LG Aimers Hackathon - Smart Factory Classification
code, csv files, related materials
- preprocessing + GradientBoostingRegressor + GradientBoostingClassifier (X)
- NO preprocessing + LGBM
- preprocessing: fillna with feature's column mean
- append data for solving data imbalance
- further Ensemble modeling is needed
- Smart Factory Controling System: company's focus
- preprocessing: fillna(0) + SMOTE oversampling
- train_test set split
- f1_score macro avg
- Y_Quality ---> Y_Class prediction : f1_score not good
- directly predicts Y_Class
- DL: TabNet techniques
- TabNetCalssifier modeling gets in stucked [ON GOING]
- Ensemble Modeling
- 2 level stacking
- params tuning: OPTUNA
- XGBClassifier (predict directly Y_Class)
02/24/2023(FRI): SCORE 0.72765!!!!!
- DL: Sequential model + catBoostClassifier + optuna params optimization
- 03/07 code & PPT submission
02/25/2023(SAT): best output is not recalled
- sequential model:
- input layer, output layer(#neuron=#label)
- num of hidden layers = 0 --> only capable of representing linear separable functions or decisions
- when features are linearly correlated, it can be done by using ML.
- but even in linear correlation, if neural networks are used, there is no need for any hidden layer
- sequential model:
02/26/2023(SUN): Tensorflow.Keras NN MLP (Sequential model) is not reproductable
- sequential model + optuna
- Tensorflow.keras: random --> familiar BUT not recalled
- Torch: unfamiliar AND output is expected to be same
- catBoost + GBC + voting classifier + optuna
- sequential model + optuna
02/27/2023(MON): focusing on ML ensemble
- catBoost + randomizedSearch + stacking ensemble
- tried sequential model finally (CPU setting + seed fixing) but not recallable
02/28/2023(TUE): FINISHED
- VotingClassifier
- based on each basic model's performance
- overfitting
- Cross-Validation is VERY IMPORTANT
03/01/2023(WED): feature distribution (DATA ANALYSIS), MLP in torch
- feature distribution: imbalanced --> MinMaxScaler
- MLP: code in torch
- BUT still results are random
- tensorBoard --> automatical logging tool for parameters experiments etc.
- decrease # neuron slowly
- deep layers to make training hard --> prevent OVERFITTING
03/04~03/06: PPT
03/07: CODE & PPT Final Check
03/22/2023(WED): DL modeling
- LSTM, Sequential Model
03/23/2023(THU): cross-validation + feature Importance
- cross-validation score 0.55
0.6 is good (if cross validation > 0.70.8, then it seems like overfitting) - use ONLY import features(SHAP) with catBoostClassifier
- cross-validation score 0.55