getM3() {
+ return create("vico.compose.m3");
+ }
+ }
+ public static class VersionAccessors extends VersionFactory {
+ private final DesugarVersionAccessors vaccForDesugarVersionAccessors = new DesugarVersionAccessors(providers, config);
+ public VersionAccessors(ProviderFactory providers, DefaultVersionCatalog config) { super(providers, config); }
+ /**
+ * Version alias accompanist with value 0.34.0
+ *
+ * If the version is a rich version and cannot be represented as a
+ * single version string, an empty string is returned.
+ *
+ * This version was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ */
+ public Provider getAccompanist() { return getVersion("accompanist"); }
+ /**
+ * Version alias activityCompose with value 1.9.1
+ *
+ * If the version is a rich version and cannot be represented as a
+ * single version string, an empty string is returned.
+ *
+ * This version was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ */
+ public Provider getActivityCompose() { return getVersion("activityCompose"); }
+ /**
+ * Version alias agp with value 8.5.2
+ *
+ * If the version is a rich version and cannot be represented as a
+ * single version string, an empty string is returned.
+ *
+ * This version was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ */
+ public Provider getAgp() { return getVersion("agp"); }
+ /**
+ * Version alias appcompat with value 1.7.0
+ *
+ * If the version is a rich version and cannot be represented as a
+ * single version string, an empty string is returned.
+ *
+ * This version was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ */
+ public Provider getAppcompat() { return getVersion("appcompat"); }
+ /**
+ * Version alias coilCompose with value 2.7.0
+ *
+ * If the version is a rich version and cannot be represented as a
+ * single version string, an empty string is returned.
+ *
+ * This version was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ */
+ public Provider getCoilCompose() { return getVersion("coilCompose"); }
+ /**
+ * Version alias composeBom with value 2024.06.00
+ *
+ * If the version is a rich version and cannot be represented as a
+ * single version string, an empty string is returned.
+ *
+ * This version was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ */
+ public Provider getComposeBom() { return getVersion("composeBom"); }
+ /**
+ * Version alias composeFoundation with value 1.3.1
+ *
+ * If the version is a rich version and cannot be represented as a
+ * single version string, an empty string is returned.
+ *
+ * This version was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ */
+ public Provider getComposeFoundation() { return getVersion("composeFoundation"); }
+ /**
+ * Version alias composeMaterial with value 1.3.1
+ *
+ * If the version is a rich version and cannot be represented as a
+ * single version string, an empty string is returned.
+ *
+ * This version was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ */
+ public Provider getComposeMaterial() { return getVersion("composeMaterial"); }
+ /**
+ * Version alias composeNavigation with value 1.3.1
+ *
+ * If the version is a rich version and cannot be represented as a
+ * single version string, an empty string is returned.
+ *
+ * This version was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ */
+ public Provider getComposeNavigation() { return getVersion("composeNavigation"); }
+ /**
+ * Version alias composeShimmer with value 1.3.0
+ *
+ * If the version is a rich version and cannot be represented as a
+ * single version string, an empty string is returned.
+ *
+ * This version was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ */
+ public Provider getComposeShimmer() { return getVersion("composeShimmer"); }
+ /**
+ * Version alias constraintlayout with value 2.1.4
+ *
+ * If the version is a rich version and cannot be represented as a
+ * single version string, an empty string is returned.
+ *
+ * This version was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ */
+ public Provider getConstraintlayout() { return getVersion("constraintlayout"); }
+ /**
+ * Version alias coreI18n with value 1.0.0-alpha01
+ *
+ * If the version is a rich version and cannot be represented as a
+ * single version string, an empty string is returned.
+ *
+ * This version was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ */
+ public Provider getCoreI18n() { return getVersion("coreI18n"); }
+ /**
+ * Version alias coreKtx with value 1.13.1
+ *
+ * If the version is a rich version and cannot be represented as a
+ * single version string, an empty string is returned.
+ *
+ * This version was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ */
+ public Provider getCoreKtx() { return getVersion("coreKtx"); }
+ /**
+ * Version alias coreSplashscreen with value 1.0.1
+ *
+ * If the version is a rich version and cannot be represented as a
+ * single version string, an empty string is returned.
+ *
+ * This version was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ */
+ public Provider getCoreSplashscreen() { return getVersion("coreSplashscreen"); }
+ /**
+ * Version alias datastorePreferences with value 1.1.1
+ *
+ * If the version is a rich version and cannot be represented as a
+ * single version string, an empty string is returned.
+ *
+ * This version was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ */
+ public Provider getDatastorePreferences() { return getVersion("datastorePreferences"); }
+ /**
+ * Version alias espressoCore with value 3.5.1
+ *
+ * If the version is a rich version and cannot be represented as a
+ * single version string, an empty string is returned.
+ *
+ * This version was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ */
+ public Provider getEspressoCore() { return getVersion("espressoCore"); }
+ /**
+ * Version alias healthServicesClient with value 1.1.0-alpha03
+ *
+ * If the version is a rich version and cannot be represented as a
+ * single version string, an empty string is returned.
