This directory contains configuration files for datasets that cannot be uploaded because some functionality is missing in TriplyDB and/or TriplyDB.js.
The following datasets cannot be uploaded because they are published on an FTP server:
The following datasets cannot be uploaded because they do not have one of the supported/recognized RDF file name extensions at the anticipated location (i.e., at the end or directly before the file compression/archive format):
- Code List for Cultural Heritage
Organizations local name
. - ISO 639-1: Codes for the Representation of Names of Languages ―
Part 1: Two-letter codes for languages local
. - ISO 639-2: Codes for the Representation of Names of Languages -
Part 2: Alpha-3 Code for the Names of
Languages local name
. - Library of Congress Subject Headings local name
- MARC List for Languages local name
The following datasets are not yet supported because they contain relative IRIs with a forward slash and a colon (rdfjs/rdfxml-streaming-parser.js#45):
The following licenses are not yet supported:
The following datasets are published in an archive format that was created on macOS. On macOS it is common practice to implicitly include additional files into archives, for which the upload feature currently fails.
The following datasets cannot be uploaded because JSON-LD is not yet supported:
The following datasets only publish the most recent versions that go offline again after some time. This requires an archiving approach that we do not yet have.