- Most of recorded data is directly from CARLA API to avoid information loss. The data collection code is in tools/data_collect.py. We suggest reading it aided by CARLA official Python API docs.
- Keep in mind that the recorded data might be in different coordinate systems (World, Ego, LiDAR, Compass). We provide a visualization code for you to get familiar with these coordinate systems. You might refer to this explanations (awsome codebase!).
- For fair/legal comparision, make sure your model only use the information from allowed sensors + high level command as input. Other information is only allowed to use during training.
- Note that sometimes CARLA API could be buggy, we record some known issues below:
- The speed value of all pedestrians are 0. You might want to calculate by youself.
- The returned value of the sensor Speedometer might be None. The yaw value could be None as well. You might want to deal with it by setting all None to 0.
- Some stop signs in CARLA are on the ground and thus there is no bounding box. However, we record all stop signs in the anno file with rectangles to denote their trigger volume.
- All trigger volumes' rotation attribute is relative to the parent actor (traffic lights or stop signs). Thus, you need to add the parent actors' rotation to it to obtain the global rotation.
- Static vehicles' (state=="static") rotation and location is wrong due to CARLA API bugs. Thus, we suggest only use attribute center and extent to obtain the local 3D bounding boxes. Use the inverse of world2vehicle to obtain the vehicle's bounding box in the world coordinate system.
- The extent in CARLA means half of the Height, Width, Length!
- The HD-Map of each town is in https://hf-mirror.com/datasets/rethinklab/Bench2Drive-Map. The data structure is in the following section.
- RGB image * 6:
- JPG compressed. Quality 20.
- Related code
- The position and FoV is similar to nuScenes.
- Since JPG is lossy compression, you might need to compress the image from sensors during inference to avoid train-val gap!
- anno:
- Use GZIP to compress json file.
- Related code
- LiDAR*1
- Use a specialized algorithm called laszip to compress LiDAR point clouds.
- Related code
- Radar*5
- Use h5py format and use GZIP to compress.
- The position is similar to nuScenes.
- Related code
- Depth, Semantic, Instance
- Please refer to CARLA official docs about sensors about obtaining the labels.
- Their sensors' position is exactly the same as RGB Cameras'.
- HD-Map
- Data is generated by code
cd tools
python visualize.py -f FILE_PATH -m LANEMARK_PATH
# for example,
# FILE_PATH is NonSignalizedJunctionLeftTurnEnterFlow/Town13_723
# LANEMARK_PATH is maps/Town13_lanemarkings.npz
- scenario_name/
- Town[id]_weather[id]_route[id]/
- anno
- 00000.json.gz
- camera
- depth_back
- 00000.png
- depth_back
- 00000.png
- depth_back_left
- 00000.png
- depth_back_right
- 00000.png
- depth_front
- 00000.png
- depth_front_left
- 00000.png
- depth_front_right
- 00000.png
- instance_back
- 00000.png
- instance_back_left
- 00000.png
- instance_back_right
- 00000.png
- instance_front
- 00000.png
- instance_front_left
- 00000.png
- instance_front_right
- 00000.png
- rgb_back
- 00000.jpg
- rgb_back_left
- 00000.jpg
- rgb_back_right
- 00000.jpg
- rgb_front
- 00000.jpg
- rgb_front_left
- 00000.jpg
- rgb_front_right
- 00000.jpg
- rgb_top_down
- 00000.jpg
- semantic_back
- 00000.png
- semantic_back_left
- 00000.png
- semantic_back_right
- 00000.png
- semantic_front
- semantic_front_left
- 00000.png
- semantic_front_right
- 00000.png
- expert_assessment
- 00000.npz
- lidar
- 00000.laz
- radar
- 00000.h5
TODO: For all items, tell which sensors/CARLA API it is from and which lines of code in the sensor agent!!! Especially for those from sensors to make sure people can make legal agent.
- x # current position in world coordinates.
- y # current position in world coordinates.
- throttle
- steer
- brake
- reverse
- theta
- speed
- x_command_far # farther waypoint x in world coordinates.
- y_command_far # farther waypoint y in world coordinates.
- command_far # the command to farther waypoint.
- x_command_near # nearby waypoint x in world coordinates.