+ *
+ * This version was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ */
+ public Provider getHealthServicesClient() { return getVersion("healthServicesClient"); }
+ /**
+ * Version alias horologistComposables with value 0.6.17
+ *
+ * If the version is a rich version and cannot be represented as a
+ * single version string, an empty string is returned.
+ *
+ * This version was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ */
+ public Provider getHorologistComposables() { return getVersion("horologistComposables"); }
+ /**
+ * Version alias horologistComposeLayout with value 0.6.17
+ *
+ * If the version is a rich version and cannot be represented as a
+ * single version string, an empty string is returned.
+ *
+ * This version was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ */
+ public Provider getHorologistComposeLayout() { return getVersion("horologistComposeLayout"); }
+ /**
+ * Version alias horologistComposeTools with value 0.6.17
+ *
+ * If the version is a rich version and cannot be represented as a
+ * single version string, an empty string is returned.
+ *
+ * This version was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ */
+ public Provider getHorologistComposeTools() { return getVersion("horologistComposeTools"); }
+ /**
+ * Version alias horologistTiles with value 0.6.17
+ *
+ * If the version is a rich version and cannot be represented as a
+ * single version string, an empty string is returned.
+ *
+ * This version was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ */
+ public Provider getHorologistTiles() { return getVersion("horologistTiles"); }
+ /**
+ * Version alias junit with value 4.13.2
+ *
+ * If the version is a rich version and cannot be represented as a
+ * single version string, an empty string is returned.
+ *
+ * This version was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ */
+ public Provider getJunit() { return getVersion("junit"); }
+ /**
+ * Version alias junitVersion with value 1.1.5
+ *
+ * If the version is a rich version and cannot be represented as a
+ * single version string, an empty string is returned.
+ *
+ * This version was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ */
+ public Provider getJunitVersion() { return getVersion("junitVersion"); }
+ /**
+ * Version alias kotlin with value 2.0.0
+ *
+ * If the version is a rich version and cannot be represented as a
+ * single version string, an empty string is returned.
+ *
+ * This version was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ */
+ public Provider getKotlin() { return getVersion("kotlin"); }
+ /**
+ * Version alias kotlinxSerializationJson with value 1.7.1
+ *
+ * If the version is a rich version and cannot be represented as a
+ * single version string, an empty string is returned.
+ *
+ * This version was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ */
+ public Provider getKotlinxSerializationJson() { return getVersion("kotlinxSerializationJson"); }
+ /**
+ * Version alias lifecycleViewmodelCompose with value 2.8.4
+ *
+ * If the version is a rich version and cannot be represented as a
+ * single version string, an empty string is returned.
+ *
+ * This version was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ */
+ public Provider getLifecycleViewmodelCompose() { return getVersion("lifecycleViewmodelCompose"); }
+ /**
+ * Version alias lottieCompose with value 6.5.0
+ *
+ * If the version is a rich version and cannot be represented as a
+ * single version string, an empty string is returned.
+ *
+ * This version was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ */
+ public Provider getLottieCompose() { return getVersion("lottieCompose"); }
+ /**
+ * Version alias material with value 1.12.0
+ *
+ * If the version is a rich version and cannot be represented as a
+ * single version string, an empty string is returned.
+ *
+ * This version was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ */
+ public Provider getMaterial() { return getVersion("material"); }
+ /**
+ * Version alias playServicesPal with value 20.3.0
+ *
+ * If the version is a rich version and cannot be represented as a
+ * single version string, an empty string is returned.
+ *
+ * This version was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ */
+ public Provider getPlayServicesPal() { return getVersion("playServicesPal"); }
+ /**
+ * Version alias playServicesWearable with value 18.2.0
+ *
+ * If the version is a rich version and cannot be represented as a
+ * single version string, an empty string is returned.
+ *
+ * This version was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ */
+ public Provider getPlayServicesWearable() { return getVersion("playServicesWearable"); }
+ /**
+ * Version alias roomKtx with value 2.6.1
+ *
+ * If the version is a rich version and cannot be represented as a
+ * single version string, an empty string is returned.
+ *
+ * This version was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ */
+ public Provider getRoomKtx() { return getVersion("roomKtx"); }
+ /**
+ * Version alias tiles with value 1.4.0
+ *
+ * If the version is a rich version and cannot be represented as a
+ * single version string, an empty string is returned.
+ *
+ * This version was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ */
+ public Provider getTiles() { return getVersion("tiles"); }
+ /**
+ * Version alias tilesMaterial with value 1.4.0
+ *
+ * If the version is a rich version and cannot be represented as a
+ * single version string, an empty string is returned.
+ *
+ * This version was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ */
+ public Provider getTilesMaterial() { return getVersion("tilesMaterial"); }
+ /**
+ * Version alias vico with value 1.13.1
+ *
+ * If the version is a rich version and cannot be represented as a
+ * single version string, an empty string is returned.
