This will enable us to push our projects to the web using a command like git push live master
This will all take place on the Host side of the dev environment (Mac or on your computer)
Create a new folder called html
in your projects folder (shared folder we set up in Local development server with Virtual box)
Here's my fancy raindrops thing if you want to test with that
<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta charset="utf-8"><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width; initial-scale=1.0">
<style type="text/css">
html,body{margin:0;padding:0}html{position:relative;height:100%;background:#000111 url() center;background-size:10em}body{width:100%;height:100%;background-color:rgba(0,1,17,0.7)}body::before,body::after{position:absolute;content:" ";left:0px;width:100%;height:50%}body::before{top:0;background:linear-gradient(to bottom, #000111 0%,rgba(0,1,17,0.2) 100%)}body::after{bottom:0;background:linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(0,1,17,0.2) 0%,#000111 100%)}
git add .
git commit -m "initial import"
We are going to push this to /var/www/html
. This is the page that is served when a user hits the static ip.
First SSH into your server.
First create a folder to hold our production git repos. Note these will not serve the site, they will track changes that are pushed to the server and deploy the site with whatever scripts are needed.
I've stored all of my repos in /var/git
. I'm going to create a bare repository here called default.
On your production server
sudo mkdir /var/git/
Note: We had to use sudo
here because the var
directory is owned by root. We need to fix that now by adding a group similar to what we did in using nginx on Linux with SSL guide.
By default the git
folder is owned by root and we will need sudo
to be able to make changes in it. We could just change the user to our user, but what if we wanted to have other users be able to edit the contents of the git
folder. This is where groups come in. A group can be defined to be allowed read/write access to specific files/ folders.
Add a group for users who will be able to rwx
in for a folder. I'm just going to call this group www-users
. for users who can edit the entire www
directory. We can add more specific controls for different sites/folders later.
If you haven't already added this group www-users
do so now.
sudo addgroup www-users
add your user to that group
sudo adduser <username> www-users
list all the groups your user is part of
groups <username>
now change the group of the /var/git
folder, while leaving the owner the same.
sudo chgrp www-users /var/git
add write permissions for the group
sudo chmod 775 /var/git
Now set the sticky bit for the group
sudo chmod g+s /var/git
The g+s
sets the sticky bit for the group, which propagates the group AND the permissions down the tree as new files and directories are created.
This allows all users in the group to freely edit those files and create new directories without having to constantly use the command-line to adjust ownership.
Now we log out and back in, because we modified the user during the current session user session.
then log back in and go to the /var/git
cd /var/git
the file should be created and you should not get a write permissions error.
Our group has write permissions now. so we don't have to sudo
. We can add other members to the group without modifying the owner from root.
Now just delete the test file.
mkdir ip.git
cd ip.git
git init --bare
Git repositories have a folder called 'hooks'. This folder contains some sample files for possible actions that you can hook and perform custom actions set by you.
Git documentation define three possible server hooks: 'pre-receive', 'post-receive' and 'update'. 'Pre-receive' is executed as soon as the server receives a 'push', 'update' is similar but it executes once for each branch, and 'post-receive' is executed when a 'push' is completely finished and it's the one we are interested in.
a hooks/post-receive
I will add the following to the blank file. You might need to adjust some values....
git --work-tree=/var/www/html --git-dir=/var/git/ip.git checkout -f
save and close and then make the file executable.
chmod +x hooks/post-receive
Back on your local machine (remember on the host side)
add it as a remote to the git repo
git remote add live ssh://<username>@<ip-address-or-domain>/var/git/ip.git
running g rv
for git remote -v
should show you the remote you've added
lastly push it to the live server for deployment
git push live master
That's it! As long as you don't get any errors you should be able to look at the page on the web as see the updates were applied.
Now that we've set everything up and added one site, let's go ahead and add another for <>
so you can see the exact, basic process for each future site.
This assumes that you've created a server block for <>
and have nginx configured properly.
First, SSH into your server.
mkdir /var/git/<>.git
cd /var/git/<>.git
git init --bare
a hooks/post-receive
enter the following into the file:
git --work-tree=/var/www/<>/html --git-dir=/var/git/<>.git checkout -f
Save and close the file, then make it executable.
chmod +x hooks/post-receive
In your projects folder
mkdir <>
cd <>
touch index.html
open it and enter a message into the file.
Then we will make it a git repo and add the remote.
git init
git add .
git commit -m "initial import"
git remote add live ssh://<username>@<ip-address-or-domain>/var/git/<>.git
git push live master
In this tutorial we learned how to:
- Create a remote bare git repo
- Fix permissions for git
- Edit the post hooks file to manage deployment
- add a new remote to a local repos
- deploy the local repo to the live server
- set up an additional site
I recommend building on this lesson and the last three by setting up a static site generator and deploying it to a new server block with git.