Releases: SynapseSL/Synapse
Game Update 10.2.0
In the
you find the files required for installing Synapse on a Server.
Important: If you want to install Synapse we need you to modify your permissions. Please check the wiki so you may not get confused.
In the
you can generate your own Assembly-CSharp files and a publicized file, for development purposes
In the
you find a small windows application for Installing the Synapse key bind system with only one click
+ PlayerDamageEventArgs.Allow
+ PlayerUseMicroEventArgs.Energy
+ default Plugin load Message
+ CantRage096 config
+ Permission Check for Commands before they get executed
+ default translation message for no permissions
+ Player.GlobalPerms
+ Player.RemoteAdminAccess
+ Player.GlobalRemoteAdmin
+ Player.AddDisplayInfo()
+ Player.RemoveDisplayInfo()
+ Player.Scp173Controller
+ Player.MicroHID
+ Scp173Controller.IgnoredPlayers
+ Scp173Controller.ConfrontingPlayers
+ Scp096Controller.Is096
+ Map.PlaceBlood()
+ PlayerSetClassEventArgs.IsEscaping
+ PlayerSetClassEventArgs.Position
+ PlayerSetClassEventArgs.Rotation
+ Door.DoorPermissions
+ SynapseExtensions.GetDoor(this DoorVariant door)
* fixed attacker bug of method Player.Hurt()
* some fixes in death event
* fixed client/remote console command event
* fixed HeavyController.Is079Recontained
* improved PlayerSetClass Patch
* permissions of Commands that are empty will no longer be displayed
* SynapseItem.pickup and iteminfo is now public
* fixed HideRank get
* fixed RainbowColor while Badge hidden
* fixed some global permission bugs
- removed SignaturePatch
- Player.GlobalBadge
- Door.Open
- Door.Locked
- Door.Room
- Door.PermissionLevels
- Door.Status
- SynapseExtension.GetDoor(this Door door)
Anti Cheat fix for Game Version 10.1.3
In the
you find the files required for installing Synapse on a Server.
Important: If you want to install Synapse we need you to modify your permissions. Please check the wiki so you may not get confused.
In the
you can generate your own Assembly-CSharp files and a publicized file, for development purposes
In the
you find a small windows application for Installing the Synapse key bind system with only one click
* fixed that 106 can't go through doors
* fixed that 096 can't rage through doors
* fixed some other bugs related to the Anti Cheat
Hotfix for Game Version 10.1.3
In the
you find the files required for installing Synapse on a Server.
Important: If you want to install Synapse we need you to modify your permissions. Please check the wiki so you may not get confused.
In the
you can generate your own Assembly-CSharp files and a publicized file, for development purposes
In the
you find a small windows application for Installing the Synapse key bind system with only one click
GameUpdate 10.1.3 (Christmas Update)
In the
you find the files required for installing Synapse on a Server.
Important: If you want to install Synapse we need you to modify your permissions. Please check the wiki so you may not get confused.
In the
you can generate your own Assembly-CSharp files and a publicized file, for development purposes
In the
you find a small windows application for Installing the Synapse key bind system with only one click
* Changed default plugin load-priority to 0
Version 2.3.0
In the
you find the files required for installing Synapse on a Server.
Important: If you want to install Synapse we need you to modify your permissions. Please check the wiki so you may not get confused.
In the
you can generate your own Assembly-CSharp files and a publicized file, for development purposes
In the
you find a small windows application for Installing the Synapse key bind system with only one click
+ ScpEvent.Scp079
+ Scp079Event Recontain079
+ PlayerEvent PlayerUseMicroEvent
+ PlayerEvent PlayerWalkOnSinkholeEvent
+ PlayerEvent PlayerReportEvent
+ RoundEvent TeamRespawnEvent
+ ScpEvent ScpAttackEvent
+ PocketDimensionLeaveEventArgs.ExitPosition
+ Recontain079Status Enum
+ HeavyController.LightsOut()
+ HeavyController.Is079Recontained
+ HeavyController.Recontain079()
+ RoleManager.GetRoleName()
+ Player.RoleName
+ Player.PlaceBlood()
+ Player.NetworkIdentity
+ Player.RealFraction
+ Player.OpenReportWindow()
+ BroadcastList.GetEnumerator()
+ Server.Slots
+ Decontamination.Locked
+ Player.Zone
+ Scp106Controller.IsUsingPortal
+ SynapseItem.ItemCategory
+ Server.Colors
+ 'Rainbow' color support in the permission.syml
+ JoinWindow Config
+ Player.Scp096Controller
- ShieldAmount
- CurMaxShield
- EnrageTimeLeft
- RageState
- Targets
- CanAttack
- CanCharge
- AddTarget()
- RemoveTarget()
- ChargeDoor()
* improved implementation of CustomRoles
* added StackTrace to every Exception
* Invisible Players will no longer stop Scp-173
* removed PlayerDamage null Excpetion
* RemoteKeyCard now also support Generators
* moved RemoteKeycard into the patch
* fixed Scale bug
* implement KeyCard in PlayerItemUseEvent
* implement radio in PlayerItemUseEvent
* fixed some null Exceptions in SynapseExtensions.GetPlayer()
* Improved Round.MtfRespawn()
* fixed CuffPlayerEvent
* Generator.Overcharge now Unlocks the Generator
* HeavyController.Overcharge improved
* Improved Player.Room by using the Vanilla Room API
* fixed HeavyController.Overcharge(true)
* fixed ff bug between Chaos/DBoys
Bug fixes
In the
you find the files required for installing Synapse on a Server.