+ *
+ * This version was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ */
+ public Provider getVico() { return getVersion("vico"); }
+ /**
+ * Version alias watchfaceComplicationsDataSourceKtx with value 1.2.1
+ *
+ * If the version is a rich version and cannot be represented as a
+ * single version string, an empty string is returned.
+ *
+ * This version was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ */
+ public Provider getWatchfaceComplicationsDataSourceKtx() { return getVersion("watchfaceComplicationsDataSourceKtx"); }
+ /**
+ * Version alias wear with value 1.3.0
+ *
+ * If the version is a rich version and cannot be represented as a
+ * single version string, an empty string is returned.
+ *
+ * This version was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ */
+ public Provider getWear() { return getVersion("wear"); }
+ /**
+ * Version alias wearToolingPreview with value 1.0.0
+ *
+ * If the version is a rich version and cannot be represented as a
+ * single version string, an empty string is returned.
+ *
+ * This version was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ */
+ public Provider getWearToolingPreview() { return getVersion("wearToolingPreview"); }
+ /**
+ * Version alias workRuntimeKtx with value 2.9.1
+ *
+ * If the version is a rich version and cannot be represented as a
+ * single version string, an empty string is returned.
+ *
+ * This version was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ */
+ public Provider getWorkRuntimeKtx() { return getVersion("workRuntimeKtx"); }
+ /**
+ * Group of versions at versions.desugar
+ */
+ public DesugarVersionAccessors getDesugar() {
+ return vaccForDesugarVersionAccessors;
+ }
+ }
+ public static class DesugarVersionAccessors extends VersionFactory {
+ private final DesugarJdkVersionAccessors vaccForDesugarJdkVersionAccessors = new DesugarJdkVersionAccessors(providers, config);
+ public DesugarVersionAccessors(ProviderFactory providers, DefaultVersionCatalog config) { super(providers, config); }
+ /**
+ * Group of versions at versions.desugar.jdk
+ */
+ public DesugarJdkVersionAccessors getJdk() {
+ return vaccForDesugarJdkVersionAccessors;
+ }
+ }
+ public static class DesugarJdkVersionAccessors extends VersionFactory {
+ public DesugarJdkVersionAccessors(ProviderFactory providers, DefaultVersionCatalog config) { super(providers, config); }
+ /**
+ * Version alias desugar.jdk.libs with value 2.0.4
+ *
+ * If the version is a rich version and cannot be represented as a
+ * single version string, an empty string is returned.
+ *
+ * This version was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ */
+ public Provider getLibs() { return getVersion("desugar.jdk.libs"); }
+ }
+ public static class BundleAccessors extends BundleFactory {
+ public BundleAccessors(ObjectFactory objects, ProviderFactory providers, DefaultVersionCatalog config, ImmutableAttributesFactory attributesFactory, CapabilityNotationParser capabilityNotationParser) { super(objects, providers, config, attributesFactory, capabilityNotationParser); }
+ }
+ public static class PluginAccessors extends PluginFactory {
+ private final ComposePluginAccessors paccForComposePluginAccessors = new ComposePluginAccessors(providers, config);
+ public PluginAccessors(ProviderFactory providers, DefaultVersionCatalog config) { super(providers, config); }
+ /**
+ * Plugin provider for androidApplication with plugin id and
+ * with version reference agp
+ *
+ * This plugin was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ */
+ public Provider getAndroidApplication() { return createPlugin("androidApplication"); }
+ /**
+ * Plugin provider for kotlinAndroid with plugin id and
+ * with version reference kotlin
+ *
+ * This plugin was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ */
+ public Provider getKotlinAndroid() { return createPlugin("kotlinAndroid"); }
+ /**
+ * Group of plugins at plugins.compose
+ */
+ public ComposePluginAccessors getCompose() {
+ return paccForComposePluginAccessors;
+ }
+ }
+ public static class ComposePluginAccessors extends PluginFactory {
+ public ComposePluginAccessors(ProviderFactory providers, DefaultVersionCatalog config) { super(providers, config); }
+ /**
+ * Plugin provider for compose.compiler with plugin id org.jetbrains.kotlin.plugin.compose and
+ * with version reference kotlin
+ *
+ * This plugin was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ */
+ public Provider getCompiler() { return createPlugin("compose.compiler"); }
+ }
diff --git a/wear-os/.gradle/8.7/dependencies-accessors/4474e98f7438faec8b56e7633cbad0f5c16540f8/sources/org/gradle/accessors/dm/ b/wear-os/.gradle/8.7/dependencies-accessors/4474e98f7438faec8b56e7633cbad0f5c16540f8/sources/org/gradle/accessors/dm/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6352efa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wear-os/.gradle/8.7/dependencies-accessors/4474e98f7438faec8b56e7633cbad0f5c16540f8/sources/org/gradle/accessors/dm/
@@ -0,0 +1,2103 @@
+import org.gradle.api.NonNullApi;
+import org.gradle.api.artifacts.MinimalExternalModuleDependency;
+import org.gradle.plugin.use.PluginDependency;
+import org.gradle.api.artifacts.ExternalModuleDependencyBundle;
+import org.gradle.api.artifacts.MutableVersionConstraint;
+import org.gradle.api.provider.Provider;
+import org.gradle.api.model.ObjectFactory;
+import org.gradle.api.provider.ProviderFactory;
+import org.gradle.api.internal.catalog.AbstractExternalDependencyFactory;
+import org.gradle.api.internal.catalog.DefaultVersionCatalog;
+import java.util.Map;
+import org.gradle.api.internal.attributes.ImmutableAttributesFactory;
+import org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.dsl.CapabilityNotationParser;
+import javax.inject.Inject;
+ * A catalog of dependencies accessible via the {@code libs} extension.
