Communicator for accessing a Tappy over WebUSB. This communicator supports the current FTDI USB serial-based Tappies and also provides experimental support for next-generation Native USB Tappies.
npm install @taptrack/tappy-webusbcommunicator
Note that this communicator is not intended to be used directly, rather it is to be used to back a Tappy object in order to provide an abstraction from the underlying communication method.
var WebUSBCommuncatpr = require("@taptrack/tappy-webusbcommunicator");
var Tappy = require("@taptrack/tappy");
var SystemFamily = require("@taptrack/tappy-systemfamily");
* First, we have to scan for the Tappy, see
* the WebUSB documentation for more information
navigator.usb.requestDevice({filters: WebUSBSerialCommunicator.DEFAULT_FILTERS })
.then((device) => {
console.log('Device handled successfully');
console.log('Error caught in WebUsbSerialPort');
function connectToTappy(peripheral) {
var comm = new WebUSBSerialCommuncator({device: device});
var tappy = new Tappy({communicator: comm});
tappy.setMessageListener(function(msg) {
console.log("Received Message:");
console.log("Command Family: "+msg.getCommandFamily());
console.log("Command Code: "+msg.getCommandCode().toString());
console.log("Payload: "+msg.getPayload().toString()+"\n");
tappy.connect(function() {
var cmd = new SystemFamily.Commands.Ping();
For Tappies using the FTDI USB adapter, it will be necessary to unload the FTDI drivers to make use of this communicator on both the Windows and Linux platforms.