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Valhalla Gurka Tests

Test in this directory are "integration" level tests. They check the full pipeline from map parsing through to route/match/etc result generation.

Test structure

Inside the gurka/ directory, every file called test_*.cc is built as a distinct executable. A file called will end up as build/test/gurka/gurka_turns

Using Gurka

The gurka.h header provides helper functions for generating small test maps from ASCII art, building tiles from them, executing Valhalla API requests against those tiles, and helpers for checking parts of the API response for expected results.

A minimal example test looks like this:

  1. Create a file called test/gurka/
  2. Populate a test case
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "gurka.h"

TEST(TestSuite, TestName) {

    const std::string &ascii_map = R"(
    const gurka::ways ways = {{"ABC", {{"highway", "primary"}}}};

    auto map = gurka::buildtiles(ascii_map, 100, ways, {}, {}, "test/data/example");

    auto result = gurka::route(map, "A", "C", "auto");

    EXPECT_EQ(result.directions().routes_size(), 1);
    EXPECT_EQ(result.directions().routes(0).legs_size(), 1);


#NOTE: Some tests need the timezone db to be loaded. To build timezone db initially, you can do make check.

#Building and Running After timezone exists in your build/test/data directory, you can run tests individually by running make run-gurka_example or by running something like ./test/gurka/gurka_conditional_restrictions --gtest_filter=ConditionalRestrictions.NoRestrictionAuto. You can build and execute all gurka tests with make run-gurka.

How to construct a map

You need 4 things to build a test map. It's helpful to understand the OSM Data Model before beginning.

  1. Define the positions of nodes on the map by drawing an ASCII representation. The map is interpreted as a 2d grid (see gridsize below). The letters A-Za-z0-9 represent OSM nodes. Only node positions are interpreted from the ASCII grid, but you can use any other character to help give context (i.e. use ---- to indicate that two nodes will be connected by a way). Using C++ Raw String Literals (6) is an easy way to to draw multiline string maps. Example:
const std::string ascii_map = R"(
    A---B---C     j
        |        /
 **Remember**: only the position of the A-Za-z0-9 characters matter - other characters
 are ignored and are just helpful for describing your intent.
  1. Define how the nodes are connected together (as OSM ways). You need to build a gurka::ways object. This object has a std::string key which defines a sequence of nodes that are connected, then a std::vector of key/value pairs that describe the tags to go on a way. C++ inializer-list syntax allows for a fairly compact expression of a list of ways and their tags. Example:
const gurka::ways ways = {
    { "ABC",   // String referencing nodes to be connected in order
      { {"highway","motorway"},  // key/value tags to be put on the way
        {"name","Test Road"} }
    { "BE",
      { {"highway","motorway"},
        {"name","Test Connector"} }
  1. Define properties on the nodes, if any. Here, you need a gurka::nodes object. Construction is identical to the gurka::ways object, except that the primary key should just be a single character (not a char, but a 1-character std::string).
const gurka::nodes nodes = {
    { "A",   // String referencing nodes to be connected in order
      { {"barrier", "block"} } // key/value tags to put on the node
  1. A list of relations. A common example is a restriction relation, which restricts possible maneuvers. You need to build a gurka::relation object. Construction here is a little more complex, but C++ initializer list syntax still works (get used to lots of {}).
const gurka::relations relations = {
        { // List of the members on the relation
            gurka::relation_member{gurka::way_member, "kh", "from"},
            gurka::relation_member{gurka::way_member, "il", "to"},
            gurka::relation_member{gurka::way_member, "hi", "via"}
        { // List of the key/value tags on the relation
            {"type", "restriction"},
            {"restriction", "no_right_turn"}

Once you have all these elements, you can now use them to build an OSM PBF file, and generate tiles for it, using:

    auto map = gurka::buildtiles(ascii_map, 100, ways, nodes, relations, "test/data/example");

The map.pbf and tiles will be written to test/data/example. The value 100 is the size of the grid to be used. It's in metres, and decides the distance between the nodes in the ascii map.

The returned map object has two properties:

  • config - the boost::property_tree that was used to generate the tiles
  • nodes - an std::unordered_map that with keys for the nodes, and the values are the PointLL that was assigned (this is useful for getting the coordinate of a node in a generated map)

Using a generated map

Once you have map tiles, you can then do tests on them. Gurka provides some helpers to make it easy to perform some normal interactions.

route(const gurka::map& map, const std::vector<std::string>& waypoints, const std::string& costing) {

This performs a valhalla route request on the map. You can use named waypoints that you've drawn on the map as positions to route between.

match(const gurka::map& map, const std::vector<std::string>& waypoints, const bool break_at_waypoints, const std::string& costing) {

This performs a Valhalla trace request with the waypoints provided. You can toggle the type: break parameter by setting break_at_waypoints.


Gurka provides some helper functions to make it easy to test various aspects of an API response.

By default, the gurka::route and gurka::match functions return a valhalla::Api object, which is the raw protobuf that Valhalla passes around. You can check some things directly on this with the helpers in the gurka::assert::raw namespace:


void expect_maneuvers(const valhalla::Api& result,
                      const std::vector<valhalla::DirectionsLeg_Maneuver_Type>& expected_maneuvers);

void expect_maneuver_begin_path_indexes(const valhalla::Api& result,
                                        const std::vector<uint32_t>& expected_indexes);

void expect_instructions_at_maneuver_index(
    const valhalla::Api& result,
    int maneuver_index,
    const std::string& expected_text_instruction,
    const std::string& expected_verbal_transition_alert_instruction,
    const std::string& expected_verbal_pre_transition_instruction,
    const std::string& expected_verbal_post_transition_instruction);

void expect_path_length(const valhalla::Api& result,
                        const float expected_length_km,
                        const float error_margin = 0);

void expect_path(const valhalla::Api& result, const std::vector<std::string>& expected_names);


Valhalla can also return responses in OSRM-compatible format. To test that results contain things you expect when serialized to OSRM form, you can use the helpers in the gurka::assert::osrm namespace. These functions will first serialize the raw valhalla::Api object into a JSON document (using tyr::serializeDirections), then perform assertions within the JSON document only.

void expect_steps(valhalla::Api& raw_result,
                  const std::vector<std::string>& expected_names,
                  bool dedupe = true);

void expect_match(valhalla::Api& raw_result,
                  const std::vector<std::string>& expected_names,
                  bool dedupe = true);

Utility functions

The main purpose of Gurka is to write high-level, end-to-end tests on minimaps. There are some low-level helper functions available in case you want to do something a little more custom:

  • gurka::detail::build_config(workdir); - builds a boost::property_tree for tile generation in workdir
  • gurka::detail::map_to_coordinates(ascii_map, gridsize); - calculates coordinates for all the A-Za-z0-9 nodes in the ascii_map given the gridsize
  • gurka::detail::build_pbf(node_locations, ways, nodes, relations, pbf_filename); - generates an OSM PBF for the nodes, ways, and relations you've defined. The nodemap is the result of gurka::detail::map_to_coordinates

Debugging help

You can print your gurka map and visually inspect it at by dumping out the geojson via dump_geojson_graph.

    auto result = gurka::do_action(valhalla::Options::route, map, {"1", "3"}, "auto");
    std::cout << gurka::dump_geojson_graph(map) << std::endl;

The graph expansion can be visually inspected with the expansion demo by calling the expansion action. Copy the geojson into the expansion demo and move the slider via the arrow keys.

  auto result = gurka::do_action(valhalla::Options::expansion, map, {"1", "3"}, "auto");