- "/version":
✅ GET > returns JSON object with version field.
- "/datasets/list/:cellname":
✅ GET > returns JSON list of all datasets of given cellname.
- "/cells/list":
✅ GET > returns JSON list of all created cells
- "/cell/:cellname":
✅ POST > creates new cell, body contains mandatory ed25519 pubkey [root part] as String
✅ GET > returns JSON with status of the 'cellname' cell
✅ DELETE > destroy cell 'cellname'
- "/snapshot/list/:cellname"
✅ GET > list snapshots of given cell
- "/snapshot/:cellname/:snapname":
✅ POST > creates a snapshot of dataset_path [given in body as String]
✅ GET > returns JSON with snapshot-existence-confirmation
✅ DELETE > destroys snapshot
- "/rollback/:cellname/:snapname":
✅ POST > rollbacks dataset to given snapshot [dataset_path is given in body as String]
- "/proxy/:cellname"
GET > get list of Nginx proxy for cell: 'cellname'.
- "/proxy/:cellname/:from-domain/:to-domain"
✅ POST > defines new Nginx-Proxy entry, from external: ':from-domain', to internal: ':to-domain'.
GET > returns domain to proxy to
DELETE > destroys domain proxy
- "/status/:cellname":
✅ GET > returns JSON list of processes status for :cellname
- "/cell/:cellname/some_key":
POST > body contains new value of the key: 'some_key' to set for cell 'cellname'
GET > returns value of 'some_key' for cell 'cellname'
DELETE > unset value of 'some_key' for cell 'cellname'.
- "/igniter/:cellname/Redis/start" ||
- "/igniter/:cellname/Redis/reload" ||
- "/igniter/:cellname/Redis/restart" ||
- "/igniter/:cellname/Php72/stop" ||
- "/igniter/:cellname/Php72/test" ||
- "/igniter/:cellname/Php72/watch" ||
- "/igniter/:cellname/Rust/install":
POST > control service igniter under 'cellname' cell.
- "/zone/:cellname"
GET > get metadata about all DNS zone used by 'cellname'.
- "/zone/:cellname/A/some.domain.local" ||
- "/zone/:cellname/TXT/some.domain.local" ||
- "/zone/:cellname/CNAME/my.some.domain.local":
POST > defines new A record for cell 'cellname' with IPv4 or name taken from the body
- "/status/:cellname/Php72":
GET > returns JSON metadata and stats of service Php72.