- y_command_near # nearby waypoint y in world coordinates.
- command_near # the command to nearby waypoint.
- should_brake # inherit from TCP
- only_ap_brake # inherit from TCP
- x_target # target waypoint
- y_target # target waypoint
- next_command # next command
- weather
- acceleration
- angular_velocity
- sensors
- location # Location coordinates of the CAM_XXXX(x,y,z in world coordinates)
- rotation # Orientation of the CAM_XXXX in world coordinates.
- intrinsic # The intrinsic of camera.
- world2cam # Transformation from world coordinates to camera coordinates
- cam2ego # Transformation from camera coordinates to ego_vehicle coordinates
- fov
- image_size_x # 1600
- image_size_y # 900
- location # Location coordinates of the RADAR_XXXX(x,y,z in world coordinates)
- rotation # Orientation of the RADAR_XXXX in world coordinates.
- world2radar # Transformation from world coordinates to radar coordinates
- radar2ego # Transformation from radar coordinates to ego_vehicle coordinates
- location # Location coordinates of the LIDAR_TOP(x,y,z in world coordinates)
- rotation # Orientation of the LIDAR_TOP in world coordinates.
- world2lidar # Transformation from world coordinates to lidar coordinates
- lidar2ego # Transformation from lidar coordinates to ego_vehicle coordinates
- bounding_boxes
- ego_vehicle
- class: 'vehicle'
- id # unique actor id
- type_id # Type name for the ego_vehicle
- base_type # The ego_vehicle's base type in CARLA.
- location # Location coordinates of the ego_vehicle(x,y,z in world coordinates)
- rotation # Orientation of the ego_vehicle in world coordinates.
- bbx_loc # Bounding box location(x,y,z in ego coordinates)
- center # Center point of the ego_vehicle in world coordinates.
- extent # Extension length of ego_vehicle in world coordinates.
- world_cord # Bounding box verts coordinates in world coordinates.
- semantic_tags # Descriptive tags related to the vehicle.
- color # The color of ego_vehicle.
- speed
- brake
- road_id # Road identifier where the ego_vehicle is located
- lane_id # Lane identifier for the lane affected by the ego_vehicle
- section_id # Section of the road where the ego_vehicle is located
- world2ego # Transformation from world coordinates to ego_vehicle coordinates
- vehicle
- class: 'vehicle'
- state # dynamic or static
- id # Unique identifier for the vehicle
- location # Location coordinates of the vehicle(x,y,z in world coordinates)
- rotation # Orientation of the vehicle in world coordinates.
- bbx_loc # Bounding box location(x,y,z in ego coordinates)
- center # Center point of the vehicle in world coordinates.
- extent # Extension length of vehicle in world coordinates.
- world_cord # Bounding box verts coordinates in world coordinates.
- semantic_tags # Descriptive tags related to the vehicle.
- type_id # Type name for the vehicle.
- color # The color of vehicle.
- base_type # The vehicle's base type in CARLA.
- num_points # num of LiDAR point cloud.
- distance # Distance of the vehicle from the ego vehicle.
- speed
- brake
- light_state # The state of vehicle.
- road_id # Road identifier where the vehicle is located
- lane_id # Lane identifier for the lane affected by the vehicle
- section_id # Section of the road where the vehicle is located
- world2vehicle # Transformation from world coordinates to vehicle coordinates
- traffic_light
- class: 'traffic_light'
- id # Unique identifier for the traffic light
- location # Location coordinates of the traffic light(x,y,z in world coordinates)
- rotation # Orientation of the traffic light in world coordinates.
- center # Center point of the traffic light in world coordinates.
- extent # Extension length of traffic light in world coordinates.
- semantic_tags # Descriptive tags related to the traffic light.
- type_id # Type name for the traffic light
- distance # Distance of the traffic light from the ego vehicle
- state # The state(color) of traffic light.
- affects_ego # Whether the traffic light affects the ego vehicle
- trigger_volume_location # Location for the trigger area for specific light
- trigger_volume_rotation # Orientation of the trigger volume for specific light
- trigger_volume_extent # Extension length of the trigger volume for specific light
- road_id # Road identifier where the traffic light is located
- lane_id # Lane identifier for the lane affected by the traffic light
- section_id # Section of the road where the traffic light is located
- traffic_sign
- class: 'traffic_sign'
- id # Unique identifier for the traffic sign
- location # Location coordinates of the traffic sign(x,y,z in world coordinates)
- rotation # Orientation of the traffic sign in world coordinates.