+ */
+public class LibrariesForLibsInPluginsBlock extends AbstractExternalDependencyFactory {
+ private final AbstractExternalDependencyFactory owner = this;
+ private final AccompanistLibraryAccessors laccForAccompanistLibraryAccessors = new AccompanistLibraryAccessors(owner);
+ private final AndroidxLibraryAccessors laccForAndroidxLibraryAccessors = new AndroidxLibraryAccessors(owner);
+ private final CoilLibraryAccessors laccForCoilLibraryAccessors = new CoilLibraryAccessors(owner);
+ private final ComposeLibraryAccessors laccForComposeLibraryAccessors = new ComposeLibraryAccessors(owner);
+ private final DesugarLibraryAccessors laccForDesugarLibraryAccessors = new DesugarLibraryAccessors(owner);
+ private final HorologistLibraryAccessors laccForHorologistLibraryAccessors = new HorologistLibraryAccessors(owner);
+ private final KotlinxLibraryAccessors laccForKotlinxLibraryAccessors = new KotlinxLibraryAccessors(owner);
+ private final LottieLibraryAccessors laccForLottieLibraryAccessors = new LottieLibraryAccessors(owner);
+ private final PlayLibraryAccessors laccForPlayLibraryAccessors = new PlayLibraryAccessors(owner);
+ private final VicoLibraryAccessors laccForVicoLibraryAccessors = new VicoLibraryAccessors(owner);
+ private final VersionAccessors vaccForVersionAccessors = new VersionAccessors(providers, config);
+ private final BundleAccessors baccForBundleAccessors = new BundleAccessors(objects, providers, config, attributesFactory, capabilityNotationParser);
+ private final PluginAccessors paccForPluginAccessors = new PluginAccessors(providers, config);
+ @Inject
+ public LibrariesForLibsInPluginsBlock(DefaultVersionCatalog config, ProviderFactory providers, ObjectFactory objects, ImmutableAttributesFactory attributesFactory, CapabilityNotationParser capabilityNotationParser) {
+ super(config, providers, objects, attributesFactory, capabilityNotationParser);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Dependency provider for junit with junit:junit coordinates and
+ * with version reference junit
+ *
+ * This dependency was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public Provider getJunit() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return create("junit");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Dependency provider for material with coordinates and
+ * with version reference material
+ *
+ * This dependency was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public Provider getMaterial() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return create("material");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Group of libraries at accompanist
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public AccompanistLibraryAccessors getAccompanist() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return laccForAccompanistLibraryAccessors;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Group of libraries at androidx
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public AndroidxLibraryAccessors getAndroidx() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return laccForAndroidxLibraryAccessors;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Group of libraries at coil
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public CoilLibraryAccessors getCoil() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return laccForCoilLibraryAccessors;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Group of libraries at compose
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public ComposeLibraryAccessors getCompose() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return laccForComposeLibraryAccessors;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Group of libraries at desugar
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public DesugarLibraryAccessors getDesugar() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return laccForDesugarLibraryAccessors;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Group of libraries at horologist
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public HorologistLibraryAccessors getHorologist() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return laccForHorologistLibraryAccessors;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Group of libraries at kotlinx
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public KotlinxLibraryAccessors getKotlinx() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return laccForKotlinxLibraryAccessors;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Group of libraries at lottie
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public LottieLibraryAccessors getLottie() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return laccForLottieLibraryAccessors;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Group of libraries at play
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public PlayLibraryAccessors getPlay() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return laccForPlayLibraryAccessors;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Group of libraries at vico
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public VicoLibraryAccessors getVico() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return laccForVicoLibraryAccessors;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Group of versions at versions
+ */
+ public VersionAccessors getVersions() {
+ return vaccForVersionAccessors;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Group of bundles at bundles
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public BundleAccessors getBundles() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return baccForBundleAccessors;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Group of plugins at plugins
+ */
+ public PluginAccessors getPlugins() {
+ return paccForPluginAccessors;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public static class AccompanistLibraryAccessors extends SubDependencyFactory {
+ public AccompanistLibraryAccessors(AbstractExternalDependencyFactory owner) { super(owner); }
+ /**
+ * Dependency provider for permissions with coordinates and
+ * with version reference accompanist
+ *
+ * This dependency was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public Provider getPermissions() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return create("accompanist.permissions");
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public static class AndroidxLibraryAccessors extends SubDependencyFactory {
+ private final AndroidxActivityLibraryAccessors laccForAndroidxActivityLibraryAccessors = new AndroidxActivityLibraryAccessors(owner);
+ private final AndroidxComposeLibraryAccessors laccForAndroidxComposeLibraryAccessors = new AndroidxComposeLibraryAccessors(owner);
