All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Introduced SwipeCommand and Swiped event, SwipedEventArgs and SwipedCardDirection
- Introduced DraggingCommand, Dragging event, DraggingCardEventArgs and DraggingCardPosition
- Introduced InvokeSwipe method, which replaces InvokeSwipeLeft and InvokeSwipeRight
- Support for swiping and dragging in all 4 directions
- Removed updating card background in favor of Dragging command/event
- Added Samples (TinderPage, ColorsPage, CustomizablePage)
- Added full documentation
- Implemented CI pipeline
- Exposed many consts to be parameters (card rotation adjuster, back card scale, animation length etc.)
- Updated library to target netstandard 2.0
- Updated Xamarin Forms dependency to
- Added InvokeSwipeLeft and InvokeSwipeRight methods
- Updated Xamarin Forms dependency to
- Initial release