Docker image for running Talend Open Studio 7.1.1 and building Talend Open Studio 7.1.1 projects
Requires the code generator to be built before building the image:
# build locally
mvn clean package
# OR build inside Docker build environment
docker-compose run dev mvn clean package
To build a tos:7.1.1 image:
docker build --file --tag tos:7.1.1 .
To run Talend Open Studio or to build talend projects you need to give docker access to your xserver
xhost +local:docker
(For Windows or Mac refer to
Then, to run Talend Open Studio:
docker run -e DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -it --rm tos:7.1.1
# OR run with Docker Compose
docker-compose run app
To debug Talend Open Studio (port 8990):
docker run --net=host -e DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -it --rm tos:7.1.1
First you need to clone the harvesters and talend-components repositories to your local machine:
git clone [email protected]:aodn/talend-components.git
git clone [email protected]:aodn/harvesters.git
The talend components repo needs to be built to create talend components
cd talend-components
mvn clean package
To use the harvesters workspace and talend components built above, mount them to /workspace and /opt/talend-components and use them in talend.
For example to run talend with harvesters and talend-components cloned to $HOME/git-repos/aodn and as built above:
docker run --net=host -e DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \\
-v "$HOME/git-repos/aodn/harvesters/workspace:/workspace:rw" \\
-v "$HOME/git-repos/aodn/talend-components/directory-build/target/talend-components:/opt/talend-components" \\
-it --rm tos:7.1.1
And then to use the harvesters workspace:
- select "Manage Connections" in the project selection dialog
- select /workspace for workspace and restart when asked
And to use IMOS components mounted to /opt/talend-components
- open an existing project
- BEFORE opening any jobs,
- from the menu select Window / Preferences
- under talend / components set "user components folder" to /opt/talend-components
To build the generic timestep harvester in $HOME/git-repos/aodn/harvesters/workspace using components in $HOME/git-repos/aodn/talend-components/directory-build/target/talend-components:/opt/talend-components
docker run -v "$HOME/git-repos/aodn/harvesters/workspace:/workspace:rw" -v "$HOME/git-repos/aodn/talend-components/directory-build/target/talend-components:/opt/talend-components" -it --rm tos:7.1.1 GENERIC_TIMESTEP GENERIC_TIMESTEP_harvester
And to debug building the generic timestep harvester (port 8990):
docker run --net=host -v "$HOME/git-repos/aodn/harvesters/workspace:/workspace:rw" -v "$HOME/git-repos/aodn/talend-components/directory-build/target/talend-components:/opt/talend-components" -it --rm tos:7.1.1 GENERIC_TIMESTEP GENERIC_TIMESTEP_harvester
Errors will be reported in $HOME/git-repos/aodn/harvesters/workspace/.build-workspace/.metadata/.log
Output will go to $HOME/git-repos/aodn/harvesters/workspace/.talend-build (if there are no errors)