+ private final AndroidxCoreLibraryAccessors laccForAndroidxCoreLibraryAccessors = new AndroidxCoreLibraryAccessors(owner);
+ private final AndroidxDatastoreLibraryAccessors laccForAndroidxDatastoreLibraryAccessors = new AndroidxDatastoreLibraryAccessors(owner);
+ private final AndroidxEspressoLibraryAccessors laccForAndroidxEspressoLibraryAccessors = new AndroidxEspressoLibraryAccessors(owner);
+ private final AndroidxHealthLibraryAccessors laccForAndroidxHealthLibraryAccessors = new AndroidxHealthLibraryAccessors(owner);
+ private final AndroidxLifecycleLibraryAccessors laccForAndroidxLifecycleLibraryAccessors = new AndroidxLifecycleLibraryAccessors(owner);
+ private final AndroidxMaterialLibraryAccessors laccForAndroidxMaterialLibraryAccessors = new AndroidxMaterialLibraryAccessors(owner);
+ private final AndroidxRoomLibraryAccessors laccForAndroidxRoomLibraryAccessors = new AndroidxRoomLibraryAccessors(owner);
+ private final AndroidxRuntimeLibraryAccessors laccForAndroidxRuntimeLibraryAccessors = new AndroidxRuntimeLibraryAccessors(owner);
+ private final AndroidxTilesLibraryAccessors laccForAndroidxTilesLibraryAccessors = new AndroidxTilesLibraryAccessors(owner);
+ private final AndroidxUiLibraryAccessors laccForAndroidxUiLibraryAccessors = new AndroidxUiLibraryAccessors(owner);
+ private final AndroidxWatchfaceLibraryAccessors laccForAndroidxWatchfaceLibraryAccessors = new AndroidxWatchfaceLibraryAccessors(owner);
+ private final AndroidxWearLibraryAccessors laccForAndroidxWearLibraryAccessors = new AndroidxWearLibraryAccessors(owner);
+ private final AndroidxWorkLibraryAccessors laccForAndroidxWorkLibraryAccessors = new AndroidxWorkLibraryAccessors(owner);
+ public AndroidxLibraryAccessors(AbstractExternalDependencyFactory owner) { super(owner); }
+ /**
+ * Dependency provider for appcompat with androidx.appcompat:appcompat coordinates and
+ * with version reference appcompat
+ *
+ * This dependency was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public Provider getAppcompat() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return create("androidx.appcompat");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Dependency provider for constraintlayout with androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout coordinates and
+ * with version reference constraintlayout
+ *
+ * This dependency was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public Provider getConstraintlayout() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return create("androidx.constraintlayout");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Dependency provider for junit with androidx.test.ext:junit coordinates and
+ * with version reference junitVersion
+ *
+ * This dependency was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public Provider getJunit() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return create("androidx.junit");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Group of libraries at androidx.activity
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public AndroidxActivityLibraryAccessors getActivity() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return laccForAndroidxActivityLibraryAccessors;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Group of libraries at androidx.compose
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public AndroidxComposeLibraryAccessors getCompose() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return laccForAndroidxComposeLibraryAccessors;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Group of libraries at androidx.core
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public AndroidxCoreLibraryAccessors getCore() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return laccForAndroidxCoreLibraryAccessors;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Group of libraries at androidx.datastore
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public AndroidxDatastoreLibraryAccessors getDatastore() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return laccForAndroidxDatastoreLibraryAccessors;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Group of libraries at androidx.espresso
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public AndroidxEspressoLibraryAccessors getEspresso() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return laccForAndroidxEspressoLibraryAccessors;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Group of libraries at
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public AndroidxHealthLibraryAccessors getHealth() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return laccForAndroidxHealthLibraryAccessors;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Group of libraries at androidx.lifecycle
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public AndroidxLifecycleLibraryAccessors getLifecycle() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return laccForAndroidxLifecycleLibraryAccessors;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Group of libraries at androidx.material
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public AndroidxMaterialLibraryAccessors getMaterial() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return laccForAndroidxMaterialLibraryAccessors;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Group of libraries at
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public AndroidxRoomLibraryAccessors getRoom() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return laccForAndroidxRoomLibraryAccessors;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Group of libraries at androidx.runtime
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public AndroidxRuntimeLibraryAccessors getRuntime() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return laccForAndroidxRuntimeLibraryAccessors;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Group of libraries at androidx.tiles
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public AndroidxTilesLibraryAccessors getTiles() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return laccForAndroidxTilesLibraryAccessors;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Group of libraries at androidx.ui
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public AndroidxUiLibraryAccessors getUi() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return laccForAndroidxUiLibraryAccessors;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Group of libraries at androidx.watchface
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public AndroidxWatchfaceLibraryAccessors getWatchface() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return laccForAndroidxWatchfaceLibraryAccessors;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Group of libraries at androidx.wear
