We present an overview and user manual for the Catalog Command Line interface (ccli) utility. The ccli is used to perform certain data access and change operations on the Software Parts Catalog (SPC) such as adding new and updating parts and part profiles, uploading archives, and retrieving part and profile data. The following operations are supported:
- add part <file.yml> - adds a new part record to the catalog. See the 'add' section below for the format the required yml file. For example:
$ ccli add part openssl-1.1.1n.yml
- add profile <file.yml> - adds a new part profile document to the catalog. See the 'add' section below for the format the required yml file. For example:
$ ccli add profile profile_openssl-1.1.1n.yml
- query - enables one to query the catalog for part data. For example:
$ ccli query '...'
- export part fvc <file_verification_code>| sha256 <Sha256>| id <catalog_id> -o <file.yml> Export out data for a given part.
$ ccli export part id sdl3ga-naTs42g5-rbow2A -o file.yml
- export template <part | security | quality | licensing> -o <Path.yaml> Export template for part or profile
ccli export template security -o file.yml
ccli export template license -o file.yml
ccli export template quality -o file.yml
- update <file.yml> - enables one to update selective data fields of a part record. See the 'update' section below for the format the required yml file. For example:
$ ccli update openssl-1.1.1n.v4.yml
- upload
$ ccli upload openssl-1.1.1n.tar.gz
- find part <query> - searches catalog for matching part names and displays corresponding data id <catalog_id> - retrieves a part from catalog using id sha256 <sha256> - returns part id using given sha256 fvc <file_verification_code> - returns part id using given file verification code
$ ccli find part busybox
$ ccli find sha256 <sha256>
- find profile <security|quality|licensing> <catalog_id> - retrieves a profile from the catalog based on type and part id.
ccli find profile security werS12-da54FaSff-9U2aef
- delete <catalog_id> - deletes a part from the catalog using part id if the part has no related parts. Recursive flag can be used to delete a part and its sub-parts as long as they have no other related parts.
ccli delete adjb23-A4D3faTa-d95Xufs
ccli delete adjb23-A4D3faTa-d95Xufs --recursive
format: 1.0
fvc: "4656433200c41848db861f590cd5cb929265011204d6ea4851f966fd5f4a33295a2569b35f"
sha256: "faeeb244c35a348a334f4a59e44626ee870fb07b6884d68c10ae8bc19f83a694"
catalog_id: null
name: "busybox"
version: "1.35.0"
type: "archive"
family_name: "busybox"
label: "busybox-1.35.0"
description: |
Provides many of the Unix utilities in a single executable file.
license_expression: "GPL-2.0"
analysis_type: "automation/topline/1.1"
size: null
- "busybox-1.35.0"
- "busybox-1.35.0.r3"
comprised_of: null
composite_list: null
profile: 'security'
format: 1.0
name: 'busybox'
version: "1.35.0"
fvc: "4656433200c41848db861f590cd5cb929265011204d6ea4851f966fd5f4a33295a2569b35f"
sha256: 'faeeb244c35a348a334f4a59e44626ee870fb07b6884d68c10ae8bc19f83a694'
catalog_id: null
## ----------------------------------------------------
## CVEs
## ----------------------------------------------------
## cve
- cve_id: 'CVE-2022-30065'
description: |
A use-after-free in Busybox 1.35-x's awk applet leads to denial of service and
possibly code execution when processing a crafted awk pattern in the copyvar function.
status: 'Open'
date: '2022-05-02'
link: 'https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2022-30065'
comments: |
patch is available
references: []
## -----------------
## cve
## -----------------
- cve_id: 'CVE-2022-28391'
description: |
BusyBox through 1.35.0 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code if netstat
is used to print a DNS PTR record's value to a VT compatible terminal. Alternatively,
the attacker could choose to change the terminal's colors.
