2.0.1 (2022-05-03)
- deps: update dependencies (7173260), closes #273 #274 #275 #276 #277 #278
- upgrade dependencies (5df130a)
2.0.0 (2022-04-14)
- release: framework v4.
- word cloud (099ded4)
- vis: move data out of the production to speed up the building process (0e6a8d6)
- release: bump major version number (6131366)
1.2.2 (2022-04-13)
- upgrade Gatsby to v4 (d58d984)
- replace actions for npm cache (fef4538)
1.2.1 (2022-04-13)
- initial edit to statistical testing (336147c)
- initial edit to statistical testing (03ec872)
- learning-path: statistical part 4 (b3b3bca)
- ant-design chart visualisation canvas issue (73ad9d6)
- change end of line to LF [skip ci] (8f60faf)
- ResizeObserver is not defined error (9b57205), closes #259
- deps: bump actions/checkout from 2 to 3 (8951b22)
- update dependencies (84d56c9)
- deps: update dependencies (6aa570b)
- upgrade to React 18 (df6b56d)
- change runner [skip ci] (ded3c4a)
- fix ci cache error (ae200ad)
- fix script execution (d216e03)
- actions: move to windows-2019 for consistency (b145e47)
- upgrade cache version (0c241e0)
- use actions-gh-pages [skip ci] (2ccf254)
- live: use actions (453f244)
1.2.0 (2022-02-23)
- dependencies: add cssnano to minify css bundle (e32cd98)
- dependencies: add gatsby-purge-css (e5c6504)
- dependencies: migrate tailwindcss from v2 to v3 (465b263), closes #236
- blog: adjust margin and font size of headings (6ae004b)
- learning-path: add glueviz and paraview to learning paths (8aedf0b)
- reveal changelog page (df149f2)
- rollback to windows-2019 instead of using the latest 2022 (e3859b9)
1.1.1 (2022-02-18)
1.1.0 (2022-02-01)
- remove post-deploy test to avoid disruption to GA (99b2017)
- config: exclude json files from the source nodes stage" (20f5bc1)
- limit number of content in the development env (e3fe7e8)
- resolve package-lock.json file error (057b3dc)
- new-visualisation: F-UJI assessment results (1ebfc29)
- new-visualisation: Why Garden? Attitudes and the perceived health benefits of home gardening (e7e6426)
1.0.2 (2022-01-20)
- blog: wait for navigation (b6899c5)
- add de-duplicate steps in workflows (fe69d7d)
- chore commit type will no longer trigger a new release (a1a2e5a)
- include post-deploy e2e checks in the deploy workflow (40ccb6a)
- skip same content runs (400ecf6)
1.0.1 (2022-01-20)
- attempt to fix the problem that unable to push to protected branches (737a5b5)
- update framework to v3.9.1
- add description for flowchart (54dee89)
- download visualisation as png or svg (76688a5)
- modify github actions and scripts (4876b63)
- visualisation tag menu size (9580f5e)
- ways to embed visualisation (2a38a32)
- add docs for testing and GitHub Actions (80d8d3f)
- add guidelines for contribute visualisation (52d0426)
- add intro blog post for visualisation page (bf1e021)
- add two new visualisations (2131485)
- blog posts grammar checks (#102) (375b6f2), closes #101
- correct png download path for visualisation (8d7edf9)
- edit visualisation items with correct embed code (c7b1262)
- fix missing images in contribute visualisation docs (a404f48)
- Grammarpolice2 (#101) (8631e69)
- Statistical modelling - Part 3 (e538dfc)
- visualisation property typo (4258025)
- accessibility issues (46a7065)
- accessibility issues for visualisations (c2a2c60)
- cannot query event thumbnail (d8abb83)
- css styling error (345e02e)
- header text for the visualisation page (484bf99)
- hide visualisation download & embed icons (b623584)
- katex style not found issue (8e4a1e4)
- learning path left and right arrows (e73d365)
- learning path sliding animation (d5df1a5)
- missing legend title for visualisation map (15d556a)