Important: If you want to install Synapse we need you to modify your permissions. Please check the wiki so you may not get confused.
In the
you can generate your own Assembly-CSharp files and a publicized file, for development purposes
The KeyPressInjector.exe
application is for Installing the Synapse key bind system with only one click
* fixed 914 recipes on fine
* fixed ff bug
Version 2.2.0
In the
you find the files required for installing Synapse on a Server.
Important: If you want to install Synapse we need you to modify your permissions. Please check the wiki so you may not get confused.
In the
you can generate your own Assembly-CSharp files and a publicized file, for development purposes
In the
you find a small windows application for Installing the Synapse key bind system with only one click
+ MapEvent Scp914Activate
+ PlayerEvent PlayerCuffTarget
+ PlayerEvent PlayerConnectWorkstation
+ PlayerEvent PlayerUnconnectWorkstation
+ PlayerEvent PlayerDropAmmo
+ AmmoType
+ Map.SpawnGrenade()
+ Map.GetDoor()
+ Map.GetRoom()
+ Map.HeavyController
- controller.ActiveGenerators
- controller.ForcedOvercharge
- controller.Overcharge()
+ Generator.IsOvercharged
+ Generator.Overcharge()
+ GrenadeType
+ DoorType
+ Door.Status
+ Door.DoorType
+ Player.DisplayInfo
+ Dummy.Rotation
+ Dummy.RotateToPosition
+ 914.Recipes
+ 914.UpgradeItemID()
+ Player.StaminaUsage
* ItemUseEvent will be invoked by almost all Interaction with an item now
* fixed ScpTrigger096 Config
* fixed FriendlyFire with CustomRoles
* moved Patch for Setclass to player patches
* fixed null Exception in 096 AddTarget(shoot) Event
* fixed bug that one Assembly can crash the entire plugin loader
* Scp914 now supports CustomItems (will destroy them by default)
* fixed bug in Player.setCustomRole
* fixed help Command aliases
* fixed Scp 079/106 Controller
* Map.Explode() now uses GrenadeType
Game Update 10.1.2
Update to Game version 10.1.2 and some small additions.
(It was planed to add more but the game update was too fast)
+ SynapseItem.State
+ Player.WeaponManager
+ Player.GrenadeManager
+ Player.Heal()
+ Door.Room
+ ConfigInjector Support for property
* Improved Player.Room
* Room.RoomType now use a other Enum
* fixed Player pickup ammo bug
* fixed PlayerEscapeEvent
* fixed Player.Hurt()
- Removed Lobby Room
Patch for some bugs
+ fixed Player.Size
+ fixed Jail.JailPlayer()
+ fixed PlayerPickupEvent
In the
you find the files required for installing Synapse on a Server.
Important: If you want to install Synapse we need you to modify your permissions. Please check the wiki so you may not get confused.
In the
you can generate your own Assembly-CSharp files and a publicized file, for development purposes
In the
you find a small windows application for Installing the Synapse key bind system with only one click
Synapse Version 2.0.0 Release
This is the official release of Synapse 2.0.0 🥳
We made many changes to the original code and reworked hard to get the most performance out of SCP as we needed.
With Synapse 2 we are proudly presenting a reworked Config base, the Implementation of a CustomItemManager, a CustomRoleManager, a complete reworked permission system and many more which you can all read over in the Wiki.
In the
you find the files required for installing Synapse on a Server.
Important: If you want to install Synapse we need you to modify your permissions. Please check the wiki so you may not get confused.
In the
you can generate your own Assembly-CSharp files and a publicized file, for development purposes