Thank you for considering contributing to al-folio or its multilingual version! Please check if your contribution is related to the template itself or to the multilingual aspect of it. If it is the former, please consider doing it in the original al-folio repository. If it is the latter, follow the instructions below.
We welcome your pull requests (PRs). For minor fixes (e.g., documentation improvements), feel free to submit a PR directly. If you would like to implement a new feature or a bug, please make sure you (or someone else) has opened an appropriate issue first; in your PR, please mention the issue it addresses.
We use GitHub issues to track bugs and feature requests. Before submitting an issue, please make sure:
- You have read the FAQ section of the README and your question is NOT addressed there.
- You have done your best to ensure that your issue is NOT a duplicate of one of the previous issues.
- Your issue is either a bug (unexpected/undesirable behavior) or a feature request. If it is just a question, please ask it in the Discussions forum.
When submitting an issue, please make sure to use the appropriate template.
By contributing to multi-language-al-folio, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under the LICENSE file in the root directory of the source tree.