- missing slash in the visualisation download link (a2dd95d)
- path prefix for QA (cd3f726)
- reference dependency functions in module (c11e4d0)
- thumbail for the event page (b907a86)
- twitter card not rendering due to extra slash in the url (e65ae9f)
- update new snapshot for search results (dbf782d)
- update package.json version number (0c38972)
- visualisation download link missing a slash (#100) (19f7cbe)
- visualisation responsive problem (fb0e5a1)
- visualisation tag sorting error (659d125)
- visualisation thumbnail and styles (3177c06)
- add configuration files for QA and LIVE environment (9892c72)
- add e2e tests for blog and visualisation pages (#168) (48bf97e)
- fix blog button url (ac89fea)
- fix navigation between blog pages (52ca11c)
- fix timezone (11344b9)
- fix timezone test (801ed9a)
- prepare post-deploy test scripts (07f5be2)
- remove extra slash (790174d)
- remove Webkit (1c3583f)
- rename test extensions (9c2e25b)
- update header snapshot (a53c2a9)
- add embed visualisation function (d7d847a)
- add full visualisation cat&tag menu (1680419)
- add go back button for visualisation item (f7ab3f7)
- add support for twitter card (aecd8e3)
- add the changelog page and the markdown file (87542e5)
- complete visualisation tag menu (8457be6)
- redesign search results (aeef90d)
- statistical test flow chart (#106) (d2ea672)
- word cloud for visualisation page (b97ef90)
- add semantic-release package to the codebase (b1a1ff0)
- add semantic-version package [skip ci] (21b1267)
- change version (75ca6e6)
- remove post-deploy workflow (69dd42c)
- update dependencies (31f14bd)
- update dependencies (#173) (757bd30)
- upgrade package dependencies (c14650b)
- add node option to deploy workflow (1cd5c5a)
- add npm cache for workflows (ff5f39b)
- change host runner for deployment (122d451)
- correct cache version to v2 (9d391f8)
- deploy new changes to the QA site (#159) (ff148c9)
- fix git error (a1e771b)
- fix scripts (917b20e)
- fix scripts (2) (1d7fa33)
- fix scripts (3) (708aac4)
- include semantic-release stage in the Deploy workflow (2a26c49)
- increase node memory (67ae2ef)
- move the test workflow into a seperate file (e2ab118)
- remove CNAME on QA deployment (56aa7e2)
- remove update snapshot option (c0b23b6)
- replace GITHUB_TOKEN (85810ec)
- replace ubuntu with windows for consistent snapshots (31c1d1d)
- test husky hook (863c355)
- add InfoVis visualisation page (#196)
- add links to the visualisation page (#199)
- Introduce the visualisation page (0c38972)
📝 Documentation
- Fix blog posts typos (93c8423)
- re-design search results (f5aa86c)
📝 Documentation
- docs: add intro blog post for visualisation page (bf1e02)
- Visualisation: marine fishes near extinction (1d4001)
- ParaView blog post (dd1dc2)
- build: change ubuntu to windows in github actions (#173)
- build: update dependencies (#173)
- build: replace babel/core by @babel/core. Use babel-gatsby-preset to speed up production build (#173)
- ci: update script (#173)
- test: increase timeout for navigation (#173)
- test: add image snapshot #171
Extend timeout limit. Add tests for blog and blog posts.
- test: fix parallel performance issue
Ignore e2e tests for Firefox. Ignore main.e2e.js. Remove reset functions in each test file.
test: test shorter blog post
test: detach blog navigation from blog post tests
Merged by pull request #162
- visualisation: Improve rick cooking
- vis: initial layout and set up
- vis: complete visualisation
- fix: shorten text function handle empty string
Merged by pull request #159
ci: add script for deploy new commits to QA Merge test script into CI.
ci: remove test workflow
ci: fix serve script