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- masks-up.mp4 Video by cottonbro from Pexels- https://www.pexels.com/video/woman-safe-group-asian-3960165/
- What was the most popular show streamed on Netflix?
Option 1: The Crown
Option 2: Tiger King
Option 3: Lucifer
Option 4: Ozark
Correct Answer: Option 4, Ozark
- What was the hottest commodity of 2020?
Option 1: Hand Sanitizer
Option 2: Puzzles
Option 3: Toilet Paper
Option 4: Fitness Equipment
Correct Answer: Option 3, Toilet Paper
- What is the proper way to wear a mask?
Option 1: Mask covers nose and mouth and eyes
Option 2: Mask covers nose and mouth and secure it under your chin
Option 3: Mask covers mouth and chin
Option 4: Mask is left in car or at home
Correct Answer: Option 2, Mask covers nose and mouth and secure it under your chin
- Bong Joon Ho made history as the first South Korean to win the Best Director Oscar for which movie?
Option 1: Parasite
Option 2: Onward
Option 3: Mulan
Option 4: The Invisible Man
Correct Answer: Option 1, Parasite
- What popular DIY coffee went viral?
Option 1: Affogato
Option 2: Doppio Espresso
Option 3: Espresso Ristretto
Option 4: Dalgona Coffee
Correct Answer: Option 4, Dalgona Coffee
- What is the name of the virus that caused the pandemic?
Option 1: AREA 51
Option 2: COVID 19
Option 3: Heinekenvirus
Option 4: Corona 22
Correct Answer: Option 2, COVID 19
- What are we nicknaming children who were conceived during the pandemic?
Option 1: Pandemic Babies
Option 2: Maskers
Option 3: Baby Boomers
Option 4: Karens
Correct Answer: Option 1, Pandemic Babies
- Who was elected president?
Option 1: Barack Obama
Option 2: Kanye West
Option 3: Donald Trump
Option 4: Joe Biden
Correct Answer: Option 4, Joe Biden
- Not known to the area, which winged insect caused alarm when spotted in Washington State?
Option 1: Killer Butterflies
Option 2: Killer Bees
Option 3: Murder Hornets
Option 4: Zombie Moths
Correct Answer: Option 3, Murder Hornets
- What was the name of the planet identified by a high school intern at NASA?
Option 1: XI 1200 b
Option 2: R2D2 3000
Option 3: CP4 4000 a
Option 4: TOI 1338 b
Correct Answer: Option 4, TOI 1338 b
- Which social media challenge had people trying to defy gravity on Feb 10, 2020?
Option 1: The Broom Challenge
Option 2: The Level Up Challenge
Option 3: The Stand Up Challenge
Option 4: The Plank Challenge
Correct Answer: Option 1, The Broom Challenge
- Everyone knows that Carol Baskin killed her husband, but can you remember what his name was?
Option 1: Howard Baskin
Option 2: Joe Lewis
Option 3: Don Lewis
Option 4: Hermit Baskin
Correct Answer: Option 3, Don Lewis
- There are seven speakers sprinkled across which country allowing you to broadcast your built up 2020 scream?
Option 1: Ireland
Option 2: Finland
Option 3: New Zealand
Option 4: Iceland
Correct Answer: Option 4, Iceland
- Which celebrity was the first to publicly announce they had been tested positive for Coronavirus?
Option 1: Mel Gibson
Option 2: Ellen DeGeneres
Option 3: Larry King
Option 4: Tom Hanks
Correct Answer: Option 4, Tom Hanks
- Which leading cartoon character was confirmed as a member of the LGBTQ Community?
Option 1: Curious George
Option 2: Jimmy Neutron
Option 3: BoJack Horseman
Option 4: Spongebob
Correct Answer: Option 4, Spongebob
- Videos were released by the Pentagon admitting what are real?
Option 1: Aliens
Option 2: Giants
Option 3: UFOs
Option 4: Underground Cities
Correct Answer: Option 3, UFOs
- Who performed the Super Bowl LIV halftime show?
Option 1: The Weekend
Option 2: Shakira and JLO
Option 3: Maroon 5
Option 4: Beyonce and JayZ
Correct Answer: Option 2, Shakira and JLO
- Which celebrity NBA player sadly passed away?
Option 1: Kobe Bryant
Option 2: Michael Jordan
Option 3: Shaquille O’Neal
Option 4: Charles Barkley
Correct Answer: Option 1, Kobe Bryant
- What was the most Googled recipe in 2020?
Option 1: Doubletree Cookie
Option 2: Dole Whip
Option 3: Disney Churro
Option 4: Sourdough Bread
Correct Answer: Option 4, Sourdough Bread
- A baby was born from an embryo that was how old?
Option 1: 27 years old
Option 2: 64 years old
Option 3: 18 years old
Option 4: 34 years old
Correct Answer: Option 1 = 27 years old
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