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File metadata and controls

127 lines (92 loc) · 6.41 KB


this implements a full screen modal dialog that looks something like this:

        | <title>                         |
        | pie      |                      |
        | chart    |  <arbitrary content> |
        | svg      |                      |

The intended use is as a splash screen dialog for starting a PWA app, though I suppose it could be used for many things.


  • noiceCore.js (noiceCoreUtility)
  • noiceCoreUI.js (noiceCoreUIElement, noiceCoreUIOverlay)


  • netStatus string, default: 'network status:' - when this.welcomeMode is set to false, this is a text element on screen that you can set the value of (see example)

  • dbStatus string, default: 'database status:' - when this.welcomeMode is set to false, this is a text element on screen that you can set the value of (see example)

  • netReadBytes string, default: 0 bytes - when this.welcomeMode is set to false, this is a text element on screen that you can set the value of (see example)

  • dbStatusDetail string, default: '' - when this.welcomeMode is set to false, this is a text element on screen that you can set the value of (see example)

  • showPieChart bool, default: false - when this.welcomeMode is set to false, you can set this value to true to display the built in pie chart (see diagram and example)

  • showCancelBtn bool, default: false - if set to a value of true, show the cancel button, otherwise don't

  • title string, default: 'startup' - text for the <title> element in the diagram above

  • message string, default: 'application startup' - when this.welcomeMode is set to false, you can set this value to true to display the built in pie chart (see diagram and example)

  • runAnimation bool, default: false - if set to a value of true, will execute the animationCallback (if specified) in an infinite requestAnimationFrame() loop until the value is changed to false

  • welcomeMode bool, default: false - if a value of true, show the welcomeImage, welcomeTitle & welcomeMessage attributes. If a value of false, remove those elements and display netStatus, netReadBytes, dbStatus, dbStatusDetail and message elements, and allow the showPieChart (if set true) to toggle the SVG pie chart visibility (see example)

  • welcomeTitle string, default: 'Welcome' - when welcomeMode is set to a true value, this is a text element on screen that you can set the value of (see example)

  • welcomeMessage string, default; "To begin, touch 'start'" - when welcomeMode is set to a true value, this is a text element on screen that you can set the value of (see example)

  • chartSize integer (svg passthrough), default: 200 - this value determines the radius of the pie chart. The value is given in SVG units

  • welcomeImage string (image path), default: './gfx/hicox_flower.svg' - display this image in the pie chart svg area in the diagram above, when welcomeMode is set to a value of true

  • startBtnText string, default: 'start' - textContent of the start button

  • cancelBtnText string, default: 'reload' - textContent of the cancel button


  • addPieChart({args}) - each object can contain an arbitrary number of pie charts overlaid atop one another. This function allows you to add a pie chart and takes the following args:

    • name string - this should be a distinct name (you will use this name to update the chart)

    • fill string (svg passthrough) - this sets the color of the fill (hint: use CSS rgba(...) to set opacity when multiple charts are in play at once) see documentation

    • stroke string (svg passthrough) - this sets the color of the stroke see documentation

    • strokeWidth integer (svg passthrough) - this sets the width of the stroke (default: 1) see documentation

  • updatePieChart(name, percent) - set the percent value of the pie chart identified by name (NOTE, this is the name given via addPieChart() or the pieCharts attribute at instantiation);


let sd = new startupDialog({
    title:          'Shabidoo v 4.20',
    welcomeTitle:   'Welcome to Shabidoo',
    showPieChart:   false,
    welcomeMode:    true,
    showCancelBtn:  true,
    cancelBtnText:  'cancel',
    pieCharts:      [
        { name:'db',      fill:'rgba(6, 133, 135, .5)' },
        { name:'network', fill:'rgba(17, 47, 65, .2)' }
    cancelButtonCallback:   function(self, evt){
        // just close it, this is a demo after all
    startButtonCallback:    function(self, evt){
        // do jazzhands here
        self.welcomeMode = false;
        self.showPieChart = true;
        self.runAnimation = true; = true;
        self.netStatus = 'demo status:';
        self.netReadBytes = `running animation`;
        self.dbStatus = 'dummy text!';

    animationCallback:      function(self){
        if (self.hasOwnProperty('_animatePolygon')){
            self._animatePolygon.phase = -(((self._animationFrame%2000)/2000) * Math.PI * 2);
            self._animatePolygon.fillOpacity = (self._animatePolygon.baseFillOpacity + (.15 * ((Math.cos(2*Math.PI * (self._animationFrame%250)/250)) + .5)));
            if (((self._animationFrame%100)/100) == 0){
                self._animatePolygon.edges = 3 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 5);
    animationStartCallback: function(self){
        if (! self.hasOwnProperty('_animatePolygon')){
            self._animatePolygon = new noiceRadialPolygonPath({
                edges:          3,
                radius:         ((self.chartSize/2) * (6/8)),
    animationExitCallback:  function(self){
        if (self.hasOwnProperty('_animatePolygon')){
            delete self._animatePolygon