- center # Center point of the traffic sign in world coordinates.
- extent # Extension length of traffic sign in world coordinates.
- semantic_tags # Descriptive tags related to the traffic sign.
- type_id # Type name for the traffic sign
- distance # Distance of the traffic sign from the ego vehicle
- affects_ego # Whether the traffic sign affects the ego vehicle
- road_id # Road identifier where the traffic sign is located
- lane_id # Lane identifier for the lane affected by the traffic sign
- section_id # Section of the road where the traffic sign is located
- world2sign # Transformation from world coordinates to sign coordinates
# for stop sign/ speed_limit sign specified
- trigger_volume_location # Location for the trigger area for specific signs like stop or speed limit
- trigger_volume_rotation # Orientation of the trigger volume for specific signs
- trigger_volume_extent # Extension length of the trigger volume for specific signs
# for others sign specified, because CARLA API get incorrect coordinates, so we need to adjust it.
- bbx_loc # Bounding box location(x,y,z in ego coordinates)
- world_cord # Bounding box verts coordinates in world coordinates.
- pedestrian
- class: 'walker'
- id # Unique identifier for the pedestrian
- location # Location coordinates of the pedestrian(x,y,z in world coordinates)
- rotation # Orientation of pedestrian in world coordinates
- bbx_loc # Bounding box location(x,y,z in ego coordinates)
- center # Center point of the pedestrian in world coordinates.
- extent # Extension length of pedestrian in world coordinates.
- world_cord # Bounding box verts coordinates in world coordinates.
- semantic_tags # Descriptive tags related to the pedestrian.
- type_id # Type name for the pedestrian.
- gender
- age
- num_points # num of LiDAR point cloud.
- distance # Distance of the pedestrian from the ego vehicle
- speed # Speed of pedestrian.
- bone # Bone of pedestrian.
- road_id # Road identifier where the pedestrian is located
- lane_id # Lane identifier for the lane affected by the pedestrian
- section_id # Section of the road where the pedestrian is located
- world2ped # Transformation from world coordinates to pedestrian coordinates
# Each HD-Map file contains road information of a certain town
- road_id # CARLA road id
# Each road_id corresponds to a dict, where each element formed as:
# Each lane_id corresponds to a list, where each element is a dict formed as:
- Points # Location-rotation array formed as ((location_x, location_y, location_z), (roll, pitch, yaw), Flag_variable(If the 'Type==Center', a flag variable will exist to indicate whether the current waypoint is in a junction; otherwise, it will not exist.))
- Type # String, can be 'Broken', 'Solid', 'SolidSolid', 'Other', 'NONE', 'Center'
- Color # Color, can be 'Blue', 'White', 'Yellow'. (color of Type-'Center' is 'White')
- Topology # String array contains the 'road_id' and 'lane_id' of the current road adjacent to, formed as ((road_id, lane_id), ..)
# If the Type == 'Center', there will be other three keys named 'TopologyType', 'Left' and 'Right'
- TopologyType # The current lane's topology status, can be 'Junction', 'Normal', 'EnterNormal', 'EnterJunction', 'PassNormal', 'PassJunction', 'StartJunctionMultiChange', or 'StartNormalMultiChange'
- Left # The road_id and lane_id of the left lane of the current lane,formed as (road_id, lane_id), None if the left lane does not exist
- Right # The road_id and lane_id of the right lane of the current lane,formed as (road_id, lane_id), None if the right lane does not exist
# If current 'road_id' contains trigger volumes, there will be a special dict with 'TriggerVolumes' as key:
- 'TriggerVolumes'
# Each 'TriggerVolumes' corresponds to a list, where each element is a dict formed as:
- 'Points' # Vertexs location array of current trigger volume
- 'Type' # The parent actor type of current trigger volume, can be 'StopSign' or 'TrafficLight'
- 'ParentActor_Location' # The parent actor's location of current trigger volume, formed as (location.x, location.y, location.z)