All commands are written with a preceeding ->
and followed by an equal sign =
which separates command and value, e.g.
-> itype = 1
When inserting an array, the elements are given separated by whitespaces or tabs, e.g.
-> hwa =
## Mandatory commands
### Type of Calculation: `itype`
1 - Only Self-Consistency
2 - (Debugging)
3 - Local Density of States and Coupling
4 - Band Structure
5 - Fermi Surface
6 - Coupling
7 - RPA & HF Susceptibilities and Gilbert Damping from Slope
8 - Calculate everything (except 2-6)
9 - Calculate everything in DC limit (except 2-6)
10 - Calculate Gilbert from Torque Correlation Model with SO and XC Torques
### Name of output log file: `output`
character(len=200) :: output
integer :: nn_stages
real(double) :: eta
logical :: field
In case the static magnetic field is turned on, more parameter become mandatory:
real(double), dimension(:) :: hwa
If dimension(1)
only a single amplitude is used.
If dimension(3)
the order is: intial amplitude, final amplitude, nr. of points