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public AndroidxWearLibraryAccessors getWear() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return laccForAndroidxWearLibraryAccessors;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Group of libraries at
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public AndroidxWorkLibraryAccessors getWork() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return laccForAndroidxWorkLibraryAccessors;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public static class AndroidxActivityLibraryAccessors extends SubDependencyFactory {
+ public AndroidxActivityLibraryAccessors(AbstractExternalDependencyFactory owner) { super(owner); }
+ /**
+ * Dependency provider for compose with androidx.activity:activity-compose coordinates and
+ * with version reference activityCompose
+ *
+ * This dependency was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public Provider getCompose() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return create("androidx.activity.compose");
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public static class AndroidxComposeLibraryAccessors extends SubDependencyFactory {
+ public AndroidxComposeLibraryAccessors(AbstractExternalDependencyFactory owner) { super(owner); }
+ /**
+ * Dependency provider for bom with androidx.compose:compose-bom coordinates and
+ * with version reference composeBom
+ *
+ * This dependency was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public Provider getBom() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return create("");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Dependency provider for foundation with androidx.wear.compose:compose-foundation coordinates and
+ * with version reference composeFoundation
+ *
+ * This dependency was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public Provider getFoundation() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return create("");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Dependency provider for material with androidx.wear.compose:compose-material coordinates and
+ * with version reference composeMaterial
+ *
+ * This dependency was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public Provider getMaterial() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return create("androidx.compose.material");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Dependency provider for navigation with androidx.wear.compose:compose-navigation coordinates and
+ * with version reference composeNavigation
+ *
+ * This dependency was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public Provider getNavigation() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return create("androidx.compose.navigation");
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public static class AndroidxCoreLibraryAccessors extends SubDependencyFactory {
+ public AndroidxCoreLibraryAccessors(AbstractExternalDependencyFactory owner) { super(owner); }
+ /**
+ * Dependency provider for i18n with androidx.core:core-i18n coordinates and
+ * with version reference coreI18n
+ *
+ * This dependency was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public Provider getI18n() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return create("androidx.core.i18n");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Dependency provider for ktx with androidx.core:core-ktx coordinates and
+ * with version reference coreKtx
+ *
+ * This dependency was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public Provider getKtx() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return create("androidx.core.ktx");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Dependency provider for splashscreen with androidx.core:core-splashscreen coordinates and
+ * with version reference coreSplashscreen
+ *
+ * This dependency was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public Provider getSplashscreen() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return create("androidx.core.splashscreen");
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public static class AndroidxDatastoreLibraryAccessors extends SubDependencyFactory {
+ public AndroidxDatastoreLibraryAccessors(AbstractExternalDependencyFactory owner) { super(owner); }
+ /**
+ * Dependency provider for preferences with androidx.datastore:datastore-preferences coordinates and
+ * with version reference datastorePreferences
+ *
+ * This dependency was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public Provider getPreferences() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return create("androidx.datastore.preferences");
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public static class AndroidxEspressoLibraryAccessors extends SubDependencyFactory {
+ public AndroidxEspressoLibraryAccessors(AbstractExternalDependencyFactory owner) { super(owner); }
+ /**
+ * Dependency provider for core with androidx.test.espresso:espresso-core coordinates and
+ * with version reference espressoCore
+ *
+ * This dependency was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public Provider getCore() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return create("androidx.espresso.core");
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public static class AndroidxHealthLibraryAccessors extends SubDependencyFactory {
+ private final AndroidxHealthServicesLibraryAccessors laccForAndroidxHealthServicesLibraryAccessors = new AndroidxHealthServicesLibraryAccessors(owner);
+ public AndroidxHealthLibraryAccessors(AbstractExternalDependencyFactory owner) { super(owner); }
+ /**
+ * Group of libraries at
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public AndroidxHealthServicesLibraryAccessors getServices() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return laccForAndroidxHealthServicesLibraryAccessors;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public static class AndroidxHealthServicesLibraryAccessors extends SubDependencyFactory {
+ public AndroidxHealthServicesLibraryAccessors(AbstractExternalDependencyFactory owner) { super(owner); }
+ /**
+ * Dependency provider for client with coordinates and
+ * with version reference healthServicesClient
+ *
+ * This dependency was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public Provider getClient() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return create("");
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public static class AndroidxLifecycleLibraryAccessors extends SubDependencyFactory {
