You will get the details of the OpenShift environment from your team facilitator. After gaining the access, please login to your OpenShift cluster and start the tasks.
✅ Operator Installation
Operator | Channel |
latest |
latest |
stable |
* |
🥸 HINT: please follow the[instructions] to install sealed-secrets controller in `kube-system` namespace via Helm Chart.
👻 BONUS TASK: consider different ways to install operators on OpenShift, and explain the different methods to the facilitator to get the points.
✅ Grant cluster-admin to OpenShift GitOps application controller service account
✅ Deploy reloader Helm Chart
Follow the command:
helm repo add stakater
helm repo update
helm install reloader stakater/reloader -n reloader --set reloader.isOpenshift=true --set reloader.deployment.securityContext.runAsUser=null --create-namespace
Fork the Git repo:
And fork the Git repo:
After you forked the repo, please run:
git clone <your-forked-repos>
skopeo copy
to mirror the container image to your own quay registry:
skopeo copy docker:// docker://<your-account>/quinoa-wind-turbine
Create the namespace: quinoa-wind-turbine
The following steps will be executed in the same namespace
Go to the cloned quinoa-wind-turbine-manifests repo directory on your local machine
(provided that you are logged in to OpenShift on your local as well)
Use the following command to create the deployment secret:
helm template helm -n quinoa-wind-turbine --set disableSecretsDeployment=false -s templates/env/secret.yaml | kubeseal -n quinoa-wind-turbine - > config/sealedsecret.yaml oc apply -f config/sealedsecret.yaml
Create the argocd application using the wind-turbine-app-tmpl.yaml
Once you are sure that all the components of the application is running smoothly, use the following command to get the route of the racing car game:
echo "The dashboard link: https://$(oc get route quinoa-wind-turbine -o jsonpath='{}{"\n"}' -n quinoa-wind-turbine)/dashboard" echo "The game link: https://$(oc get route quinoa-wind-turbine -o jsonpath='{}{"\n"}' -n quinoa-wind-turbine)"
Open a web browser to access the dashboard link to start the game
Use your mobile to access the game link to play the game
Create a fine-grained personal access token (one token is enough for one team)
Give the following permissions to your token:
Name |
Access |
Administration |
Read Only |
Metadata |
Read Only |
Content |
Read and Write |
Commit Statuses |
Read and Write |
Webhooks |
Read and Write |
Ideally, set repository access to only select repositories, and select the repositories that you just forked
Go to your cloned
repo folder -
Update the 0-github-secret-tmpl.yaml to create a secret named
Update the 0-quay-secret-tmpl.yaml to create a secret named
Link both secret to
service account🥸 HINT: *oc secret link*
Go to the foked quinoa-wind-turbine repo on GitHub and create a webhook in your GitHub repository
Go to Repository → Settings → Webhooks → Add webhook
Payload URL:
echo "http://$(oc get route el-wind-turbine -o jsonpath='{}{"\n"}' -n quinoa-wind-turbine)"
Content type:
You can ignore the secret field
Just push event is enough
Create the webhook
Create a robot account
Once the robot account is ready, click on the account and copy/download the Kubernetes Secret credentials
Add the robot account to the image repository and give it Write permission
Go to your cloned
repo folder -
in thesrc/main/webui/src/Config.js
e.g. `export const ENABLE_SHAKING = true; -
Commit and push the change
Observe the
in the namespace -
Observe the Argo CD application rollout
Reload the game when the application is ready
If you can explain the underlying architecture of the application deployment workflow, you know what you are gonna get 😏