This document should describe configuration of Jenkins.
This document describes current settings. You maybe want to use different configuration - different cloud, different systems etc. There should be described basic steps.
Note: When you see "OS:" in text, it means OpenStack settings.
- Jenkins is a piece of java software to make testing easier etc.
- You can shedule testing regularly, run manually, or trigger tests by some events (push to git repository, ...)
- It's infrastructure consists of:
- 1 Master
- Computer with running Jenkins CI software.
- Provides http interface.
- Starts some jobs on slaves.
- Master can perform slaves routines too.
- Connects to slaves e.g. using ssh.
- 0..n Slaves
- "dummy" computers doing the hard work (compiling, testing)
- 1 Master
- You need some machines to do testing.
- Usually you want to have different systems to do tests.
- Theoretically you can use bare metal machines, virtual machines, containers etc.
- How to get machines on OpenStack:
- (Get OpenStack acc and login)
- Import your key (OS: Access & Security / Key Pairs tab) before you create any machine!
- Usually you don't know any password on the virtual machine
- This option injects your keys into machine during its creation process.
- Create master and slaves machines (example)
- OS: Instances =>
- Launch Instance
- Flavor: m1.large
- Boot from image
- Fedora cloud 22
- Launch
- Launch Instance
- OS: Instances =>
- Now you have machine somewhere in the cloud and you have to get acces to the machine:
- Get public IP (at least for master)
- OS: Access & Security / Floating IPs > Allocate IP to Project
- OS: Select IP -> Associate -> select instance
- Manage access to machines (= open ports)
- OS: Acess & Security / Securit Groups
- You probably need to create Rules (OS: Groups/Rules) which enable you access to ssh, https.
- You can restrict SSH only for Red Hat Subnet etc.
- Jenkins master needs (ssh/tcp) :56917 port allowed
- You can connect to this port using ssh.
- Jenkins provides you tunnel to slaves(last build, etc) via this port.
- OS: Acess & Security / Securit Groups
- Get public IP (at least for master)
- Usually you can simply connect using
ssh cloud-user@<master ip>
- 'cloud-user' has imported your public key.
- (maybe some images have different settings - you have to use google etc.)
- add repo
# yum install jenkins
- start and enable jenkins service
# systemctl enable jenkins; systemctl start jenkins
- /var/lib/jenkins/
- Complete configuration folder storage
- /var/lib/jenkins/config.xml
- Contain main configuration & security settings:
- Matrix-based security rules. (If you want to change security settings, backup this file first.)
- If you completely lose admin rights for settings of Jenkins, it is file which you need to modify.
- Contain main configuration & security settings:
- /usr/lib/jenkins/jenkins.war
- Jenkins java archive - probably you don't want to modify/update it manually
- TIP: when you lose root acces and need to backup jenkins settings files, you can run job on master(=as 'jenkins' user) to get access to config files.
- Jenkins provides some set of default plugins
- "Important" plugins to install:
- Github Authentication plugin
- Provide access using GitHub account
- GitHub plugin
- Allow to trigger build when somebody push changes to branch (master/ maint branches)
- GitHub Pull Request Builder
- Allow to trigger build when somebody create pull request/ push commit to pull request
- Set status on GitHub
- Role-based Authorization Strategy
- Allow manage user rights as roles
- Github Authentication plugin
- GitHub Auth
- Settings:
- Jenkins/Configure Global Security/Access Control/Security Realm/
- select Github Authentication Plugin
- add admin rights to your GitHub acc before you logout!
- Jenkins/Configure Global Security/Access Control/Security Realm/
- Create GitHub application
- (is already created by user openscap-jenkins user) (should we create new user for viaq?)
- fill Client ID and Client Secret from the app
- Settings:
- WebHooks
- When you do some action with GitHub repo, it can call you via "webhooks"
- (When you don't use webhooks, you can use polling from jenkins server)
- You need to setup 2 types of hooks for changes in branch and for pull requests - select setting on your repository
- GitHub Pull Request Builder
- hook url: https:///ghprbhook/
- required GitHub hooks 'issue_comment, pull_request'
- "The user needs to have push rights for your repository (must be collaborator (user repo) or must have Push & Pull rights (organization repo))."