+ private final AndroidxLifecycleViewmodelLibraryAccessors laccForAndroidxLifecycleViewmodelLibraryAccessors = new AndroidxLifecycleViewmodelLibraryAccessors(owner);
+ public AndroidxLifecycleLibraryAccessors(AbstractExternalDependencyFactory owner) { super(owner); }
+ /**
+ * Group of libraries at androidx.lifecycle.viewmodel
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public AndroidxLifecycleViewmodelLibraryAccessors getViewmodel() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return laccForAndroidxLifecycleViewmodelLibraryAccessors;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public static class AndroidxLifecycleViewmodelLibraryAccessors extends SubDependencyFactory {
+ public AndroidxLifecycleViewmodelLibraryAccessors(AbstractExternalDependencyFactory owner) { super(owner); }
+ /**
+ * Dependency provider for compose with androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-viewmodel-compose coordinates and
+ * with version reference lifecycleViewmodelCompose
+ *
+ * This dependency was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public Provider getCompose() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return create("androidx.lifecycle.viewmodel.compose");
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public static class AndroidxMaterialLibraryAccessors extends SubDependencyFactory {
+ private final AndroidxMaterialIconsLibraryAccessors laccForAndroidxMaterialIconsLibraryAccessors = new AndroidxMaterialIconsLibraryAccessors(owner);
+ public AndroidxMaterialLibraryAccessors(AbstractExternalDependencyFactory owner) { super(owner); }
+ /**
+ * Group of libraries at androidx.material.icons
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public AndroidxMaterialIconsLibraryAccessors getIcons() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return laccForAndroidxMaterialIconsLibraryAccessors;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public static class AndroidxMaterialIconsLibraryAccessors extends SubDependencyFactory {
+ public AndroidxMaterialIconsLibraryAccessors(AbstractExternalDependencyFactory owner) { super(owner); }
+ /**
+ * Dependency provider for extended with androidx.compose.material:material-icons-extended coordinates and
+ * with version reference composeFoundation
+ *
+ * This dependency was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public Provider getExtended() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return create("androidx.material.icons.extended");
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public static class AndroidxRoomLibraryAccessors extends SubDependencyFactory {
+ public AndroidxRoomLibraryAccessors(AbstractExternalDependencyFactory owner) { super(owner); }
+ /**
+ * Dependency provider for compiler with coordinates and
+ * with version reference roomKtx
+ *
+ * This dependency was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public Provider getCompiler() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return create("");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Dependency provider for ktx with coordinates and
+ * with version reference roomKtx
+ *
+ * This dependency was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public Provider getKtx() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return create("");
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public static class AndroidxRuntimeLibraryAccessors extends SubDependencyFactory {
+ public AndroidxRuntimeLibraryAccessors(AbstractExternalDependencyFactory owner) { super(owner); }
+ /**
+ * Dependency provider for livedata with androidx.compose.runtime:runtime-livedata coordinates and
+ * with version reference composeFoundation
+ *
+ * This dependency was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public Provider getLivedata() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return create("androidx.runtime.livedata");
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public static class AndroidxTilesLibraryAccessors extends SubDependencyFactory implements DependencyNotationSupplier {
+ public AndroidxTilesLibraryAccessors(AbstractExternalDependencyFactory owner) { super(owner); }
+ /**
+ * Dependency provider for tiles with androidx.wear.tiles:tiles coordinates and
+ * with version reference tiles
+ *
+ * This dependency was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public Provider asProvider() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return create("androidx.tiles");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Dependency provider for material with androidx.wear.tiles:tiles-material coordinates and
+ * with version reference tilesMaterial
+ *
+ * This dependency was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public Provider getMaterial() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return create("androidx.tiles.material");
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public static class AndroidxUiLibraryAccessors extends SubDependencyFactory implements DependencyNotationSupplier {
+ private final AndroidxUiTestLibraryAccessors laccForAndroidxUiTestLibraryAccessors = new AndroidxUiTestLibraryAccessors(owner);
+ private final AndroidxUiToolingLibraryAccessors laccForAndroidxUiToolingLibraryAccessors = new AndroidxUiToolingLibraryAccessors(owner);
+ public AndroidxUiLibraryAccessors(AbstractExternalDependencyFactory owner) { super(owner); }
+ /**
+ * Dependency provider for ui with androidx.compose.ui:ui coordinates and
+ * with no version specified
+ *
+ * This dependency was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public Provider asProvider() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return create("androidx.ui");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Group of libraries at androidx.ui.test
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public AndroidxUiTestLibraryAccessors getTest() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return laccForAndroidxUiTestLibraryAccessors;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Group of libraries at androidx.ui.tooling
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public AndroidxUiToolingLibraryAccessors getTooling() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return laccForAndroidxUiToolingLibraryAccessors;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public static class AndroidxUiTestLibraryAccessors extends SubDependencyFactory {
+ public AndroidxUiTestLibraryAccessors(AbstractExternalDependencyFactory owner) { super(owner); }
+ /**
+ * Dependency provider for junit4 with androidx.compose.ui:ui-test-junit4 coordinates and
+ * with no version specified
+ *
