Although Jenkins is updated regularly as yum package, plugins are not updated in this way. You have to use plugin manager to update plugins.
It's better to do snapshots of whole machines. Jenkins slave can be set up relatively quickly, but setting up of jenkins master can cause lots of problems. Snapshots are performed from cloud. Please check that snapshot was created properly.
Jenkins slaves are not directly accessible from public internet due to security reasons. If you need access to them, you can connect to jenkins master and then to jenkins slaves. If master is down, you can assign public address to slave (from openstack).
- Your public keys have to be imported to jenkins master obviously.*
local computer $ ssh cloud-user@<jenkins-ip>
master $ ssh fedora22.slave
master $ cat /etc/hosts # to get all slaves names
Jenkins slaves are adressed via hostnames in /etc/hosts, it is better to remember and we can manage it from one place.