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Project Homepage arXiv arXiv Static Badge

TL;DR: We present ViT-Lens, an approach for advancing omni-modal representation learning by leveraging a pretrained-ViT with modality Lens to comprehend diverse modalities.



📢 News

  • [2023.12.13] We release training code and models of ViT-Lens.
  • [2023.11.28] We upgrade ViT-Lens, with added modalities and applications. Stay tuned for the release of code and models [arXiv paper].
  • [2023.08.22] We release the arXiv paper, inference codes and checkpoints for 3D [arXiv paper].

📝 Todo

  • Models for more modalities.
  • Code for ViT-Lens integration with InstructBLIP and SEED.
  • Online demo for ViT-Lens integration with InstructBLIP and SEED.

🔨 Installation

conda create -n vit-lens python=3.8.8 -y
conda activate vit-lens

# Install pytorch>=1.9.0 
conda install pytorch==1.11.0 torchvision==0.12.0 torchaudio==0.11.0 cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch -y

# Install ViT-Lens
git clone
cd ViT-Lens/
pip install -e vitlens/
pip install -r vitlens/requirements-training.txt
Training/Inference on OpenShape Triplets on 3D point clouds: environment setup (click to expand)
conda create -n vit-lens python=3.8.8 -y
conda activate vit-lens
conda install pytorch==1.12.1 torchvision==0.13.1 torchaudio==0.12.1 cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch -y
conda install -c dglteam/label/cu113 dgl -y

# Install ViT-Lens
git clone
cd ViT-Lens/
pip install -e vitlens/
pip install -r vitlens/requirements-training.txt

🔍 ViT-Lens Model

MN40 SUN.D NYU.D Audioset VGGSound ESC50 Clotho AudioCaps TAG.M IN.EEG Download
ImageBind(Huge) - 35.1 54.0 17.6 27.8 66.9 6.0/28.4 9.3/42.3 - - -
ViT-Lens-L 80.6 52.2 68.5 26.7 31.7 75.9 8.1/31.2 14.4/54.9 65.8 42.7 vitlensL

We release a one-stop ViT-Lens-L model (based on Large ViT) and show its performance on ModelNet40 (MN40, top1 accuracy), SUN RGBD Depth-only (SUN.D, top1 accuracy), NYUv2 Depth-only (NYU.D, top1 accuracy), Audioset (Audioset, mAP), VGGSound (VGGSound, top1 accuracy), ESC50 (ESC50, top1 accuracy), Clotho (Clotho, R@1/R@10), AudioCaps (AudioCaps, R@1/R@10), TAG.M (Touch-and-Go Material, top1 accuracy) and IN.EEG (ImageNet EEG, top1 accuracy). ViT-Lens consistently outperforms ImageBind.

For more model checkpoints (trained on different data or with better performance), please refer to

