitLock{
//when enter this struct, we do an atomic read-modify-write
//we will get the # of seq we enter it.
//only the 1st one will init it
//the rest will spin wait and check for init flag to be true.
std::atomic<int> entered_threads = 0;
uint64_t padding[16] = {0};
volatile bool init_flag = false;//just do simple read from memory
if(!p_ort_value->IsAllocated()){// if not init, enter this critical section
int my_thread_seq = (++entered_threads);
//we are the first thread!
//we shall do the init
init_flag = true;
printf("init, only one thread shall call this %p\n",this);
//wait for first thread to finish
while (!init_flag)
printf("spin wait this %p\n",this);
}else{//if already init, just get it without worry of racing
printf("no wait this %p\n",this);
If it is only one thread shall use the resouces, simple spin lock would works fine.