本项目使用双重许可证,即 Apache 2.0 许可证和 WJQSERVER STUDIO LICENSE 1.2 许可证。 This project uses a dual license, both the Apache 2.0 license and the WJQSERVER STUDIO LICENSE 1.2 license.
本项目使用ACTION自动化编译Caddy,在编译过程中拉取了Caddy的源码,并进行了插件合入,因此需要遵守Caddy的许可证。故保留了Apache 2.0 许可证。 The project uses ACTION to automate the compilation of Caddy, and during the compilation process, the source code of Caddy is pulled and plugins are merged, so it is necessary to comply with the Caddy license. Therefore, the Apache 2.0 license is retained.
本项目内并无涉及Caddy源码,甚至完全没有.go文件,因此本仓库内的文件(demo页面除外)为本团队编写,版权归本团队所有。故使用了WJQSERVER STUDIO LICENSE 1.2 许可证。 The project does not involve Caddy source code, and there are no.go files at all, so the files in this repository (except for the demo page) are written by the team, and the copyright belongs to the team. Therefore, the WJQSERVER STUDIO LICENSE 1.2 license is used.
本项目使用双重许可证,即 Apache 2.0 许可证和 WJQSERVER STUDIO LICENSE 1.2 许可证。 This project uses a dual license, both the Apache 2.0 license and the WJQSERVER STUDIO LICENSE 1.2 license. Apache 2.0 许可证用于遵守Caddy的许可证,WJQSERVER STUDIO LICENSE 1.2 许可证用于版权归本团队所有。 Apache 2.0 license is used to comply with the Caddy license, and WJQSERVER STUDIO LICENSE 1.2 license is used for the copyright belonging to the team. Caddy的可执行文件受Apache 2.0 许可证的约束 The executable file of Caddy is subject to the Apache 2.0 license. 而本仓库内的文件受WJQSERVER STUDIO LICENSE 1.2 许可证的约束(demo页面除外) The files in this repository are subject to the WJQSERVER STUDIO LICENSE 1.2 license (except for the demo page).