If nobody has said this already, thank you for your desire to contribute to Scribe DAO! This document's main purpose will be help you to start contributing to the DAO as quickly as possible. While this document will be focused on contributions of the technical type using Git, anyone can hop into our discord at any time to look for ways to get involved. We hope to see you there!
To start, we keep an up-to-date backlog of all features/bugs/improvements on our issues tab. You can take a look there and see which of the open issues interests you the most. If you check out the issue, and you're interested in taking it on, leave a comment and claim your turf! Someone in the DAO will come along and assign it to you officially shortly thereafter.
Following this, you're going to want to fork the main repo to one of your own.
Once you have the project forked, you would then checkout a branch off your local
copy of the project via git checkout -b your_branch_name
per issue you pick
up. You can name the branch what you want but be sure to give it some context
around the issue you're working on.
When you feel that your work is completed, or you that you're properly STUCK-- reach out to some of the other DAO members for a code review or P2P coding session. People will be happy to assist!
GitHub Issues are the primary way we discuss ideas and plans for future work for the DAO website. Navigate to our issue creation page to submit a bug, potential feature, or anything else!
When you have made your required code changes, please be sure to include a number of tests that put your work through its paces. We don't want any bugs on our DAO's PROD site, so be sure to take testing seriously!
Documents like these are always changing. If you see things that are out of date-- on this document or any other, create an issue so that the team is aware, or take care of it yourself by forking the repo and submitting a pull request once it has been fixed!
We currently do not have any documentation regarding contributions that can be made through translations-- but if you are fluent in another language, or have experience overseeing translations, bring it up in the Discord and we can create documentation to guide users in contributing to this effort as well.