A huge set of analysis exam exercises with result and hints.
The main language in the document is German. Anyways you should be able to get the questions and their answers.
- Folgen und Reihen
- Grenzwerte und Stetigkeit
- Riemann-Integral
- Fourierreihe
- ...
- DGL 1. Ordnung
- DGL n. Ordnung
The questions are based on exams from "Höhere Mathematik 1 & 2 (für Informatiker)" @KIT. As I copied every question by hand, there may be missing symbols, typos and wrong answers (and perhaps wrong questions). If you found any issues, please report them to me. ❤️
A current version can be found here.
If you want to edit/build the file locally, you have to clone the repository.
To build it, you can use every TeX-Editor you want.
I use TeXstudio (Windows) and build the file by pdflatex.exe -synctex=1 -shell-escape -interaction=nonstopmode --aux-directory=build "main".tex
If you don't get any questions or something else is unclear, just open an issue. I will try to figure it out with you.