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DRP_1DPIPE - User's Manual




Runtime environment

Pipeline is run with the drp_1dpipe command.


usage: drp_1dpipe [-h] [-v] [--workdir WORKDIR] [--logdir LOGDIR]
                  [--loglevel LOGLEVEL] [--scheduler {local,pbs,slurm}]
                  [--pre-commands COMMAND] [--spectra-dir DIR]
                  [--bunch-size SIZE] [--lineflux {on,off,only}]
                  [--parameters-file FILE] [--linemeas-parameters-file FILE]
                  [--concurrency CONCURRENCY] [--output-dir DIR]
                  [--config FILE]

Optional arguments

Arguments can be given on the command line or in a configuration file. Command line arguments take precedence.

--workdir WORKDIR

The root working directory where data is located.

--logdir LOGDIR

The logging directory.

--loglevel LOGLEVEL


--scheduler SCHEDULER

The scheduler to use. Either local or pbs.

--pre-commands COMMAND

Commands to run before before process_spectra. This gives the opportunity for each process to initialize a virtualenv or mount a data directory. COMMAND is a list of commands given as a python expression.

--spectra-dir DIR

Base path where to find spectra. Relative to workdir.

--bunch-size SIZE, -n SIZE

Maximum number of spectra per bunch.

--linemeas LINEMEAS

Activate line measurement. Either on (line measurement is executed after redshift determination), or off (no line measurement), or only (only line measurement, no redshift determination).

--parameters-file FILE

Path to parameter file for redshift determination.

--linemeas-parameters-file FILE

Path to parameter file for line measurement.


Set concurrency level for parallel run. -1 means infinity (default: 1)

--output-dir DIR, -o DIR

The output directory (default: output)

--config FILE

Configuration file giving all these command line arguments.

-h, --help

Show the help message and exit.


Run using all defaults arguments values (see in table below for default values):


Run on a PBS queue, activating a virtualenv on each node before running:

drp_1dpipe --scheduler pbs --pre-commands "source $HOME/venv/bin/activate"

Run bunches of 200 spectra on a multi-core machine using 4 cores and store results in the my-output-dir directory:

drp_1dpipe -n 200 -j 4 -o my-output-dir

Algorithmic parameters

Algorithms are described in DRP Algorith documentation.

Redshift determination algorithms can be tuned using an optional JSON file. An example file can be found in drp_1dpipe/io/auxdir/parameters.example.json.

Parameters are as follow :

General parameters : Parameters always applicable

Parameter name Type Default Description
lambdarange ["min", "max"] [ "3000", "13000"] lambda range in Angströms
redshiftrange ["min", "max"] [ "0.0", "6."] redshift range
redshiftstep float 0.0001 redshift step for linear scale or lowest step for log scale
redshiftsampling {log,lin} log linear or logarithmic scale

continuumRemoval : Method parameters to remove continuum of data spectra

Parameter name Type Default Description
.method {zero, IrregularSamplingMedian} IrregularSamplingMedian continuum estimation method. See also linemodelsolve.linemodel.continuumcomponent
.medianKernelWidth float 400 relevant only for median (in Angströms)

linemodelsolve.linemodel : Parameters for linemodel method

Parameter name Type Default Description
.linetypefilter {no,E,A} no restrict the type of line to fit (no: fit all)
.lineforcefilter {no,W,S} no restrict the strength category of lines to fit (no: fit all)
.instrumentresolution float 4300 intrument resolution (R)
.velocityemission float 200 emission lines velocity (in $km \cdot s^{-1}$)
.velocityabsorption float 300 absorption lines velocity (in $km \cdot s^{-1}$)}
.velocityfit {yes,no} yes decide wether the 2nd pass include line width fitting
.emvelocityfitmin float 10 min velocity for emission line width $km \cdot s^{-1}$
.emvelocityfitmax float 400 max velocity for emission line width $km \cdot s^{-1}$
.emvelocityfitstep float 20 tabulation of velocity for emission line width fitting in $km \cdot s^{-1}$
.absvelocityfitmin float 150 min velocity for absorption line width $km \cdot s^{-1}$
.absvelocityfitmax float 500 max velocity for absorption line width $km \cdot s^{-1}$
.absvelocityfitstep float 50 tabulation of velocity for absorption line width fitting in $km \cdot s^{-1}$
.tplratio_ismfit {yes,no} yes activate fit of ISM extinction i.e. Ebv parameter from Calzetti profiles. Parameter scan from 0 to 0.9, step = 0.1. (best value stored in FittedTplshapeIsmCoeff in linemodelsolve.linemodel_extrema.csv)
.continuumcomponent {fromspectrum,tplfit} tplfit select the method for processing the continuum:
fromspectrum: remove an estimated continuum (the continuum estmation is then tuned via continuumRemoval parameters). The redshift is thus only estimated from the lines.
tplfit: fit a set of redshifted template (aka fullmodel i.e. contiuum model + line model
.continuumfit.ismfit {yes,no} yes activate fit of ISM extinction i.e.. Ebv parameter from Calzetti profiles. Parameter scan from 0 to 0.9, step = 0.1. (best value stored in FittedTplDustCoeff in linemodelsolve.linemodel_extrema.csv)
.continuumfit.igmfit {yes,no} yes activate fit of IGM with Meiksin tables. Index scan from 0 to 0.9, step = 0.1 ??? (best profile index stored in FittedTplMeiksinIdx parameter in linemodelsolve.linemodel_extrema.csv)
.skipsecondpass {yes,no} no toggle the processing of a second pass refined pass arround the candidates (no by default)
.extremacount int 5 Number of candidates to retain
.extremacutprobathreshold float 30 Select the number of candidates to refine at the 2nd pass.
-1: retain a fixed number (set from extremacount parameter)
• any positive value: retain all candidates with $log(max(pdf))-log(pdf)$ values (not integrated) below this threshold
.firstpass.tplratio_ismfit {yes,no} no overwrite the tplratio_ismfit parameter
.stronglinesprior float -1 strongline prior
-1: no prior
• otherwise, use this value (positive below 1) as a low probability when no strong line is measured (the measured amplitude is s>0) & probability is set to 1 when a strong line is observed

Adding custom templates catalog

  1. When adding a new catalog of templates, two directories must be created: calibration/templates/<template_catalog_name>/<object_type> with object_type in {galaxy,star,qso}. Copy the templates in this directory

  2. The format is TSV (tab separated values) with '#' for line comments and no headers

  3. The unit of flux is any multiple of

  4. Wavelength coverage : assuming input spectrum wavelength coverage as [lambda_min,lambda_max], template wavelength coverage must be at least [lambda_min/(1+1E-3) , lambda_max/(1-1E-3)]

  5. Template spectral resolution should be compliant with PFS resolution



See [datamodel]( "Subaru-PFS datamodel).

The header contains a quality flag, ZWARNING, with only one digit :

| Bit name | Binary digit | Description | | - | - | - | - | |LITTLE_COVERAGE|0|too little wavelength coverage (less than 3000 valid points)| |LINE_MEAS_DEACTIVATED|1|Line measurement disabled, line measurement hdu empty|