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339 lines (278 loc) · 13.7 KB

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339 lines (278 loc) · 13.7 KB




  • New primitive (uint63 <i>) term constructor
  • New primitive (foal64 <f>) term constructor


  • New coq.reduction.lazy.whd_all
  • New coq.reduction.cbv.whd_all
  • New coq.reduction.vm.whd_all
  • New coq.env.const-primitive?


Major reorganization of sources:

  • src/ is for .ml files
  • elpi/ for .elpi files
  • theories/ for .v files meant to be installed
  • tests/ for the test suite, not to be installed
  • examples/ for tests (not to be installed)

Moreover the apps/ directory is for applications written in Coq-Elpi, their structure follows the same convention

[1.6.0] - 21-08-2020

Requires Elpi 1.11 and Coq 8.12.


  • Display failures generated by std.assert! as errors


  • Use the new coq.elaborate-skeleton API to insert coercions


  • Embedding for sorts was incorrectly mapping Prop to sprop
  • coq.env.add-const made 8.12 friendly with a workaround for coq/coq#12759


  • New coq.elaborate-skeleton and coq.elaborate-ty-skeleton that run Coq's elaborator on a term obtained by disregarding evars and universes in the given input. Unfortunately Coq's elaborator does not take terms as input, but glob terms, and the conversion function is not lossless. See also lib:elpi.hole.
  • New coq.elaborate-indt-decl-skeleton to elaborate an inductive type declaration.
  • New coq.elaborate-arity-skeleton to elaborate an arity.
  • New coq.env.current-path to get the current module path.
  • New coq.modpath->path and coq.modpath->path to get access to the components of a module path.
  • Change coq.elpi.accumulate understands the @local! attribute, which makes the clauses Local to the module into which they live.


  • New lib:elpi.hole constant that can be used in place of a unification variable to denote an implicit argument when calling coq.*-skeleton APIs

[1.5.1] - 29-07-2020

Requires Elpi 1.11 and Coq 8.12.


Locality is now supported by coq.CS.declare-instance

[1.5.0] - 29-07-2020

Requires Elpi 1.11 and Coq 8.11.


  • New option @holes! to be assumed (as in @holes! => ...) before calling any Coq API. When this option is given unknown unification variables are interpreted as "implicit arguments" (linear holes that see all the variables in scope). If the unification variable is outside the pattern fragment the following heuristic is applied: arguments that are not variables are heuristically dropped; arguments which are variables but occur multiple times are kept only once (the first occurrence is kept, the others are dropped).


  • New coq.arguments.set-default-implicit that behaves like Arguments foo : default implicits
  • Change of arguments of type @global? attributes @local! or @global!. In order to pass a locality directive one has to do something like @global! => coq.add-something Locality is understood by:
    • coq.TC.declare-instance
    • coq.coercion.declare
    • coq.arguments.set-implicit
    • coq.arguments.set-default-implicit
    • coq.arguments.set-name
    • coq.arguments.set-scope
    • coq.arguments.set-simplification
    • coq.notation.add-abbreviation
    • coq.env.add-const
  • Change of argument for deprecation to attribute @deprecated! Since Message. In order to pass a deprecation directive one has to do something like @deprecated! "8.11.0" "use this instead" => coq.add-something Deprecation is understood by:
    • coq.notation.add-abbreviation
  • New macro @transparent! with value ff to be used with coq.env.add-const


  • engine/elaborator.elpi is now installed (but not used by default). One can Elpi Accumulate "engine/elaborator.elpi". in order to load it. It is too experimental to use it in production, but it is also hard to experiment with it without having it installed.


  • Switch to Github Actions and Coq Community's Docker workflow


  • anonymous record fields are not given a generated name anymore
  • coq.typecheck and coq.typecheck-ty API now ensure that all unification problems required by type checking are actually solved by Coq's unifier
  • some debug printings used to raise errors in corner cases, now fixed

[1.4.1] - 2020-06-10

Minor fixes

  • Missing opaque data type declaration for abbreviation (could lead to confusing type errors)
  • Parse also "keywords" where qualified_name is expected. Elpi Export x. turns x into a keyword, and that used to break commands Elpi Something x .... Parsing of all commands is now resilient to this.

