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Visualization and Qualitatively Analysis of Baseline Models

We provide some visualization videos and qualitatively analysis for baseline methods on Bench2Drive.For TCP, UniAD and VAD, we choose the best version of these models(TCP-traj,UniAD-Base,VAD-Base), and make visualization on 10 Scenarios as below.

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Driving Skill Scenario Name Route ID Success
AD-MLP TCP-traj UniAD-BaseVAD-Base
Merging MergerIntoSlowTraffic 2283 xx
SignalizedJunctionLeftTurn 4183 xx
Overtaking ParkedObstacle 25318 xxx
HazardAtSideLane 25439 xx
Emergency Brake ParkingCutIn 18305 xx
StaticCutIn 26396 xx
Give Way YieldToEmergencyVehicle 3378 xxxx
InvadingTurn 2802 xx
Traffic Sign EnterActorFlow 3749 xxx
VanillaNonSignalizedTurnEncounterStopsign 3905 xxx

Note: In this visualization, the definition of 'success' differs from the standard definition used in the Bench2Drive. A route may involve multiple actions, such as turning after passing through a traffic light. In this visualization, we only evaluate whether the selected segment's action is successful. For example, if the vehicle obeys the traffic light and passes through the intersection, but collides while turning, it is still considered a successful case in following traffic sign.


we visualize the behavior of three models on MergeIntoSlowTraffic and SignalizedJunctionLeftTurn scenarios to show their ability of mering . The ego vehicle should drive to off-ramp to exit the highway in MergeIntoSlowTraffic, and it should perform a left turn in SignalizedJunctionLeftTurn.

Case ID Models Scenario              Front Camera                 BEV    SuccessQualitatively Analysis
1 TCP-traj MergeInto
The ego vehicle carefully changes the lane and exits highway successfully, but at a quite low speed (the video is at x2 speed).
2 UniAD-Base MergeInto
The ego vehicle makes a lane change at a high speed, exits highway successfully.
3 VAD-Base MergeInto
x The ego vehicle detects the car at front right, but still drives too fast and crashes into it.
4 TCP-traj Signalized
The ego vehicle predicts appropriate trajectory and turns left at junction successfully.
5 UniAD-Base Signalized
x The ego vehicle fails to detect the car coming in opposite direction and continues to drive ahead, results in crash.
6 VAD-Base Signalized
The ego vehicle detects and predicts motions of nearby vehicles, and makes left turn smoothly.


We visualize the behavior of three models on ParkedObstacle and HazardAtSideLane scenarios to show their ability of overtaking. The ego vehicle encounters a parked vehicle blocking part of the lane in ParkedObstacle, and encounters a slow-moving hazard blocking part of the lane in HazardAtSideLane.It should perform a lane change to avoid it.

Case ID Models Scenario              Front Camera                  BEV      SuccessQualitatively Analysis
7 TCP-traj ParkedObstacle x The ego vehicle tries to avoid the parked vehicle, but because of inaccurate and instabe planing, it still collides against it.
8 UniAD-Base ParkedObstacle x The ego vehicle detects the parked car, but predicts wrong trajectory, and collides against it.
9 VAD-Base ParkedObstacle The ego vehicle detects the parked car and turns left to avoid the car and cars coming behind.
10 TCP-traj HazardAtSideLane x The ego vehicle's behavior is confusing. It drives onto sidewalk and collides against cyclist.(the video is at x2 speed)
11 UniAD-Base HazardAtSideLane The ego vehicle detects cyclists and makes a left lane change smoothly.
12 VAD-Base HazardAtSideLane The ego vehicle detects cyclists, slows down and follows them for a while, and then overtakes them through the leftside of the lane without changing lane.

Emergency Brake

We visualize the behavior of three models on ParkingCutIn and StaticCutIn scenarios to show their ability of emergency brake. In these scenarios, the ego must slow down or brake to allow a vehicle cut in.