status: 'open'
date: '2022-04-03'
comments: null
link: 'https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2022-28391'
references: []
profile: "licensing"
format: 1.0
name: "busybox"
version: "1.35.0"
fvc: "4656433200c41848db861f590cd5cb929265011204d6ea4851f966fd5f4a33295a2569b35f"
sha256: "faeeb244c35a348a334f4a59e44626ee870fb07b6884d68c10ae8bc19f83a694"
catalog_id: null
## ----------------------
## License Analysis
## ----------------------
- license_expression: GPL-2.0
analysis_type: expert/[email protected]
comments: null
- license_expression: GPL-2.0
analysis_type: automation/topline/1.0
comments: null
## ----------------------
## Copyrights
## ----------------------
- Copyright 1999-2005 Erik Andersen
## ----------------------
## Legal Notices
## ----------------------
legal_notice: |
Copyright 1999-2005 Erik Andersen
This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; version 2 dated June, 1991.
This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this package; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston,
MA 02110-1301, USA.
## ----------------------
## Other Legal Notices
## ----------------------
other_legal_notices: null
profile: "quality"
format: 1.0
name: busybox
version: "1.35.0"
fvc: "4656433200c41848db861f590cd5cb929265011204d6ea4851f966fd5f4a33295a2569b35f"
sha256: "faeeb244c35a348a334f4a59e44626ee870fb07b6884d68c10ae8bc19f83a694"
catalog_id: null
## ----------------------------------------------------
## Bugs
## ----------------------------------------------------
## -----------------
## bug
## -----------------
- name: "Bug 14376"
id: "14376"
description: |
Tar component has a memory leak bug when trying to unpack a tar file..
status: "Open"
level: "P5"
date: "2022-11-23"
link: https://bugs.busybox.net/show_bug.cgi?id=14376
comments: null
- "[Busybox Bug Report](https://bugs.busybox.net/show_bug.cgi?id=14376)"
## -----------------
## bug
## -----------------
- name: "Bug 14536"
id: "14536"
description: |
Awk from busybox-v1.35.0 doesn’t work.
status: "Open"
level: "P5"
date: "2022-01-21"
link: https://bugs.busybox.net/show_bug.cgi?id=14536
comments: |
There is a patch that reverts awk to busybox-1.33.1.
- "[Busybox Bug Report](https://bugs.busybox.net/show_bug.cgi?id=14536)"
$ ccli examples
$ ccli add part openssl-1.1.1n.yml
$ ccli add profile profile_openssl-1.1.1n.yml
$ ccli query "{part(id:\"aR25sd-V8dDvs2-p3Gfae\"){file_verification_code}}"
$ ccli export part id sdl3ga-naTs42g5-rbow2A -o file.yml
$ ccli export template security -o file.yml
$ ccli update openssl-1.1.1n.v4.yml
$ ccli upload openssl-1.1.1n.tar.gz
$ ccli find part busybox
$ ccli find sha256 2493347f59c03...
$ ccli find profile security werS12-da54FaSff-9U2aef
$ ccli delete adjb23-A4D3faTa-d95Xufs
$ ccli ping
(1) Export out main profile:
$ ccli export part sha256 12cec6bd2b16d8a9446dd16130f2b92982f1819f6e1c5f5887b6db03f5660d28 -o busybox-33.yml
Part successfully exported to path: busybox-33.yml
Two ways to obtain the sha256:
- use the linux coomand: sha256sum busybox-33.1.tar.gz
- look up the part in the catalog and copy the sha256 from one of the archives listed.
(2) Edit file: busybox-33.yml and change the license to GPL-2.0:
license_expression: ""
analysis_type: ""
license_expression: "GPL-2.0"
analysis_type: "human-analysis/[email protected]"
(3) Perform an update:
ccli $ ccli update busybox-33.yml
Part successfully updated
"ID": "858f8261-19dc-441a-9cfb-5fe2e38345ac",
"PartType": "/archive",
"ContentType": "tbd",
"Version": "1.33.1",
"Name": "busybox",
"Label": "busybox-1.33.1",
"FamilyName": "",
"FileVerificationCode": "465643320019459ec42edd3ba8723fe40f261c4489c7ed497888777b8396f406dcaa588157",
"Size": 9925270,
"License": "GPL-2.0",
"LicenseRationale": "human-analysis/[email protected]",
"Description": "",
"HomePage": "",
"Comprised": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"Aliases": []