[1.4.0] - 2020-05-19

Requires Elpi 1.11 and Coq 8.11 or 8.12.

The main visible change is the indt-decl data type that now faithfully represents an inductive type declaration (including the implicit status of parameters). Also all the predicates implemented in coq-lib are now in the coq. namespace.


  • New coq.notation.abbreviation-body to retrieve the number of arguments and body of a syntactic definition.
  • New>name to convert a relevant id into an irrelevant pretty printing hint.
  • New to produce a list of flexible terms.
  • New coq.env.indt-decl to read for the environment an inductive type represented in HOAS form
  • coq.env.indt->decl renamed
  • New coq.env.rename-indt-decl
  • Change coq.env.add-indt now sets the imlicit status of the inductive type and its constructors (since the parameter constructor can carry it)
  • New coq.arity->nparams to count the number of parameters
  • Change parse-attributes made deterministic
  • Change coq.unify-leq and coq.unify-eq now return a diagnostic
  • Change subst-prod -> coq.subst-prod
  • Change subst-fun -> coq.subst-fun
  • Change prod->fun ->>fun
  • Change count-prods -> coq.count-prods
  • Change prod-R-fun ->
  • Change safe-dest-app ->
  • Change arity->sort -> coq.arity->sort
  • Change term->gref -> coq.term->gref
  • Change fresh-type -> coq.fresh-type
  • Change build-match ->
  • Change map-under-fun ->
  • Change iter-under-fun -> coq.iter-under-fun
  • Change bind-ind-arity -> coq.bind-ind-arity
  • Change with-TC -> coq.with-TC
  • Change valid-attribute -> coq.valid-attribute
  • Change is-one-of ->
  • Change parse-attributes -> coq.parse-attributes
  • Change mk-app ->
  • Change mk-app-uvar ->
  • Change mk-eta ->


  • New support for Type@{name} in Coq {{ quotations }}.
  • Fix more precise promotion of universe variables to universe global names in builtins changing the Coq environment (eg coq.env.add-const).
  • New user error when coq.elpi.accumulate is given a clause that mentions universe variables: only global universes can be stored in a DB.


  • Change indt-decl:
    • the parameter constructor carries an id, imlpicit_kind and a type
    • the coinductive constructor was removed, the inductive one carries a bool, tt for inductive, ff for coinductive
    • the inductive constructor no more carries the number of non uniform parameters, and the inductive type arity (see below) is no more a simple term but rather an arity (all its parameters are non uniform)
    • the constructor constructor now carries an arity so that non uniform parameters can be represented faitfully
  • New arity data type, constructors are parameter (shared with indt-decl) and arity.
  • New indt-decl argument type introduced in version 1.3 now supports the syntax of inductive types (not just records). Eg Elpi command Inductive P {A} t : I := | K1 .. | K2 ...
  • Change context-item now carries an id and an implicit-kind
  • Change const-decl now carries an arity to describe the parameters of the definition in a faithful way
  • New @pi-parameter ID Ty p\ ... to postulate a nominal p with type Ty and a name built out of the id ID


  • New derivations derive.invert and derive.idx2inv now called by derive
  • New global command derive taking in input the name of an inductive or an inductive declaration. In the latter case all derivations are placed in a module named after the inductive

[1.3.1] - 2020-03-01

Port to Coq 8.11, two API changes:

  • field constructor of indt-decl takes an argument of type field-attributes rather than a simple bool. The macro @coercion! works in both versions, as well as omitting the attribute using _. In 8.11 it is possible to disable canonical inference for a field using the (canonical false) attribute.
  • coq.env.add-abbreviation takes an extra argument (deprecation info). Code working on both versions can be obtained as follows:
    if (coq.version _ 8 10 _)
      (std.unsafe-cast coq.notation.add-abbreviation F, F ... Abbrev)
      (std.unsafe-cast coq.notation.add-abbreviation G, G ... Deprecation Abbrev).

[1.3.0] - 2020-02-27

Requires Elpi 1.10 and Coq 8.10 or 8.11.

