Azure DevOps Pipelines YAML template used to Build, validate and deploy resources to Azure using bicep templates. Publish bicep modules to an Azure Container Registry.
Parameter |
Type |
Required |
Default value |
Description |
system |
string |
Yes |
The target system. |
suffix |
string |
Yes |
The resource name suffix. |
devopsOrg |
string |
Yes |
The devops organisation. |
build |
string |
Yes |
The environment to build. |
azureSubscription |
string |
No |
format('azdo-{0}-{1}-{2}-{3}', devopsOrg, system, env, suffix) |
The Azure Subscription name. |
azureSubscriptionFormat |
string |
No |
'azdo-{0}-{1}-{2}-{3}' |
The format for the azureSubscription. |
resourceGroup |
string |
No |
format('{0}-{1}-{2}', system, env, suffix) |
The resource group name. |
resourceGroupFormat |
string |
No |
'{0}-{1}-{2}' |
The format for the resourceGroup name. |
acr |
string |
No |
format('{0}acr{1}{2}', system, env, suffix) |
The resource name. |
preBuildScript |
object |
No |
Object containing pre-build parameters. |
environments |
array |
Yes |
Array of environments and environment specific parameters. |
artifactNamePrefix |
string |
No |
Prefix for artifacts created by this pipeline. |
projectRoot |
string |
No |
For changing the root of the project, ie where main.bicep or other files are located. |
validateBicep |
boolean |
No |
true |
To control if the Bicep code should be validated or not - default is true. |
acrFormat |
string |
No |
format({0}acr{1}{2}', parameters.system, environment.env, parameters.suffix) |
The format which the bicep ACR follows. |
Parameters |
Type |
Required |
Default value |
Description |
scriptType |
string |
No |
The type of script. pscore or bash. |
targetType |
string |
No |
filePath |
Specifies the type of script for the task to run. inline or filePath. |
filePath |
string |
No |
The path of the script. |
script |
string |
No |
The contents of the script. Supports either a loose file or inline script depending on the targetType. |
arguments |
string |
No |
Specifies the arguments passed to the script. |
failOnStderr |
bool |
No |
false |
Fails task if errors are written to the error pipeline or if any data is written to the Standard Error stream. |
showWarnings |
bool |
No |
false |
Show warnings in pipeline logs. |
workingDirectory |
string |
No |
The working directory where the script is run. |
bashEnvValue |
string |
No |
Value for BASH_ENV environment variable. |
pwsh |
bool |
No |
false |
Use PowerShell Core. |
Parameters |
Type |
Required |
Default value |
Description |
env |
array |
Yes |
The target environment. |
name |
string |
Yes |
The target environment name. |
extraParameters |
string |
No |
Used for passing extra parameters to the template. |
deploy |
bool |
No |
true |
Allow deploy to Resource group. |
publish |
bool |
No |
true |
Allow publish of modules to container registry. |
dependsOn |
array |
No |
Allows for deployment to depend on an optional stage, ie a Build stage fromm another template or outside the current template. |
name: $(Year:yyyy).$(Month).$(DayOfMonth)$(Rev:.r)
vmImage: vmImage
- main
- repository: templates
type: github
endpoint: GitHubPublic
name: WCOMAB/WCOM.AzurePipelines.YamlTemplates
ref: refs/heads/main
- template: bicep/stages.yml@templates
system: system
devopsOrg: devopsOrg
suffix: suffix
build: envName
shouldDeploy: eq(variables['Build.SourceBranch'], 'refs/heads/main')
- env: dev
name: Development
name: $(Year:yyyy).$(Month).$(DayOfMonth)$(Rev:.r)
vmImage: vmImage
- main
- repository: templates
type: github
endpoint: GitHubPublic
name: WCOMAB/WCOM.AzurePipelines.YamlTemplates
ref: refs/heads/main
- template: bicep/stages.yml@templates
system: system
devopsOrg: devopsOrg
suffix: suffix
azureSubscriptionFormat: '{0}-{1}-{2}-{3}-{4}'
resourceGroupFormat: '{0}-{1}-{2}-{3}'
artifactNamePrefix: prefix
projectRoot: some/directory
validateBicep: true/false
scriptType: scriptType
targetType: targetType
filePath: filePath
script: |
echo "Hello World!"
arguments: arguments
failOnStderr: true/false
showWarnings: true/false
pwsh: true/false
workingDirectory: workingDirectory
bashEnvValue: bashEnvValue
build: envName
shouldDeploy: eq(variables['Build.SourceBranch'], 'refs/heads/main')
- env: dev
name: Development
extraParameters: 'secretGreeting="$(SECRET_GREETING)" sqladminGroupId="$(sqladminGroupId)" sqladminGroupName="$(sqladminGroupName)"'
deploy: true/false
publish: true/false
azureSubscriptionFormat: '{0}-{1}-{2}-{3}-{4}'
resourceGroupFormat: '{0}-{1}-{2}-{3}'
- Stage