conda env create -f environment.yml
usage: deepImpute [-h] [-o OUTPUT] [--cores CORES]
[--cell-axis {rows,columns}] [--limit LIMIT]
[--minVMR MINVMR] [--subset SUBSET]
[--learning-rate LEARNING_RATE] [--batch-size BATCH_SIZE]
[--max-epochs MAX_EPOCHS] [--hidden-neurons HIDDEN_NEURONS]
[--dropout-rate DROPOUT_RATE]
[--output-neurons OUTPUT_NEURONS] [--n_pred N_PRED]
[--policy POLICY]
scRNA-seq data imputation using DeepImpute.
positional arguments:
inputFile Path to input data.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Path to output data counts. Default: ./imputed.csv
--cores CORES Number of cores. Default: all available cores
--cell-axis {rows,columns}
Cell dimension in the matrix. Default: rows
--limit LIMIT Genes to impute (e.g. first 2000 genes). Default: auto
--minVMR MINVMR Min Variance over mean ratio for gene exclusion. Gene
with a VMR below ${minVMR} are discarded. Used if
--limit is set to 'auto'. Default: 0.5
--subset SUBSET Cell subset to speed up training. Either a ratio
(0<x<1) or a cell number (int). Default: 1 (all)
--learning-rate LEARNING_RATE
Learning rate. Default: 0.0001
--batch-size BATCH_SIZE
Batch size. Default: 64
--max-epochs MAX_EPOCHS
Maximum number of epochs. Default: 500
--hidden-neurons HIDDEN_NEURONS
Number of neurons in the hidden dense layer. Default:
--dropout-rate DROPOUT_RATE
Dropout rate for the hidden dropout layer (0<rate<1).
Default: 0.2
--output-neurons OUTPUT_NEURONS
Number of output neurons per sub-network. Default: 512
--n_pred N_PRED Number of predictors to consider. Consider using this
parameter if your RAM is limited or if you have a high
number of features. Default: All genes with nonzero
--policy POLICY Whether to restore positive values from the raw
dataset or keep the max between the imputed values and
the raw values. Choices are ['restore', 'max'].
Default: restore
python -m deepimpute.deepImpute /workspace/deepimpute/data/citeseq_processed.csv --output ./data/citese
q_imputed.csv --limit 2000
The authors used log1p and reversal in their own code, which is confusing (when calculating pcc, mae, rmse: notice comparing raw data or log-transformed data).