+ * This dependency was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public Provider getJunit4() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return create("androidx.ui.test.junit4");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Dependency provider for manifest with androidx.compose.ui:ui-test-manifest coordinates and
+ * with no version specified
+ *
+ * This dependency was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public Provider getManifest() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return create("androidx.ui.test.manifest");
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public static class AndroidxUiToolingLibraryAccessors extends SubDependencyFactory implements DependencyNotationSupplier {
+ public AndroidxUiToolingLibraryAccessors(AbstractExternalDependencyFactory owner) { super(owner); }
+ /**
+ * Dependency provider for tooling with androidx.compose.ui:ui-tooling coordinates and
+ * with no version specified
+ *
+ * This dependency was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public Provider asProvider() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return create("androidx.ui.tooling");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Dependency provider for preview with androidx.compose.ui:ui-tooling-preview coordinates and
+ * with no version specified
+ *
+ * This dependency was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public Provider getPreview() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return create("androidx.ui.tooling.preview");
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public static class AndroidxWatchfaceLibraryAccessors extends SubDependencyFactory {
+ private final AndroidxWatchfaceComplicationsLibraryAccessors laccForAndroidxWatchfaceComplicationsLibraryAccessors = new AndroidxWatchfaceComplicationsLibraryAccessors(owner);
+ public AndroidxWatchfaceLibraryAccessors(AbstractExternalDependencyFactory owner) { super(owner); }
+ /**
+ * Group of libraries at androidx.watchface.complications
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public AndroidxWatchfaceComplicationsLibraryAccessors getComplications() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return laccForAndroidxWatchfaceComplicationsLibraryAccessors;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public static class AndroidxWatchfaceComplicationsLibraryAccessors extends SubDependencyFactory {
+ private final AndroidxWatchfaceComplicationsDataLibraryAccessors laccForAndroidxWatchfaceComplicationsDataLibraryAccessors = new AndroidxWatchfaceComplicationsDataLibraryAccessors(owner);
+ public AndroidxWatchfaceComplicationsLibraryAccessors(AbstractExternalDependencyFactory owner) { super(owner); }
+ /**
+ * Group of libraries at
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public AndroidxWatchfaceComplicationsDataLibraryAccessors getData() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return laccForAndroidxWatchfaceComplicationsDataLibraryAccessors;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public static class AndroidxWatchfaceComplicationsDataLibraryAccessors extends SubDependencyFactory {
+ private final AndroidxWatchfaceComplicationsDataSourceLibraryAccessors laccForAndroidxWatchfaceComplicationsDataSourceLibraryAccessors = new AndroidxWatchfaceComplicationsDataSourceLibraryAccessors(owner);
+ public AndroidxWatchfaceComplicationsDataLibraryAccessors(AbstractExternalDependencyFactory owner) { super(owner); }
+ /**
+ * Group of libraries at
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public AndroidxWatchfaceComplicationsDataSourceLibraryAccessors getSource() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return laccForAndroidxWatchfaceComplicationsDataSourceLibraryAccessors;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public static class AndroidxWatchfaceComplicationsDataSourceLibraryAccessors extends SubDependencyFactory {
+ public AndroidxWatchfaceComplicationsDataSourceLibraryAccessors(AbstractExternalDependencyFactory owner) { super(owner); }
+ /**
+ * Dependency provider for ktx with androidx.wear.watchface:watchface-complications-data-source-ktx coordinates and
+ * with version reference watchfaceComplicationsDataSourceKtx
+ *
+ * This dependency was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public Provider getKtx() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return create("");
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public static class AndroidxWearLibraryAccessors extends SubDependencyFactory implements DependencyNotationSupplier {
+ private final AndroidxWearToolingLibraryAccessors laccForAndroidxWearToolingLibraryAccessors = new AndroidxWearToolingLibraryAccessors(owner);
+ public AndroidxWearLibraryAccessors(AbstractExternalDependencyFactory owner) { super(owner); }
+ /**
+ * Dependency provider for wear with androidx.wear:wear coordinates and
+ * with version reference wear
+ *
+ * This dependency was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public Provider asProvider() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return create("androidx.wear");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Group of libraries at androidx.wear.tooling
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public AndroidxWearToolingLibraryAccessors getTooling() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return laccForAndroidxWearToolingLibraryAccessors;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public static class AndroidxWearToolingLibraryAccessors extends SubDependencyFactory {
+ public AndroidxWearToolingLibraryAccessors(AbstractExternalDependencyFactory owner) { super(owner); }
+ /**
+ * Dependency provider for preview with androidx.wear:wear-tooling-preview coordinates and
+ * with version reference wearToolingPreview
+ *
+ * This dependency was declared in catalog libs.versions.toml
+ *
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public Provider getPreview() {
+ org.gradle.internal.deprecation.DeprecationLogger.deprecateBehaviour("Accessing libraries or bundles from version catalogs in the plugins block.").withAdvice("Only use versions or plugins from catalogs in the plugins block.").willBeRemovedInGradle9().withUpgradeGuideSection(8, "kotlin_dsl_deprecated_catalogs_plugins_block").nagUser();
+ return create("androidx.wear.tooling.preview");
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public static class AndroidxWorkLibraryAccessors extends SubDependencyFactory {
+ private final AndroidxWorkRuntimeLibraryAccessors laccForAndroidxWorkRuntimeLibraryAccessors = new AndroidxWorkRuntimeLibraryAccessors(owner);
+ public AndroidxWorkLibraryAccessors(AbstractExternalDependencyFactory owner) { super(owner); }
+ /**
+ * Group of libraries at