Case ID Models Scenario              Front Camera                   BEV      SuccessQualitatively Analysis
13 TCP-traj ParkingCutIn The ego vehicle brakes and waits the parked vehicle to exit.
14 UniAD-Base ParkingCutIn The ego vehicle detects the parked vehicle, predicts its motion correctly, so the ego vehicle brakes and waits the parked vehicle to exit.
15 VAD-Base ParkingCutIn x The ego vehicle detects the parked car but not stops, and leads to a series of collisions.
16 TCP-traj StaticCutIn x The ego vehicle drives slowly. When the vehicle at front right attempt to change the lane, ego vehicle turns left unnecessaryly, which occurs collision.
17 UniAD-Base StaticCutIn The ego vehicle brakes when other vehicle cuts in.
18 VAD-Base StaticCutIn The ego vehicle stops at several positions that other vehicles may cut in

Give Way

We visualize the behavior of three models on YieldToEmergencyVehicle and InvadingTurn scenarios to show their ability of giving way. In YieldToEmergencyVehicle, ego must maneuver to allow the emergency vehicle behind to pass. In InvadingTurn,a vehicle coming from the opposite lane invades the ego’s lane, forcing the ego to move right to avoid a possible collision.

Case ID Models Scenario              Front/Back Camera                   BEV      SuccessQualitatively Analysis
19 TCP-traj YieldTo

x TCP model does not use back cameras, so ego can not detect the emergency vehicle behind.
20 UniAD-Base YieldTo

x The ego vehicle fails to detect the emergency vehicle, and does not giveway.
21 VAD-Base YieldTo

x The ego vehicle detects the emergency vehicle and tries to move right to giveway, but collides against vehicle on right lane.
22 TCP-traj InvadingTurn The ego vehicle drives slowly and moves right to avoid collision.
23 UniAD-Base InvadingTurn The ego vehicle drives in a normal spped and moves right to avoid collision.
24 VAD-Base InvadingTurn x The ego vehicle moves too much, it invades the right lane and collides against other vehicle.

Traffic Sign

We visualize the behavior of three models on EnterActorFlow and VanillaNonSignalizedTurnEncounterStopsign scenarios to show their ability of following traffic sign. In EnterActorFlow, ego should follow the traffic light. In VanillaNonSignalizedTurnEncounterStopsign, ego should stop and start at stop signs.

Case ID Models Scenario              Front Camera                   BEV      SuccessQualitatively Analysis
25 TCP-traj EnterActorFlow The ego vehicle follows the traffic light and goes through the junction.
26 UniAD-Base EnterActorFlow x The ego vehicle detects the traffic light but runs a red light.
27 VAD-Base EnterActorFlowx The ego vehicle does not detects the traffic light accurately,and runs a red light.
28 TCP-traj Vanilla
The ego vehicle stops and waits at stop sign.After the opposite vehicle passes the junction, ego goes through the junction.
29 UniAD-Base Vanilla
x The ego vehicle does not stop and runs a stop.
30 VAD-Base Vanilla
x The ego vehicle stops at the sign but gets blocked, does not start again.


  • Strategies: The three E2E-AD models implement distinct strategies. The TCP model adopts a conservative approach, favoring slower speeds to enhance obstacle avoidance and response to unexpected events, potentially at the cost of traffic flow efficiency. Conversely, the VAD model employs a more aggressive strategy, increasing the risk of excessive speed and abrupt maneuvers, which could lead to collisions. The strategy of UniAD lies between these extremes.

  • Diverse Behaviors in Identical Scenarios: It is notable that in certain scenarios, such as cases 10, 11, and 12, different models trained on the same dataset exhibit varied behaviors, with more than one approach being reasonable, as seen in cases 11 and 12.

  • Perception and Planning: The interplay between perception and planning is critical. A model’s failure to detect nearby vehicles often leads to incorrect routing, as demonstrated in case 5. However, even precise object detection does not always ensure correct planning decisions, as illustrated in case 10.

  • Failure Cases nalysis: Several factors contribute to the failure cases observed. These include the inability to perceive other vehicles (cases 5 and 20), inaccurate motion predictions (case 8), actions that are either too mild (case 7) or too forceful (case 24), and misinterpretations of the scene (cases 29 and 30).