Please, create a fork and an explicit branch/flow name. For exemple, if you fix something (ex: mail sending) create a branch like this: git checkout -b fix/mail-sending
or with flow git flow hotfix mail-sending
For commit message, follow this convention.
PR are accepted on develop
branch. Master branch only contains compiled sources (from production branch) to host the website on GitHub static page.
For adding language, create a json file in locales/
where the name is a code of language.
In locales/common.json
add the language in lang
. Values should following this syntax:
"code ISO 639-1 of language": {
"en": "Your language in english",
"original": "your language in your language"
"fr": { "en": "French", "original": "Français" }
Next, in script/i18n.js
import the language (example: import fr from "../locales/fr.json";
), import numeral corresponding locale (example: import "numeral/locales/fr";
) and add it in supportedLocales and resources.
Note: the code of language respect ISO 639-1 standard.