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File metadata and controls

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💡 molcamp_week_1

👍 서로 함께 공통의 과제를 함으로써, 개발에 빠르게 익숙해지기

To become familiar with development by working on a common assignment together.

💻 Target Output -> Android Application Development by Kotlin

  • Building My Contacts.
  • Building My Image Gallery.
  • Free topic. In our case, Wise Sayings Generator(Kor).

Download our demo apk here -> download APK

🙆 Members

Name Education github ID
송도윤 GIST 전기전자컴퓨터공학부 SongDerrick
장동우 한양대학교 컴퓨터소프트웨어학부 jjangddu

please vist my blog haha 😄 -> 도윤송의 블로그, 동우의 블로그

📖 Table of Contents

Project Description

Brief overview and descriptions of our project.

Loading Page


Tab 1 : ☎️ Contacts

Sc2 Sc5 Sc4

First tab is My Contacts.
By clicking the purple floating button, you can add a new contact.
By clicking the gray phone button, you can directed to phone call with designated phone number.

if we want to put initial data into application, we can modify

    private val dataList = mutableListOf(
        PhoneData("Jang", "010-1234-1234"),
        PhoneData("Song", "010-1241-1313"),
        PhoneData("LSLS", "010-1313-1313"),
        PhoneData("SSSS", "010-4142-4224"),
        PhoneData("ALSS", "010-1414-1414")

in java>ui>phone>Phonefragment.kt

Tab 2 : 📑 Gallery

Sc3 Sc3 Sc4

Second tab is My Gallery.
It has layout of staggered grid layout. Even with different size images, each images are not distorted but rather shown in aspect ratio.
You also have access to each images by clicking them, you can zoom out and zoom in by multi-touch pinching motion.
Also, with external storage access granted you can download each images by clicking download button.

Tab 3 : 👅 Wise Sayings Generator

Sc4 Sc4

Final tab is Wise Sayings Generator.
Everytime the screen is clicked new wise sayings are generated from APIs from
However, response from the APIs were in JSON format, and actual sayings and the person who said it were all contained in single string.
Therefore, we had to parse them to use as adequate output.


Main Activity
We used navgationcontroller to make three tabs in bottom. It is 'Phone, gallery, Wise Saying'

We used Relativelayout to put floating action button and recyclerview in one page. In recyclerview, we put phonedata having 'name' and 'phoneNum'.
one item of recyclerview is like this.

and if We push FAB(Floating Action Button), the bottom sheet appears to add contact.
This is a capture of bottom sheet.
We can click 'ic_phone' to change our phone into calling page.


in fragment_home.xml, we made recyclerview to show our gallery. and in activity_detailed.xml, we made detailed image view. We used StaggeredGridLayoutManager to make grid resized depending on component image's size.
this is the detailed image view of our application.

Wise Saying

in fragment_notifications.xml we made Relativelayout that has progressbar and two textviews.we used api from we parsed wise saying with dashbar, dividing the wise saying and the person who made it.


Nothing Special.
Clone and Build project in Android Studio.


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement". Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!
1.Fork the Project
2.Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
3.Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
4.Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
5.Open a Pull Request