- "If you want to use GitHub hooks have them set automatically the user needs to have administrator rights for your repository (must be owner (user repo) or must have Push, Pull & Administrative rights (organization repo))"
- hook url: https:///ghprbhook/
- GitHub plugin
- hook url: https:///github-webhook/
- Add service Jenkins (GitHub plugin)
- GitHub Pull Request Builder
- We have access to master using public IP, but not to slaves. Fortunatelly master has access to slaves.
- We have at least 3 ways how to access to slaves:
- Assign public (floating) IP to our slave using OpenStack
- Use port forwarding from master to slave (use your public key)
- use
ssh -L 2222: [email protected]
forward ssh port to slave - connect to slave via redirected port
ssh cloud-user@localhost -p 2222
- use
- Connect from master to slave
- First, we need to import master public key into slave authorized_keys
- Create jenkins user
# adduser jenkins
# passwd jenkins
and type password
- Setup ssh to accept password authentification
- sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
- set: PasswordAuthentication yes
- restart sshd
# systemctl restart sshd
- Install java
# dnf install "java-*-openjdk
or# yum install java
Jenkins can install java on slave itself, but we want to have Java as package maintaned by yum/dnf.
Common packages
# yum install atomic
Enable/Start sendmail service ( mitre test requires it)
# systemctl enable sendmail ; # systemctl start sendmail
# systemctl enable docker ; # systemctl start docker
- Add the following lines to sudoers (
)- cloud-user ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
- jenkins ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/dnf update -y
- jenkins ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/atomic
- Add Nginx
- Create certificate
- store files into /etc/nginx/ssl/server.*
- Deny access to keys
# chown root server.key*
# chmod 600 server.key*
- Configure Nginx
- Add file to /etc/nginx/conf.d/jenkins.conf
upstream jenkins {
server fail_timeout=0;
server {
listen 80 default;
rewrite ^ https://$server_name$request_uri? permanent;
server {
listen 443 default ssl;
ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/ssl/server.crt;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/ssl/server.key;
ssl_session_timeout 5m;
ssl_protocols SSLv3 TLSv1;
ssl_ciphers HIGH:!ADH:!MD5;
ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;
# auth_basic "Restricted";
# auth_basic_user_file /home/jenkins/htpasswd;
location / {
proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto https;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_redirect http:// https://;
add_header Pragma "no-cache";
proxy_pass http://jenkins;
- Enable and run nginx service
# systemctl enable nginx; systemctl start nginx
- Pull requests
- Build Triggers: GitHub Pull Request Builder
- set White list:
- List of users. If someone from the group will create pull request, job will be automatically started.
- set Admin list:
- List of users. If someone who is not from White list create pull request. Users from admin list can enable building for the pull request.
- GitHub builder*
- Build Triggers: Build when a change is pushed to GitHub
- Target: Update packages on our master and slaves regularly.
- Probably the best way to do this is Jenkins' job.
- You can shedule it and you have easy access to update log.
- Problem: You need to have access to call yum as jenkins user without password
# visudo
to edit /etc/sudoers. -
Get path of yum/dnf:
which yum
. -
Allow jenkins user to run the file as sudo without password, add to sudoers file:
jenkins ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/bin/yum update -y
Some systems don't allow sudo without tty(=you cannot use sudo from jenkins job), you have to add
Defaults:jenkins !requiretty
afterDefaults requiretty
in sudoers- (There was bug with visudo in RHEL7 - it allows you to store non valid sudoers and you lose completely access via sudo)
Create jenkins job
- Check "Restrict where this project can be run" and select machine which you want to update.
- Build triggers set to 'Build periodically'.
- Shedule
H 0 * * 7
- It means every sunday about midnight. Jenkins provides examples when the job will by started. - To Build step add "Execute shell" with
sudo yum update -y
as context(or use dnf).
+ Subscription issue:
- There is problem, that domanins requested due to subscriptions are resolved by "bad" DNS server and we don't get IP adress accessible from out machine
- Do you have this problem?
+ $ ping - you will get IP adress, but cannot ping it
- Fix:
+ /etc/resolv.conf
- add 'nameserver' to
+ edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
- set 'PEERDNS="no"'
- add/replace 'DNS1='
+ reboot & try $ ping
+ 502 error from nginx - bad gateway
- setsebool httpd_can_network_connect on -P