📚 Usage

  • You may set your paths for you own project in
  • We provide an API (source file) and provide an example (here) for reference. You can use ViT-Lens to extract and compare features across modalities:
    import os
    import torch
    from open_clip import ModalityType
    from mm_vit_lens import ViTLens
    here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
    model = ViTLens(modality_loaded=[ModalityType.IMAGE, ModalityType.AUDIO, ModalityType.TEXT, ModalityType.PC])
    device = "cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
    model =
    # Example 1
    images = [
        os.path.join(here, "assets/example/image_bird.jpg"),
        os.path.join(here, "assets/example/image_fire.jpg"),
        os.path.join(here, "assets/example/image_dog.jpg"),
        os.path.join(here, "assets/example/image_beach.jpg"),
    audios = [
        os.path.join(here, "assets/example/audio_chirping_birds.flac"),
        os.path.join(here, "assets/example/audio_crackling_fire.flac"),
        os.path.join(here, "assets/example/audio_dog.flac"),
        os.path.join(here, "assets/example/audio_sea_wave.flac"),
    texts = [
        "a bird",
        "crackling fire",
        "a dog",
        "sea wave",
    inputs_1 = {
        ModalityType.IMAGE: images,
        ModalityType.AUDIO: audios,
        ModalityType.TEXT: texts,
    with torch.no_grad(), torch.cuda.amp.autocast():
        outputs_1 = model.encode(inputs_1, normalize=True)
    sim_at = torch.softmax(100 * outputs_1[ModalityType.AUDIO] @ outputs_1[ModalityType.TEXT].T, dim=-1)
        "Audio x Text:\n",
    # Expected output
    # Audio x Text:
    #  tensor([[9.9998e-01, 9.3977e-07, 2.1545e-05, 9.3642e-08],
    #         [3.8017e-09, 1.0000e+00, 3.1551e-09, 6.9498e-10],
    #         [9.4895e-03, 1.3270e-06, 9.9051e-01, 2.5545e-07],
    #         [9.7020e-06, 6.4767e-07, 2.8860e-06, 9.9999e-01]], device='cuda:0')
    sim_ai = torch.softmax(100 * outputs_1[ModalityType.AUDIO] @ outputs_1[ModalityType.IMAGE].T, dim=-1)
        "Audio x Image:\n",
    # Expected output
    # Audio x Image:
    #  tensor([[1.0000e+00, 1.5798e-06, 2.0614e-06, 1.6502e-07],
    #         [2.3712e-09, 1.0000e+00, 1.4446e-10, 1.2260e-10],
    #         [4.9333e-03, 1.2942e-02, 9.8212e-01, 1.8582e-06],
    #         [6.8347e-04, 1.0547e-02, 1.3476e-05, 9.8876e-01]], device='cuda:0')
    # Example 2
    pcs = [
        os.path.join(here, "assets/example/pc_car_0260.npy"),
        os.path.join(here, "assets/example/pc_guitar_0243.npy"),
        os.path.join(here, "assets/example/pc_monitor_0503.npy"),
        os.path.join(here, "assets/example/pc_person_0102.npy"),
        os.path.join(here, "assets/example/pc_piano_0286.npy"),
    text_pcs = ["a car", "a guitar", "a monitor", "a person", "a piano"]
    inputs_2 = {
        ModalityType.PC: pcs,
        ModalityType.TEXT: text_pcs,
    with torch.no_grad(), torch.cuda.amp.autocast():
        outputs_2 = model.encode(inputs_2, normalize=True)
    sim_pc_t = torch.softmax(100 * outputs_2[ModalityType.PC] @ outputs_2[ModalityType.TEXT].T, dim=-1)
        "PointCould x Text:\n",
    # Expected output:
    # PointCould x Text:
    #  tensor([[9.9945e-01, 1.0483e-05, 1.4904e-04, 2.3988e-05, 3.7041e-04],
    #         [1.2574e-09, 1.0000e+00, 6.8450e-09, 2.6463e-08, 3.3659e-07],
    #         [6.2730e-09, 1.9918e-06, 9.9999e-01, 6.7161e-06, 4.9279e-06],
    #         [1.8846e-06, 7.4831e-06, 4.4594e-06, 9.9998e-01, 7.9092e-06],
    #         [1.2218e-08, 1.5571e-06, 1.8991e-07, 1.7521e-08, 1.0000e+00]],
    #        device='cuda:0')

📦 Datasets

Please refer to for dataset preparation.

🚀 Training & Inference

Please refer to for details.

🧩 Model Zoo

Please refer to for details.

👀 Visualization of Demo

[ Plug ViT-Lens into SEED: Video Demo ]
[ Plug ViT-Lens into SEED: enabling compound Any-to-Image Generation ]vitlens-seed
[ Plug ViT-Lens into InstructBLIP: Video Demo ]
[ Plug ViT-Lens into InstructBLIP: enabling Any instruction following ]vitlens.instblip2
[ Plug ViT-Lens into InstructBLIP: enabling Any instruction following ]mmvitlens.instblip3
[ Example: Plug 3D lens to LLM ]plant
[ Example: Plug 3D lens to LLM ]piano

🎓 Citation

If you find our work helps, please give us a star🌟 and consider citing:

    author    = {Lei, Weixian and Ge, Yixiao and Yi, Kun and Zhang, Jianfeng and Gao, Difei and Sun, Dylan and Ge, Yuying and Shan, Ying and Shou, Mike Zheng},
    title     = {ViT-Lens: Towards Omni-modal Representations},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
    month     = {June},
    year      = {2024},
    pages     = {26647-26657}

✉️ Contact

Questions and discussions are welcome via [email protected] or open an issue.

🙏 Acknowledgement

This codebase is based on open_clip, ULIP, OpenShape and LAVIS. Big thanks to the authors for their awesome contributions!