Chemical drives should have some good stuff going for them, so that they can always remain competitive with more advanced options like ion and EM drives
Warp drives completely outclass subluminal options, but have a minimum drive engagement, so that subluminal drives never become irrelevant
- subluminal warp drives cannot be used outside of supercruise
intergalactic warp drives outclass interstellar warp drives, but have a minimum jump distance that requires interstallar drives
- maybe like 1kly minimum jump distance
- maybe intergalactic drives interact with interstellar drives and and provide fuel cost discounts for longer-range jumps
interstellar infrastructure that drastically reduces fuel consumption, and allows subluminal ships to travel between star systems
- sorta like the hyperlanes in cowboy bebop
- good for automated logistics ships or something
normal space
- Pressurized Gas Nozzle
- is there any use for this?
- local (planet-moon systems)
- Chemical Drive
- global (entire star system)
- Ion Drive
- Electromagnetic Drive
- Warp Drive
- local (planet-moon systems)
- Interstellar Warp Drive MkI
- 0.25-5 ly range
- Interstellar Warp Drive MkII
- 0.75-50 ly range
- Interstellar Warp Drive MkIII
- 1-1000 ly range
- Interstellar Warp Drive MkI
- Intergalactic Warp Drive
- 1k-10M ly range
- Intergalactic Warp Drive
Moons of starter planet
- no superluminal options
- basic chemical drives
Entire star system
- both subluminal and superluminal options
- ion drives (subluminal)
- entry-level ion drives are worse than top-level chemical drives
- EM drives (subluminal, needs advaned physics-breaking materials)
- low-power warp drives
Interstellar travel
- superluminal-only from here on out
- A few tiers with varying jump ranges from a few ly to a few thousand ly
Intergalactic travel
- Endgame, only one tier available
- System Gen:
- heavily bias orbits of stars in myltiple-star systems to be small, so that there's an interesting mix of orbits around each star and circumbinary orbits.
- only generate one "layer" deep at a time. ie, generate planets around a star, then find out what planets can form moons, and generate those
- When using the spyglass, info about the targeted celestial body should be displayed
- Custom Planetary body shader that does shadows n stuff
- Render the galaxy somehow
- Figure out what to do about worlds that have a system node ID that no longer exists in the galaxy.
- Day/night cycle based on star system configuration
- Server-authoratative celestial body positioning
- Spyglass with larger zoom
- Augment that shows the celestial bodies that belong to the current system
- Save planet ID in server world nbt
- Don't load every dynamically-generated world on startup
- Galaxy selection screen
- Save celestial time
- Sync system node ID when dying
- Gravity
- Basic movement adjustment
- SmoothSwimmingMoveControl
- FallingBlockEntity
- ItemEntity
- PrimedTnt
- [?] AbstractArrow
- FishingHook
- LlamaSpit
- ShulkerBullet (what?)
- ThrowableProjectile
- AbstractMinecart
- Boat ???
- ExperienceOrb
- LivingEntity
- Mob jump height
- Disable elytra flight in planets with no or thin atmospheres
- Basic movement adjustment
- Logistics ships!
- Space stations/custom space ships
- In-world starmap
- Figure out mod progression
- Planet compositions and scanning
- Maybe you have to collect data on a planet before you can land
- Preliminary scans could show material composition (eg. what % tin the planet is made of)
- Intensive scans could be needed to actually land on the planet
- Render sky into HDR buffer and then tonemap when copying to main buffer
- Aurorae
- Ringed Worlds
- Accretion Discs
- Black holes may or may not be accreting
- Since I dont want to keep world files around for planets that were barely interacted with, how do we figure out when to keep the world, and when to not?
- Implemented my own math types and converted all my code to use them
- Fixed child planes nor working right