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Welcome to the WEARFITS Examples repository! This collection showcases various implementations of the WEARFITS service, demonstrating its capabilities in creating interactive 3D/AR fitting rooms, size fitting and customization features.
Filename: 1-wearfits-virtual-fitting-room.html
Demonstrates a basic virtual fitting room where users can view and customize garments.
Filename: 2-wearfits-fitting-room-iframe.html
Shows how to embed the WEARFITS fitting room within an iframe and handle cross-origin messages.
Filename: 3-wearfits-multiple-objects-instance.html
Illustrates loading multiple 3D objects with specific positions and rotations within the viewer.
Filename: 4-wearfits-click-switch-container.html
Enables users to switch the WEARFITS viewer between different container elements by clicking on them.
Filename: 5-wearfits-custom-color-selection.html
Provides a custom interface for selecting and applying different color presets to materials within a garment.
Filename: 6-wearfits-display-3d-object-demo.html
CodePen: https://codepen.io/wearfits/pen/ZEgbwNP
Demonstrates displaying a specific 3D object with customized camera settings for optimal viewing.
Filename: 7-wearfits-multiple-instances-demo.html
Shows how to initialize and display multiple WEARFITS instances on a single page, each with different configurations.
Filename: 8-wearfits-customize-AR-object
CodePen: https://codepen.io/wearfits/pen/MWNaLML
Allows users to customize 3D object with different materials (drag-and-drop) and view changes in real-time, including AR integration.
Filename: 9-wearfits-transparent-background-demo.html
Displays a 3D object with a transparent background, suitable for overlaying in different environments.
Filename: 10-wearfits-outline-demo.html
Shows garments with outlines to enhance visibility and aesthetics within the 3D viewer.
Filename: 11-wearfits-avatar-garment-sync.html
Ensures synchronization between user avatars and selected garments, updating measurements and preferences dynamically.
Filename: 12-wearfits-iframe-size-demo.html
Demonstrates moving and resizing iframes containing WEARFITS viewers within container elements.
Filename: 13-wearfits-apparel-and-size-fitting-demo.html
CodePen: https://codepen.io/wearfits/pen/pvzVVBo
Provides advanced customization features, allowing detailed modifications to garment geometry and appearance, with mix-and-match functionality that allows trying on different tops with different bottoms.
Filename: 14-wearfits-digital-mirror-communication.html
CodePen: https://codepen.io/wearfits/pen/poMjQOz
Demonstrates communication between parent and iframe containing a WEARFITS viewer with postMessage API.
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Filename: 16-wearfits-size-fitting-recommendation-demo.html
CodePen: https://codepen.io/wearfits/pen/MWNMZRO
Demonstrates size recommendations with fitting visualizations displayed as a heatmap on the user’s silhouette.
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