- updated to latest Bukkit 1.10
- fixed the item frame prevention
- tested with Bukkit 1.7.2-R0.2
- added a trip wire prevention
- added the new pressure plates to the pressure plate prevention (won't actually work until BUKKIT-5053 is fixed)
- added the command minecart to the vehicle prevention
- added the wood button to the button prevention
- added the missing dropper default messages
- fixed an exception on Spigot servers
- improved the swear prevention to also check sign texts and optionally commands
- added the command punishment to run commands as a punishment
- changed the dispenser prevention to be on by default
- added a hopper prevention
- added a dropper prevention
- added a beacon prevention (inventory only)
- fixed the chest prevention to also include trapped and locked chests
- updated to 1.6.2
- added horse prevention
- added a lead prevention
- improved the compatibility with NPC plugins like Citizens
- fixed the fix for the wrong configuration key introduced in 3.7.0
- fixed the fight prevention ignoring bats (ambient mobs)
- added a link prevention to prevent guests from posting clickable links
- added a ad prevention to prevent guests from posting server addresses (automatically enables the link prevention as well)
- disable the cmdblock prevention (this time for real!)
- fixed the color of some default messages
- fixed the throttle delay conversion
- added an anvil prevention
- updated the french translations
- fixed a ConcurrentModificationException in the damage prevention's splash potion handling
- fixed a wrong configuration key introduced in the last version
- updated to Bukkit-1.5.1-R2
- added a hotbar prevention to prevent changing the selected hotbar slot
- prepared a cmdblock prevention to prevent command block usage, but not yet enabled
- removed the debug output from the swear prevention
- added a villager trading prevention
- added a all-caps prevention
- changed PoisonPunishment to PotionPunishment
- updated to Bukkit-1.4.5-R0.3
- added a item frame prevention
- fixed some wrong french translation keys
- added violation logging
- improved performance a bit
- changed the command prevention to be disabled by default (you should use permissions where possible!)
- changed the pickup prevention to not be punishable anymore
- fixed the move prevention throwing errors
- fixed the example punishment config sections not being created
- improved the swear prevention:
- better performance by using regexes only when needed
- 'regex:' prefix to add regexes
- file system patterns
- removed the option to ignore WorldEdit CUI's messages as it doesn't use them anymore
- added trample prevention
- updated to the new AsyncPlayerChatEvent and added some synchronization
- fixed the punishment configuration defaults to be set all the time
- added a guestlimit prevention that will limit the number of guests on your server
- added a spawnegg prevention that prevents guests from using the spawneggs
- added the french translation (fr), thanks to Jamesst20 and Faithcaio!
- added a global config option to disable punishments, defaults to true (enabled)
- changed the monster prevention to be filterable
- changed the door prevention to be filterable
- changed the vehicle prevention to be more configurable
- changed the fight prevention to be more configurable
- changed the dropitem punishment to have a configurable pickup delay
- changed the default filter settings of the item prevention
- added fully per-prevention configurable punishments
- fixed the placeblock and breakblock preventions
- many internal improvements
- the move prevention now uses a square around the spawn
- also improved move's performance and border handling
- improved overall performance
- integrated disableall and enableall into disable and enable (use * as the prevention name)
- fixed disabling preventions via command
- added temporary enabling/disabling
- add 6 new commands
- enableall - enables all preventions
- disableall - disables all preventions
- setmessage - sets the message of a prevention
- language - changes the language
- reset - resets all configurations
- badword - adds a badword to the swear prevention
- enabled some preventions by default
- improved all inventory related preventions
- fixed the breakblock preventions to prevent taking out fire
- added translation (languages: en, de)
- added a converter (old config.yml => prevention configs)
- added CraftBukkitUpToDate support
- fixed color parsing (this may break 1.1 compatibility)
- added a swear prevention
- throttled the messages for fire related damage causes and void damage
- fixed filtering of the damage prevention
- made breakblock and placeblock filterable
- made the item prevention ignore blocks (item ID <= 256)
- fixed enabling preventions that are disabled in the config
- made the commands case-insensitive
- removed 1.1-R4 compatibility code
- splitted the huge configuration into small prevent configurations
- the enable and disable commands save the prevention's state to its config
- added a parameter to the reload command to be able to reload specific preventions
- fixed and improved the spam prevention
- Partially supports 1.1-R4
- incompatible preventions will fail to load
- unloading preventions (eg on plugin reload) will print error messages, this should be avoided
- improved some preventions
- item: prevents non-block interactions now
- damage: can prevent splash potion effects
- command: trims the list items
- improved performance of filtered preventions using the none-mode
- fixed chests pseudo opening by also preventing the interaction
- fixed a possible NPE
- completely rewritten
- depends now on Bukkit 1.1-R5 !
- dynamic default configuration generation
- permissions reworked
- dynamic permission registration
- permissions are all lowercased
- prevention permissions are: antiguest.preventions.<preventionname\>
- command permissions are: antiguest.commands.<command\>
- added a API for other plugins (currently undocumented)
- plugin is reloadable now
- added filtered preventions (item, pickup, drop and enchant)
- added a bow prevention (shooting the bow)
- added a tame prevention
- added a changesign prevention
- added a shear prevention
- added a afk prevention
- added a damage prevention
- added a milking prevention
- changed following preventions to use the new inventory API: chest, furnace, enchant, dispenser, brew, workbench
- changed the hunger prevention to prevent the hunger value from changing
- renamed the pvp prevention to fight
- added commands /antiguest <command\> (alias: /ag <command\>)
- commands: help, list, can, reload, debug
- split bukkit into waterbucket and lavabucket
- added additional lowercase permission check
- added noteblock prevention
- added jukebox prevention
- disabled move prevention (buggy)
- disabled sneak prevention (buggy, seems to be a CraftBukkit bug)
- fixed JDK 1.5 compatibility
- switched to the new Configuration API
- added 1.0 stuff (enchanting and brewing)
- added repeater change prevention
- some improvements, more to come
- Added the burning furnace to the furnace prevention
- Added a hunger prevetion
- Added a sneak prevetion
- Added a sprint prevention
- Added a move prevention
- Added the fence gate to the door prevention
- Changed the vehicle prevention to check place-/breakblock and/or vehicle
- Added complete chat prevention
- Added cake prevention
- Fixed vehicle prevention to include powered minecarts
- Fixed breaking vehicles
- Fixed a typo in the permissions
- Added dispenser prevention
- removed useless config entry of inventory prevention, because it's impossible
- new preventions will be automaticly added to the config (no deleting needed)
- Splitted the interact prevention into lever, button, pressureplate, door (including trap doors), chest, workbench, furnace and monster
- Added bed prevention
- Added item drop prevention
- Added bucket prevention
- Added fishing prevention
- Added a config entry to enable or disable the debug mode
- Changed the configuratiuon file a bit (You should delete your old file)
- Fixed PAINTING_BREAK checking the wrong permission if only the interaction check was enabled
- Made the chat lock for spamming configurable (in seconds)
- OPs can now always do everything
- fixed block place checking for the wrong permission
- Fixed the painting break event not being registered when only the build prevention was enabled
- Added SuperPerms support, Permissions is now optional
- Split interaction into interaction and vehicles (minecarts, boats)
- interaction also prevents mobs from targeting guests
- Added spam prevention
- enabled pickup prevention again
- Initial release