The main visible change is that opaque data types such as @constructor, @inductive and @constant are now written without the @, since Elpi now supports the typeabbrev directive.

The main invisible change is that code accumulated into commands and tactics is "compiled" by Elpi once and forall in the context in which it is accumulated. As a consequence Coq code inside {{quotations}} is processed in that, and only that, context of notations, scopes, etc. Data bases are compiled every time it is needed in the current Coq context, hence quotations should be used with care.

The file coq-HOAS.elpi is now distributed as part of coq-builtin.elpi.


  • New Elpi Export command to make command available without the Elpi prefix.
  • Elpi command (exported or not) can now access Coq's attributes (the #[option] thing). See the HOAS section below.
  • Coq keywords or symbols passed to command and tactics are interpreted as strings even if not quoted. Eg Elpi command => is the same of Elpi command "=>".
  • The identifiers Record, Definition, Axioms and Context are now reserved (see the HOAS section below). In order to pass them (as strings) one has to quote them.


  • New coq.typecheck-ty to typecheck a type (outputs a universe)
  • New coq.env.import/export-module.
  • New coq.env.begin/end-section.
  • New coq.notation.abbreviation to unfold an abbreviation.
  • New coq.locate-abbreviation to locate abbreviations.
  • New coq.locate-any that never fails and gives a list of possible interpretations (term, abbreviation, module, module type).
  • Rename coq.env.typeof-gr to coq.env.typeof.
  • Rename term->gr to germ->gref.
  • Rename>* to coq.gref->*string*
  • Change coq.typecheck and coq.typecheck-indt-decl so that they never fail and have a 3rd argument of type diagnostic (from Elpi 1.9) to signal success or errors (that can be printed).
  • Change coq.elpi.accumulate so that one can put the clause either in current module from which the program is started, or in the current module while the program runs (which can be different if one uses the coq.env.begin-module API).
  • Remove coq.elaborate and coq.elaborate-indt-decl.
  • Fix coq.typecheck T TY to uses Coq's unification to equate the type inferred for T and TY (when it is provided by the user).
  • Fix coq.CS.* w.r.t. default instances of canonical structures.
  • Fix all APIs changing the Coq global state to abort if they are used from a tactic.
  • Fix>string to not duplicate the label part of the name


  • Change context entry def to not carry a cache for the normal form of the defined term (now cached by a specific cache context entry). def now carries the exact same information of a let, as decl carries the same information of a fun.
  • New indt-decl argument type with a concrete syntax that mimics the standard one for records. Eg Elpi command Record x := K { f : T }.
  • New const-decl argument type with a concrete syntax that mimics the standard one for definitions or axioms. Eg Elpi command Definition x := t..
  • New ctx-decl argument type with a concrete syntax that mimics the standard one for contexts. Eg Elpi command Context T (x : T)..
  • Add to the context under which main is run the list of attributes passed to the command invocation (Coq syntax is for example #[myflag]). See the attribute-value data type in coq-builtin.elpi and parse-attributes helper in coq-lib.elpi.

[1.2.0] - 2019-10-30


  • New>path to get the path components as a list of strings
  • Failure of is now turned into logical failure, as any other Elpi tactic
  • Fix coq.end.add-indt in the case of record (was not flagging the inductive as such)
  • Fix coq.version, wrong parsing of beta versions
  • Expose set and map from Elpi 1.8 (generic data structure for ground terms)


  • Improve reflexive tactic demo
  • Fix documentation of>* APIs
  • coq-HOAS.elpi, coq-lib.elpi and coq-builtin.elpi are now installed since they provide useful doc (but are not needed by the runtime, since they are embedded in elpi.vo)

[1.1.0] - 2019-10-10


  • interface made consistent with other derivations: derive.param2 takes in input optional suffix, instead of the full name of the derived concept

  • storage of previous derivations based on Elpi Db

  • the derivation generates nicer types for relators over fixpoints (the new types are convertible to the old ones, but the fixpoint is not expanded). PR #84 by Cyril Cohen


  • Improved documentation of coq.typecheck

[1.0.0] - 2019-10-09

  • First public release