- Elements don't have to be in contigous memory locations in LinkedList but in stack they have to
- worst case insertion at end is θ(n)
- Insertion in the middle (or beginning) is costly
- Deletion from the middle (or beginning) is costly
- Implementation of data struct. like queue and deque is complex with arrays
- Implementation of round robin scheduling is much less complex and cost-friendly with circular LL rather than arrays, since we will need to re-size our list of processes and also perform insertion at the end of list
- basically any problem where insertion at middle/end is performed more no of times, LL is better suited for them
- Linked List implementation
- Why do LL have self-referential struct?
every node needs to have addr of next node, and datatype of next node is same as the current node
- Why do LL have self-referential struct?
- LL Traversal
- Insert at beginning of Singly LL
- Insert at end (tail) of Singly LL
- Delete first node(head) in Singly LL
- Delete last node(tail) in Singly LL
- Insert at given position in Singly LL
- Search in a LL(iterative & recursive)
- we can't do binary search in logn time on LL, since we can't find middle node in O(1) time
- in doubly LL, we have ref to prev and next node
- in struct/class node, a new attr will be added
class Node{
int data;
Node prev;
Node next;
Node(int d){
data = d;
// optional lines
prev = null;
next = null;
- can be traversed in both directions
- delete a node in O(1) time with given ref/ptr to it
- insert/delete before a given node
- insert/delete from both ends in O(1) time by maintaining tail
- Extra space for prev
- Code becomes more complex
- Insert at head of DLL
- Insert at tail of DLL
- Reverse a DLL
- find dry run img here
- Delete head of DLL
- Delete tail of DLL
in circular LL, next of last node is not null, it is head of the linked list
struct of singular circular LL is same as of singly LL
- we can traverse the whole list from any node
- implementation of algorithm like round robin algo is much easier
Round Robin is CPU scheduling algo that we study in OS
In this algo, we maintain a queue of the proccesses, we traverse through this queue in circular manner, when a process finishes exec, it has to be removed from queue
hence we need to efficiently delete, traverse in circular manner, update the data
- We can insert at beginning and end by just maintaining one tail ref/ptr (useful for implementation of queue)
- Implementations of operations become complex
- in circular doubly linked list every node has two pointers or refs like normal doubly linked list
- In normal doubly LL, prev of first node is null, and next of last node is also null, but in Circular Doubly LL prev of last node is first node and next of last node points to head
- we can access last node in constant time without maintaining extra tail ptr/ref
- similarly we have features of DLL, eg: you can delete or insert a node before a given node in constant time
Node temp = new Node(x)
if(head == null)
temp.next = temp;
temp.prev = temp;
return temp;
temp.prev = head.prev;
temp.next = head;
head.prev.next = temp;
head.prev = temp;
return temp;
for inserting at tail, it will be same, you just have to return original head ref at the EOF
- Insert an item in a sorted SLL such that it remains sorted
- Find middle el of LL
- Reverse SLL iteratively
- dry run
- Reverse SLL recursively
- dry run
- Find length of loop: Once we detect the loop, i.e when slowptr == fastptr, move any one ptr in reverse direction until they become equal again, while maintaining a count
- Find first node of loop
- dry run
Clone a LL using a random pointer
- input
Cache is a memory viz close to CPU has very less access time i.e very fast small in size compared RAM
LRU(Least recently used) technique helps us to utilise the fast read/write of cache efficiently
in LRU we keep the recently accessed item in cache & remove least recently used items when we need space in small sized memory
Given a capacity, Design a data structure such that when you refer a item, if it's already present in data structure, mark it as most recently used, and if it's not present, we insert it and mark it as most recenly used else if cache is full, remove least recently used item and insert it and mark it as most recently used
Naive Approach: If we use an array Hit: O(n) Miss: O(n) where n is capacity if cache
Eff approach: we need a DS which tells us
- Whether an item is present or not
- Insertion
so hashtable will be great for this usecase but how do we maintain an order for recency? for that purpose we use doubly linked list i.e maintaining recency order
In hashtable we store (data, ref in list) as key-value pair
We are storing this ref, since in case it's a hit, we want to bring that node as head of DLL in case it's a miss, we create a new node, and that will be new head of DLL
- pseudo algo
Look for x in HT
a) if found(Hit), find reference of node in DLL. Move the node to front of DLL
b) if not found(Miss)
i) insert a new node at the front of DLL
ii) insert an entry into HT
Hit: O(1)
Miss: O(1)