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The Ansible playbooks in this repository can help you to install Apache Storm and SpamScope on Debian servers. The ansible folder also contains ansible.cfg file. You can use these playbooks with your Ansible infrastructure or from this folder. Explain how Ansible works is out of scope.

File hosts

This is the inventory file, that has the targets where you want to install SpamScope. There is only a group develop with only a test server. You should change the target server with your target/targets (a line for target). These are the parameters that I used to test the playbooks on my Debian virtual machine:


Then there are others parameters for Apache Storm and all SpamScope requirements. I put all of them in all:vars section of inventory, but you can use host_vars or group_vars. See here for more details. For first test you could use this inventory.

These are all parameters:


# Apache Storm
file_distro_name="{{ distro_name }}.tar.gz"
storm_url="{{ apache_storm_mirror }}/{{ distro_name }}/{{ file_distro_name }}"
storm_path="{{ install_path }}/storm"

# Apache Storm - storm.yaml file

# Apache Tika
apache_tika_url="{{ apache_tika_version }}.jar"

# Faup

# Lein

# rarlinux
rarlinux_url="{{ rarlinux_filename }}"

# SpamScope

I don't explain all of them, but only those parameters that are important:

  • distro_name if you want upgrade Apache Storm change this parameter;
  • worker_heap_memory_mb to give more memory to run Apache Storm;
  • topology_worker_max_heap_size_mb limit the heap space of SpamScope topology;
  • apache_tika_version is the version of Apache Tika and it's useful if you want upgrade this tool;
  • spamscope_debug_submit is true if you want submit spamscope_debug topology.


There are three playbooks to install SpamScope:

You can install all playbooks with install.yml.


The list of tasks is:

  play #1 (develop): Install Apache Storm       TAGS: []
      Install all system dependencies for Apache Storm  TAGS: []
      Make sure that all Apache Storm folders exist     TAGS: []
      Download Apache Storm in local    TAGS: []
      Copy Apache Storm on server target        TAGS: []
      Unarchive Apache Storm file archive       TAGS: []
      Remove Apache Storm file archive  TAGS: []
      Rename downloaded Apache Storm folder     TAGS: []
      Copy configuration file storm.yaml        TAGS: []
      Add Apache Storm bin in $PATH and environment variable    TAGS: []
      Make Apache Storm units files     TAGS: []
      Enable and start Apache Storm units files TAGS: []
      Wait for Apache Storm is up       TAGS: []


The list of tasks is:

  playbook: 01_spamscope_install.yml

  play #1 (develop): Install SpamScope  TAGS: []
      Install lein      TAGS: []
      Install all SpamScope system dependencies TAGS: []
      Install virtualenv        TAGS: []
      Make SpamScope worker folders     TAGS: []
      Copy SpamScope main configuration file    TAGS: []
      Copy others SpamScope configuration files TAGS: []
      Download Apache Tika in local     TAGS: []
      Copy Apache Tika on server        TAGS: []
      Clone Faup        TAGS: [git]
      Build Faup        TAGS: []
      Download rarlinux TAGS: []
      Copy rarlinux on server   TAGS: []
      Unarchive rarlinux file archive   TAGS: []
      Remove rarlinux file archive      TAGS: []
      Make rarlinux symbolic links in bin path  TAGS: []
      Clone SpamScope repository        TAGS: [git]
      Copy streamparse config.json file TAGS: []
      Install SpamScope TAGS: []
      Install SpamScope requirements optional   TAGS: []
      Enable SpamScope environment variable     TAGS: []

With this playbook you will install SpamScope with a base configuration to test your installation:

  • in /var/lib/spamscope/moved SpamScope moves the email analyzed
  • in /var/lib/spamscope/failed SpamScope moves the email that it couldn't analyze
  • in /var/lib/spamscope/output SpamScope save the output, if you use spamscope_debug topology, that saves the output on filesystem
  • in /var/log/spamscope SpamScope puts the Python logs

The main configuration file in this installation enable only Apache Tika.


The list of tasks is:

  play #1 (develop): Submit spamscope_debug topology    TAGS: []
      Submit spamscope_debug topology   TAGS: [submit]

With spamscope_debug_submit parameter you can enable/disable submit.


You can use ansible folder to install SpamScope.

First you should install requirements:

$ cd ansible
$ virtualenv venv-ansible
$ source venv-ansible/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Now you have Ansible. Then change the file hosts with your data and run the playbook:

$ ansible-playbook install.yml

Yes only two words and you can install SpamScope on many servers.

After that you have Apache Storm and SpamScope installed on all targets in file inventory. Check the url http://server_ip:8080, it gives you the overview of Apache Storm.

This playbook makes the submit of spamscope_debug. From Apache Storm concepts:

The logic for a realtime application is packaged into a Storm topology. A Storm topology is analogous to a MapReduce job. One key difference is that a MapReduce job eventually finishes, whereas a topology runs forever (or until you kill it, of course). A topology is a graph of spouts and bolts that are connected with stream groupings.

To do a manual submit of spamscope_debug topology, you should use the custom command line tool that comes with SpamScope spamscope-topology. Connect to server and type:

$ cd /opt/spamscope # or your SpamScope path
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ spamscope-topology submit -g spamscope_debug -p 100 -t 30 -e prod_vm

For more details about spamscope-topology read this guide.

Now SpamScope is up and running. You can navigate url http://server_ip:8080 and you will see spamscope_debug under Topology Summary section.

With this playbook I don't install Thug (but I install all its system requirements), that you can install following Thug guide.

Check installation

The configuration file of SpamScope has one mailbox and its name is unittest. It's configurated to analyze all email in tests folder of SpamScope repository:

files_pattern: "mail_*"

You should have the results in /var/lib/spamscope/output and the analyzed emails in /var/lib/spamscope/moved. /var/lib/spamscope/failed should be empty.