- properties: starting the process of adding some propety management models
- django-rubble: rename django-utils to django-rubble
- containerattachment-permission: containerattachment_add -> add_containerattachment
- requests-update: dealing with CVE of yanked version; "fix" storage
- forms: so many forms and screwing around with them; also container attachments instead of single field
- aws-s3-storage: use django-storages to properly store production media
- permissions: add some permissions to bins views
- homepage: add card to homepage and qr-code to container detail
- capitalized-id: use shortuuid to generate ids using only capital letters with no ambiguity
- expense-category: add expense category with default values, add test of creation of receipt and receipt items form sample data
- container-detail: improvements to layout, particularly for mobile, of container detail page
- render: make web autoDeploy false
- correct-render.yaml: web.envVars.CELERY_BROKER_URL was indented incorrectly
- merge-items: merge items from each "document" to handle multi-page receipts better
- username-title: add allauth for detail page title
- allauth-tags: use allauth template tags to show user name or email on info page
- receipts: functional celery task for analyzing receipts
- basenumberedmodel: create and start using basenumberedmodel
- business: refactor some utility models, add business app, general fixes
- receipts: add models and signals for receipts, including merchants and very simple items
- receipt-analysis: starting to write task for receipts
- SimplePercentageField: add percentage field and form field
- helpers: copy helpers from seas_purchase_system, clean up
- assets: add assets, refactor bins app
- bins-and-assets: bins is functional, assets is completely empty
- missed-format: didn't format before last commit
- remove-assets-app: assets is built in to "bins"